Little white spots


image.jpg I’m about 5 days out from harvest. I have seen these spots for the last week but today they seem to covering a lot of the leaves down lower on my plant.
I have spent all season keeping whitefly in check with chilli garlic and pyrethrum spray from Bunnings. It seems to keep them away.
Even under a microscope I can’t see any bugs just amber pistils on the underneath.
But the plant is healthy as!

image.jpg image.jpgimage.jpg
Yummee outdoor weed with extra protein.

P.S. I don't think those pots are good as a final pot.
It is fine if you are stepping up to a larger pot or preparing a root plug for planting into soil...
Tha fuck! Spider mites? That’s a bastard. I could see little things there but they were so small. Will neem oil sort that out? I’m going to gave to google bud washing.

And no good on the air pots? I scored them for free a while ago. Should I using a normal pot instead?

So I have read up on bud washing. Baking soda solution- lemon juice solution- dry. (In a nut shell)
I’m worried now. I have to Harvest Sunday as I go away for three weeks. Hopefully they don’t mold
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Ive found a nifty trick you can do with spidermites that close to harvest rather than spraying somthing on your buds. Spider mites migrate to the young, new growth where they can become easily airborne and blown to new hosts. After you harvest the plant leave the plant as whole possibly leaving some root ball on possibly. Because spider mites live on the underside of the leaf when you flip the plant upside down they get disorientated and migrate to the highest point in the plant to rebuild their web. Overnight the majority of them will be in the root ball just chop it off and throw it away. I like to burn them with a lighter. :D
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Alternatively if you had alittle more time order some persimilis to clear them up 36$ for 2000.

Mite predators

Phytoseiulus persimilis feeds on all stages of the two-spotted mites and is the most effective predatory mite in greenhouses. However, it only uses spider mites as a food source; it will starve to death if spider mites are not present. Temperatures of 68˚ F and 75% relative humidity are optimum conditions for this voracious predator

Neoseilus californicus is lower acting than P. persimilis, but can survive longer in the absence of prey by feeding on other plant feeding mites and thrips. These predatory mites may even feed on mold and nectar. N. californicus is active at temperatures between 46 and 90˚ F and relative humidities of 40 to 80%.
i don't know what kind of eggs are on the bottom of that leaf, but you can't see mite eggs with your naked eye, i'm sure they're present, but the ones you can see are more likely thrip eggs, perhaps even something benign, but they ain't mite eggs.

Once you notice spider mites its too late

As to the airpot thing thats just anc's preference:)
How do you permanently get rid of them?

I have been fighting those bastards for a long time now, every time I think I have it licked (haven't found any in a few weeks) Bam within a day or two I will see symptoms (maybe not but it sure feels that way). I have neemed, mighty mited, I haven't went the chemical route, lady bugs but they still always seem to come back once I think I have them licked.

I need some advice I forget what it was like having a pest free garden. The first time I found them I ripped everything out, (2 weeks from harvest) and destroyed everything. At least now I don't go all Rambo but still they are so depressing.
the key is repetition, you can use neem oil, spinosad, pyrethins, lots of stuff, but most of it is only effective for one or maybe two days....mite eggs get laid daily as soon as they're able, and take 2-5 days to hatch, depending on conditions. you have to spray at least three times, three days apart. i prefer five times, three days apart, then i know i got all the little bastards.
How do you permanently get rid of them?

I have been fighting those bastards for a long time now, every time I think I have it licked (haven't found any in a few weeks) Bam within a day or two I will see symptoms (maybe not but it sure feels that way). I have neemed, mighty mited, I haven't went the chemical route, lady bugs but they still always seem to come back once I think I have them licked.

I need some advice I forget what it was like having a pest free garden. The first time I found them I ripped everything out, (2 weeks from harvest) and destroyed everything. At least now I don't go all Rambo but still they are so depressing.
The best cure CURE i have found is to dessicate (dry) them to death

If the infestation is real bad i hit the plants with 50/50 90%alcohol and water with a few drops of dish soap this WILL burn some leaves but who cares .
Also spray the room (dont smoke;)) to get any strays
Then i follow up with a 1/4 mix alcohol and water with soap this will NOT burn your plants (didn't on mine at least)

And spray with that mix for a week straight
And they will be gone :)

Very important to spray every day to kill newly emerging hatchlings and missed eggs.

If your plant is able to be dipped
I recommend dipping them to really get them all off.

Just use the same 1/4 mix and fill a bucket high enough to dip the whole plant down to the crown .

Worked for me .... but i never tried with plants in bloom as im sure the alcohol would melt off some crystals :(
The best cure CURE i have found is to dessicate (dry) them to death

If the infestation is real bad i hit the plants with 50/50 90%alcohol and water with a few drops of dish soap this WILL burn some leaves but who cares .
Also spray the room (dont smoke;)) to get any strays
Then i follow up with a 1/4 mix alcohol and water with soap this will NOT burn your plants (didn't on mine at least)

And spray with that mix for a week straight
And they will be gone :)

Very important to spray every day to kill newly emerging hatchlings and missed eggs.

If your plant is able to be dipped
I recommend dipping them to really get them all off.

Just use the same 1/4 mix and fill a bucket high enough to dip the whole plant down to the crown .

Worked for me .... but i never tried with plants in bloom as im sure the alcohol would melt off some crystals :(

Thanks for your answer, I will give it a shot, I mean what do I have to loose. Unfortunately I really can't dip any of my flowering plants as the roots are just too damn big to pull through those little 2" holes :D

When spraying with the alcohol\water\soap mixture (dish detergent? Does brand matter?) Should I have the lights off for an hour or two, I assume that would help reduce the burn affect?

"Also spray the room (don't smoke;)) to get any strays" ?

Light misting? Saturate the walls and ceiling? How about the light fixture any chance of them living on that?

Thanks again for the response!
They could be anywhere in cracks and such but mostly they hang out near the plants
But not a bad ideas to mist the walls

Just dont light a match as it gets pretty fumey and i dont know if alcohol vapor is explosive or not so be safe

Sorry i forgot to mention i spray right when lights are going off :)

I used just plain dawn as others could have bleach stuff in them
Ive found a nifty trick you can do with spidermites that close to harvest rather than spraying somthing on your buds. Spider mites migrate to the young, new growth where they can become easily airborne and blown to new hosts. After you harvest the plant leave the plant as whole possibly leaving some root ball on possibly. Because spider mites live on the underside of the leaf when you flip the plant upside down they get disorientated and migrate to the highest point in the plant to rebuild their web. Overnight the majority of them will be in the root ball just chop it off and throw it away. I like to burn them with a lighter. :D
I would like to try this only they seem to be infecting from the bottom up. And I wonder if they would head down again
Well she came down last night. I did the wash as recommended.
Before harvesting I did a neem spray a few days ago,as I was going to do I wash I thought I might try and hit the little fuckers again. But I either they were that set in or it had very little effect on them.
The wash seemed to go well, only thing is my house does not stink of drying bud this morning. I have had a look at a few of the buds under a microscope and she still seems to be very crystally.
Cheers for the heads up crew!