Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

We have had two warm.. By warm i mea. 40s..days in a row here on the east coastish area.. I say im from the east coast but my state isnt on the coast.. The state beside me is.. But i just say ec for a general area... I went hiking the past two days to see how much damage the timber cutters did to a sang spot of mine... As i went up the mtn.. Especially today.. It was blue ass cold... Yesterday all the snow low had melted but after about a 20 min walk i was in snow about 5 inches deep... I was on the wet side of the hill.. The other side was cleared... It rained last night and was warm today... Almost all the snow wqs gone today and the native stream that flows in the valley below the hill im walking literally raised aboit 6 ta 8 in.. Looked perfect to fish too... As i was up in the mtn.. About 3500 4000 ft... Which is high here.. Fog and heavy wind came in.. Very cold wind ..we are supposed to get a few inches of snow.. But id say it will be freezing rain and slush by the way it feels now..
Well i was correct.. At first... Slush and rain foe awhile... I got up at 4am to check if i would have to go plow... Was about an inch deep... I thought.. Hell yes.. I get to sleep.. Had to pee at 6 10 am... Thought id peek.. 6 in and coming hard its off to plow and shovel... The shitty thing is by the time i plow one spot and go to the next.. The first one will be covered again blah
Northern mi.
Weather man said it would be 45°f today,, WRONG!!! It's 31°f today... Partly sunny with maybe a half a mile an hour wind gusts here and there.. even though it's not 45 it's still a nice day.. steelhead should be running soon if not already.. I should go drop a line in the river today..
Tuesday afternoon all my crew {wife and cousins} were gone, so I decided to hike over to the Florida Trail and camp on a nearby river. I checked the forecast, and dressed in what I thought was plenty of cloths. I had a wonderful hike, but once the sun went down, it got cold and windy as hell. I had a rough night. I didn't pitch my tarp down close to the ground like I should have, and I had a summertime sleeping bag. I would get warm, but the wind would kick up and steal all my warmth away.

Last night was colder, but I stayed down at the river camp and used my new thrift store sleeping bag. I was toasty all night.
A cool day today. I worked in the garden, discing, laying off rows and plowing the peas, corn and melons. It was t-shirt with long sleeve shirt over it weather. Jacket when on the tractor.

At 1610 it,s sunny, 64F with 26% humidity. Forecast high/low of 66/42F with no chance of rain tonight. 10 day high/low of 82/42F with 2 days of possible rain.
The sun came out to say high about 2 hrs ago but now tge skys are getting really grey again... I think it hit 40 a lil bit ago but its staring to chill again... The wind is gusting and where the snow is still everywhere its making a shitty chill throughout... You will just feel a little warmth from the sun then the wind blows and chills you to the bone... But the birdies were makin noise and flying around .iv seen my 6th pair of cardinals this year.. Male and female out getting in some corn i have been feeding the deer in the yard... I love when you first hear birds... Always makes me get into a good mood
The sun came out to say high about 2 hrs ago but now tge skys are getting really grey again... I think it hit 40 a lil bit ago but its staring to chill again... The wind is gusting and where the snow is still everywhere its making a shitty chill throughout... You will just feel a little warmth from the sun then the wind blows and chills you to the bone... But the birdies were makin noise and flying around .iv seen my 6th pair of cardinals this year.. Male and female out getting in some corn i have been feeding the deer in the yard... I love when you first hear birds... Always makes me get into a good mood
I love to here robins in the a.m. once you start hearing them you know spring is officially here... Still no a.m. robins,, heared one yesterday evening though...