Ann Coulter

big buddy

Active Member
Having seen references to ann coulter on this site and not knowing who she was i decided to do some investigating(lazy google style). to say i was shocked would be a huge understatement, this woman is completely deluded, i literally think she has learning dificulties, which made me wonder, do people in the usa actually think she is credible? i believe if you give someone enough rope they will hang themselves but this bitch has more lives than a truck full of cats! I'd love to hear some american opinions on this subject- what? where? and who the fuck is ann coulter?
thank you
i'd like your opinion on this. is she generally a laughing stock? is she taken seriously? if so who by?
can i have your opinion on american society in 2006, changes, beliefs, recent debates? im trying to take more interest in american politics as the politcal system in northern ireland is still in deadlock, and im bored with british and european.
can i have your opinion on american society in 2006, changes, beliefs, recent debates?

Can we take them one at at time?

On Ann Coulter ... There is no one on the Right who drives those on the Left to madness more than Ann Coulter. What she does is not unlike a good comedian, in that, she exaggerates the truth. If you look at her (read her) with that in mind, and if your politics come from the Right, you'll see that her points are well taken. Exaggerated no doubt, but well taken. Those on the Left are known quite well for their complete lack of of humor, so its not suprising that they think she spews acid. As far a those who point out the hypocricy of the Left ... there is none better than Ann Coulter.

She sounds comical.

I've been keeping up a little with the American elections, and to be honest the whole thing seems comical. With sides prefering to slander each other rather than telling you what they intend to do. Also the depths either party will stoop to gain votes... I'm surprised Arnie isn't up for president... I honestly believe he could win.
The reason Arnie can’t run is because US law says that someone of foreign birth can not be president.
Of course that did not apply to George Washington.
Ah, I see. Well what about the equally incoherant Sylvester Stallone? "Don't Push Me" could be his slogan for the war on terror.
hmmmm... i suppose the problem i have is that she isnt actually a comedian, that some misguided people may believe her, i cant see anything funny about her telling a vietnam war vet - "its the fault of people like you that we lost that war". the more i read about her the more disgusted i am.
saying the left wing has no sense of humour is quite a strange assumption to make, most political satire shows get their material from the lunacy of the right, especially gwb. there's no doubt about it that the right in america is a laughing stock to europe and the rest of the world. since you think its the right that have the sense of humour can you name some right wing comedians?
Well, I'm far from the right but the only one that comes to mind is Dennis Miller and he is not funny, He attacked Nancy Pelosi On Fox News the other day and was trying to be funny, I think he bombed bad. (Nancy Pelosi will be the next speaker of the house when the Democrats take over) 2nd in succession to the president, the scenario that scares the shit out of the Republicans as if the Democrats Impeach Bush and Cheney, she would be President, A joyful day in Democratland! She would recall the troops and let the Iraqis fend for themselves, I'm pretty sure the violence would slow down and probably stop, and if it didn't well then so be it!
Fox News> Figures!

Again, you have nothing of substance to say. All you do is attack the messenger. Could it be that the news sources to which you subscribe are so slanted that they DON'T list conservative comedians? Naw ... couldn't be that, now could it Med? *lol*

Vi you should try and watch something else besides Faux News, Aka the Right Wing Truman Show. You may learn that the world isn't as you think.

UmmHmmm ...

You mean like the fair and balanced CNN?

Damn Dank ... don't make me laugh, my lips are chapped!

Vi My cousin is retiring today from the Air Force as a Master Sargent. He will tell you that CNN come a whole lot closer to the truth..
But I don't only rely of CNN. I also watch the Right Wing Truman Show, and I also watch LinkTV Dish Network 9410 and Free Speech TV DN Channel 9415.
You see the latter channels show the news that mainstream News do not air.