Can I Do Intake or Out Take Fan, Do I Have To Do Both?


Hi I have a very limited space, I have a gorilla 2x2.5 tent that is 5'7 feet in height but as for the sides they are right up against the walls so I can't do anything with that. Alright, but the top has a vent for an intake/out take fan so I was thinking to do an out take fan there would probably not be good since it blows upwards into the ceiling which has a wooden panel that opens for an attic space and it is opened just a bit. I did not want to mess with it and close it because I am in an apartment. So I figure if I could maybe just use an intake fan instead it may be better for me as it would help a little to keep the odor down just a bit instead of inadvertently blowing it into the attic.

I can't do advanced stuff like humidifier/heaters/coolers exhaust system etc.. I just don't have the space for that stuff.

Can you guys/gals recommend a good but low cost intake fan?

I am kind of wondering if I even require this since I will be running LED lights?

I will have a 7 inch oscillating fan that will be clipped on o my grow tent ceiling bar. Would that be good enough?

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You cant just run with an intake.
You can run with just an extraction. Most people do as there is no need for intake for most folks.

You have your perception of the situation backward. If you run with just intake you will force smelly air all over in an uncontrolled manor and your whole place will reek. You will also have no way of removing the heat.
You want a good extraction fan and a good carbon filter. The fan can be anywhere as long as the filter is at the top of the tent. Passive intake is fine.
ok shit, thanks yeah that would not be good, Thanks Corey, ok I am just wondering if would really require it because I am using led lights.. do you think I would really need it? So far I have a 600watt led that is pulling 276 actual watts from the wall but wanted to add another unit that would be pulling an additional 138 watts from the wall that all that I would have besides a small 7 inch fan. It's may seem like a lot for my 2x2.5 tent so I am hoping this would be ok as far as heat goes?
ok shit, thanks yeah that would not be good, Thanks Corey, ok I am just wondering if would really require it because I am using led lights.. do you think I would really need it? So far I have a 600watt led that is pulling 276 actual watts from the wall but wanted to add another unit that would be pulling an additional 138 watts from the wall that all that I would have besides a small 7 inch fan. It's may seem like a lot for my 2x2.5 tent so I am hoping this would be ok as far as heat goes?

It doesn't matter if you use LED or HID or anything else, there will be heat to remove. So yes you will need it. Not only for heat removal but also to exchange air which is how we maintain good co2 levels which is vital to growing.
As far as heat goes watts are watts. Light turns to heat.. LEDs just don't product IR heat like HPS does but that's a whole other topic.
2x2 is a small space and the height isn't huge, the smaller the space the easier it will heat up. I would be testing out your first light before buying another. I would be surprised if you could even physically fit two LEDs in a 2x2 to be honest.

What you want is an 4" inline fan. There are many on the market but brand names will differ and I'm in the UK so pointless me naming any. 4" will be more than enough but you cant get smaller than 4" I'm afraid. You may be able to pick up a second hand one and any money you save on that I would suggest putting toward a good quality filter. Rhino, mountain air, phresh , something like that.