run by idiots lol LIVE STREAM

My understanding is (but I could be wrong) our cannabis laws are no longer valid from one year after we withdrew from the UN treaty. As of July 1 there are no penalties for possession or consumption. At least that's the way I'm playing it.

We still have not withdrawn from said treaties.
We have one more reading to go kids.....20 missing could have changed that to the other way around....
We have one more reading to go kids.....20 missing could have changed that to the other way around....
We can hope. We need legalization but not like this.

Someone is going to make a killing in the market figuring out yea is nay is nay is yea ...I think we need the SEC to investigate Trudy and the boys, after all if he can "summon" people and force them to vote "their conscience in the affirmative" (lol) umm.. yeah.

Anyways I predict of course that "money wins" as it almost always does. My question is what big money is sponsoring C-46 legislation? I have a hunch it is private prison money. The Trudy government is going to make prisons private and going to put you in them.

That's what I think and maybe I am strange in peoples eyes. That doesn't make me wrong.
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You're right. For some reason I thought we had....

Honestly I did until recently as well because we should have and technically we were obligated to in order for legalization to not put is in violation. One of the NDP was bringing it up a lot prior to it going to senate but the Liebs just ignored his request for an answer about it.
We are no good treaty defying scum. Basically if you want to be honest about it. We choose what part of the treaty we like. Hmm.