Advaita/Hinduism is a method, one you are projecting your false interpretations onto. So is Shamanism. Check that shit out!Science is a method.
It involves testing, and attempting to falsify findings before claiming truth. What tests have you, or anyone, done to verify that DMT or ayahuasca trips are based in reality?
Don’t worry, I know. It shows. You can’t even do your own research, apparently. You clearly want me to tell you everything about everything.
You sound highly intelligent. For a 12-year-old.Holy fuck, that shit is about as scientific as using my ballsack to tell the future.
Hinduism is strongly scientific. It’s the basis for many sciences, but particularly Psychology, Medicine, and Astrophysics. Google it. Because that’s why I’m calling you ignorant. You have no idea what you are talking about, and you have proven it.Advaita Vedanta (IAST, Advaita Vedānta; Sanskrit: अद्वैत वेदान्त, literally, not-two), originally known as Puruṣavāda, is a school ofHindu philosophy and religious practice, and one of the classic Indian paths to spiritual realization.
^^ Not science.
Complete nonsense.
Not related, just curious if you are familiar with the double slit experiment and what you think of the interpretations of the results?Complete nonsense.
If you try hard enough you can rationalize anything. Hinuism (lol) is not science.
So, he speculated about atoms....
He used exactly zero science. If I make guesses about things, chances are a few of them will be right. What exactly do you think this proves?
Still undecided, no one knowsno where. you're just...gone.
Why do you believe the year 2200 will be any different than 1800? Honest question.with all due respect, you don't know where she is, you only know where she isn't.
why assume she's gone forever? maybe she is waiting for you, none of us has ever been to the other side, so none of us has any idea whats there.