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Would tend to agree.

Any thoughts on the recent and first ever US Air Force release of two UFO videos?

(They called them UFO videos not me)

Also, could it be possible they are 'softening' the public up for some type of major announcement coming oh..let's say within the next 5 years ? :hump:
Got links?
If we have been contacted by aliens, I sincerely hope we aren't at war with them.

The primitive culture never prevails.
My thoughts on mufon: If they're not a puppet government agency (and/or some world government agency) then they're at the very least closely monitored by such agencies.

But they're kinda like Terrapin (the only game in town), and I felt folks should have a chance to see that picture too.
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My thoughts on mufon: If they're not a puppet government agency (and/or some world government agency) then they're at the very least closely monitored by such agencies.

But they're kinda like Terrapin (the only game in town), and I felt folks should have a chance to see that picture too.

they've seen stuff (from in space) going as far back as moon landing. we saw something here in sofla a few years back had the shape of an arrow (stealth), no noise and over a lake next to my house. which is literally next to florida everglades.

best close-up i could find..this one is from 2015 but they come here quite regularly..the ones we saw were on halloween 2014 or 2013?

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.. shape of an arrow? :arrow:

Have you heard of the trb3?

and how come trumpty dumpty doesn't have one?

the one my daughter saw up close and personal was shaped just like that except it had some body just like the arrow you posted. I made her draw a pic while memory was clear. she was so stunned she couldn't even think of getting her camera out which since it's glued to her hand was a remarkable feat in and of itself.

i love smart conspiracy theory and phenomenon and love to bust them through fact..there's some things though that can't be explained as of yet.

is there another dimension(s)? how do we get paranormal EVPs? time travel? through folding space.
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Im pretty big on this subject.. At one point and time i would say it was for the crazies and dismiss it all... But as i got older and started studying space and doing diff research on things i became a strong believer... Of what exactly im not sure... How all of my thoughts really got started was late one night i was actually walking out the road at my house to spotlight a deer in a field.... We wanted some tenderloin and some jerky so judge me if u want... But i happned to hear a jet above me... And it was very very clear this night... I looked up at the jet and saw the lights on it blinking... I then seen a light behind it sorta following it.. Or so i thought just at first glance... I thought , fuck that's crazy to close to that jet.. Wtf... Then i realized it was a soild orange round light.. No blinking... So i kept looking... It was about 3 4 sec later and it kinda shot off to the right of the jet.. No im stunned.. So i watch.. Trying to make sense of what in looking at... Then as god as my witness it started going in half circles.. Then full circles.. Then caught back up to the jet and went around it 2 times... I was literally thinking of anything to calm me down.. But i couldn't put anything that would make sense.... After a few more seconds it went way off..much faster than the jet.. To the east.. The jet was going south.... I went back home.. Not saying anything.. And i looked it up on the internet to try and find anything.. And what i found was cases if orange and red orbes that act similar ...i wanted to call in to an air port or even the military and give them the candidates of about where it was to check.. Or try to somehow get in contact w the jet pilot.. It still bothers me to this day... I have a very huge lack of trust of gov... And i see hidden motives to everything just beacause if how they have done the public in so many situations.. I belive a lot of ufos are gov crafts... I also believe not all are.. I belive any higer intelligence would want to study anything.. Why not.. Knowledge is power right... And as many lifes that sre out there.. Now we are talking huge numbers.. And as long as earth has been here.. I see a very high chance of them coming here.... I don't want to get to muvh into what i believe.. But the earth being flat is not one of them... I get a little dep w things when i see motive and evidence of some kind.. But that one is beyond me.. Im not putting anyone down for kt.. But they also should call ppl blind and dumb cause they dont believe what they do either
No tr3bs or saucers for me.. I wish i would but i only seen this orb... I have only told my x gf and now ppl on here but i dont know yall and u dont know me so it doesnt count really lol.... I just dont see why a confidential gov craft would lf been doing that shit.. Especially in the aroind here.. No bases for a long ass way
so a race advanced enough to have intergalactic travel came here, and allowed themselves to be seen by an aircraft that can't do 1/10th of one percent of their speed? they're that advanced and they don't have radar to tell them when someone is getting close to them? and all they did was fly in a circle for the air force guys to film?
don't believe it. won't till one of the little fuckers gets out of a ship and tells us why they're here.
so a race advanced enough to have intergalactic travel came here, and allowed themselves to be seen by an aircraft that can't do 1/10th of one percent of their speed? they're that advanced and they don't have radar to tell them when someone is getting close to them? and all they did was fly in a circle for the air force guys to film?
don't believe it. won't till one of the little fuckers gets out of a ship and tells us why they're here.
I think they would and do make themselves able to be seen... And idk if u were speaking to me exactly... But i said the orb i personally seen was flying around the jet.. It looked ad if it intended to... I mean i had complete thought that it knew the jet was there.. 100%..idk if it was et.. Idk if it was a gov craft.. Idk if it was a hologram protected out of the jet.. I have no way of knowing.. I know what i seen.. And it shook me.. Everyone thinkd they want to see something like that.. But when it happens yore left in a very strange state forever... I mean it mighta not been so bad if i weren't alone and i had someone else to share it with... But it had me fucked up man.. Every since then i constantly look at the sky's... I wonder what it was.. Iv almost talked myself out of not believing what i saw cause i kept it to myself for a long time and kept saying over snf over i must of been really tired.. Or it was a laser.. Or wtfe i could.. But at the core inside me i knew i seen it.. Iv almost made myself think it was a dream even.. Trying to fool myself.. I personally think we have had multiple civilizations on this planet before our current one.. Or something of the sort.. And they either died off due to a catastrophe or they knew one was coning and they were advanced enough to leave here.. Just a theory
.i mean we have beem here.. Well the planet anyways foe 4.5 billion yrs... A lot of chances arise in those kinda numbers.. And as vast and infinite as the universe is i dont rule out the probability of ANYTHING... O mean when u have those kinda figures just think of the possibilities... We cant even grasp the size of what we are talking here.. Our minds just cant process it... And i think the probability of a carbon based.. Or even other.. Lifeform stopping on a planet that has many natural resources and an abundance of life and water are pretty good ..and i think groups or the gov knows this and has information on it
because we're centrally located?
we're nowhere, on the way to nowhere, with nothing of note. anything that can be found on our planet can be found elsewhere, closer to anything else than us. the only thing unique on our planet is us, and i'm pretty sure that's not a positive thing at the moment. maybe in another thousand years or so.

so, would you set up an outpost to observe poo flinging monkeys? in a place that's out of the way to just about everything else in the universe? why? there's SO MUCH out there to look at, find, experience, and we, in our arrogance, think we can compete with the glories of the galaxy? no one wants to watch us, we suck
because we're centrally located?
View attachment 4113236
we're nowhere, on the way to nowhere, with nothing of note. anything that can be found on our planet can be found elsewhere, closer to anything else than us. the only thing unique on our planet is us, and i'm pretty sure that's not a positive thing at the moment. maybe in another thousand years or so.

so, would you set up an outpost to observe poo flinging monkeys? in a place that's out of the way to just about everything else in the universe? why? there's SO MUCH out there to look at, find, experience, and we, in our arrogance, think we can compete with the glories of the galaxy? no one wants to watch us, we suck
First of all i claimed noting about being the center of anything... Or anything involving our location... And using your argument against you.. How do you know we aren't around anything of use.. A group of peoples or what have u that have those capabilities will have a lot of uses for things we have absolutely no idea about.. A near by planet or even our own may bw loaded w it... And once again it comes down to numbers and another fact.. Even if we were just tossin shit at one another that is more than enough reason to study something... I mean look at what our own scientists study here.. Insane crazy shit that makes a person go.. Wtf.. But tgey have a reason.. They want to learn about things to document the activity they produce or reactions that come from whatever it may be they are studying... And im positive if a civilization has conquered space travel that civilization would send crafts.. unmanned or occupied, by their leards of for own personal gain, to study every planet they can.. And to return to see how fast or different the race or races have evolved.. Just think if we could watch for 1000s of years how thinhs evolve.. That is one of the biggest mysteries to man in some case here on earth.. So u really woulnt think other advanced peoples would want to study and learn about that.. And like i said.. Our own scientists have no idea about close plantets in the sesne of what they actually contain.. So you cant say u know that we have no or very little value to anything worth gathering or studying... I mean high chances arw we arent the best spot to study in the universe ya know.. But that isnt the point.. They.. And we.. Want to learn everything we can about everything... Thays how scientific breakthroughs are made.. Things that change humanity
And as for our habits.. Maybe they find us sickly fascinating because of the killing of ine another over nothing or money and geeed.. How an entire population can be dumb to the truth if whate really happening around them.. How we wage wars and try to justify them when bith sides usually are just as guilty as the other.. Just to name a few.. I mean changes are they or w.e have greed and power struggles.. Or maybe they have advanced way past those points and they like to study how they use to be when observing us
know what happens to animals at the end of studies? they get dissected.....
Lolololol.. Hey man.. That's a possibility too i guess.. Fuck we might be their slaves and not even know.... But seriously.. Can u not see a shread of sense in my statements... I mean this is saying "they " or them have actually been by our part if the galaxy and found kinds if advance life or really not even that.. Just studying planets
what you're saying is possible. i don't know anything for certain, we may be the most popular show in the universe. i just doubt it all very highly. i think it's much more likely that if any intelligent life has stumbled across us, they looked, then moved on. i don't see how we can be even close to as entertaining as the rest of the universe.
i believe that it's human arrogance to think the rest of the galaxy even knows we exist. why would they give a shit about us? why do we keep assigning human emotions and motives to alien life? why would they have the same needs, desires, or goals we do? why would they have the same motives we have? why would they have anything more in common with us than we have with zoo animals?
so a race advanced enough to have intergalactic travel came here, and allowed themselves to be seen by an aircraft that can't do 1/10th of one percent of their speed? they're that advanced and they don't have radar to tell them when someone is getting close to them? and all they did was fly in a circle for the air force guys to film?
don't believe it. won't till one of the little fuckers gets out of a ship and tells us why they're here.

Well, I see how you and most others categorized these entities as the first problem, originating from what many assume they are. I would caution that this may not be a correct assumption.
LOL well that's the question isn't it..!:mrgreen: Sorry my friend but that's as deep as I go, everyone will have to figure this out on their own because just telling people doesn't do anything to persuade.

But the older I get the more I realize that very few things are what they seem, or what we've been told they are. I would only suggest keeping an open mind to all possibilities.
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