Sour Wreck
Well-Known Member
i won't be happy until, we as a country, execute cheeto jesus for treason.
pay per view to help pay of the debt !!!!!
pay per view to help pay of the debt !!!!!
i won't be happy until, we as a country, execute cheeto jesus for treason.
pay per view to help pay of the debt !!!!!
I'm pretty sure Bob Mueller, the FBI and all the former intelligence chiefs I've seen on TV feel the same way! Yer only hope is if he suspends the constitution, don't bring it back into effect until ya do some "cruel and unusual punishment". Then you could turn his slow motion execution into a reality TV show rivaling ancient Rome for cruelty! Mitch and Paul could join him as well, before ya hit the constitutional "reset" button. Fuck, ya could even have some fun with Trumper born yesterday "christians" and some lions in a stadium somewhere!
But then it's your fantasy, not mine, I'm Canadian and far too nice for that kind of stuff...![]()
I'm pretty sure Mueller knows about anything worse than what the public does and what we know is shocking! We don't see the underlying drama playing out here, only the surface of things. There promises to be lots of revelations soon though and we are reaching a tipping point, we will soon see which way the wind is gonna blow. I worry what Trump will do when he realises he's fucked and has got not way out, I hope he jumps on airforce one for moscow and leaves the GOP holding the bag!
This quote from the article you posted earlier entitled:
Mueller pens Trump in as he slips restraints elsewhere
"Let's posit for a moment that there is something there ... in which case it is not the stupidest thing in the world to attack Mueller," David Priess, a former senior CIA officer and national security and intelligence author, told CNN's Brooke Baldwin on Monday.
"There may be something much worse out there, in which case this is not a stupid strategy at all. This would be protecting against the worst case scenario," Priess said.
We all do believe that Trump is hiding "something there". It's not at all unreasonable to expect Trump to fire Mueller before very much more time goes by.
Ya really like that concentration camp idea don't ya?at this point i want him to fire mueller so we can separate patriotic republicans from the others(who would then be enemies of state imo...)
it's about time some politicians start paying for their loyalty.
Trumpstool is desperate and afraid. Using the OJ Simpson offensive strategy of attacking the police to distract from the real crime(s). That's what's left for his weak defense. For someone who lies constantly, I'd expect him to be better at it. I'd also expect a level of sophistication in this scheme but he and his pals are utter amateurs. They act like the Keystone Kops, no offense to the Kops.
I'm fighting my natural skepticism in the hope that we will see justice. It's too serious. The bullets aren't flying yet but Civil War II has begun. We'll never be united but we might remain a union.
Trumpstool is desperate and afraid. Using the OJ Simpson offensive strategy of attacking the police to distract from the real crime(s). That's what's left for his weak defense. For someone who lies constantly, I'd expect him to be better at it. I'd also expect a level of sophistication in this scheme but he and his pals are utter amateurs. They act like the Keystone Kops, no offense to the Kops.
I'm fighting my natural skepticism in the hope that we will see justice. It's too serious. The bullets aren't flying yet but Civil War II has begun. We'll never be united but we might remain a union.
You ain't gonna be too popular among yer conservative relatives in the coming months, cause every time they see ya they are gonna be reminded that they were suckers and hornswoggled by a con man. Don't forget to rub their noses in the fact that they backed a traitor, tell em they should be hanging their heads in shame and owe America an apology for being so fucking stupid...well said, i will NEVER accept the beliefs of my retarded conservative brethren. no disrespect meant to retards. conservatives take dumbassedness to a new level. they're fucked in the head and i will play bullet games with those fucktards before i ever accepting their form of government and control.
You ain't gonna be too popular among yer conservative relatives in the coming months, cause every time they see ya they are gonna be reminded that they were suckers and hornswoggled by a con man. Don't forget to rub their noses in the fact that they backed a traitor, tell em they should be hanging their heads in shame and owe America an apology for being so fucking stupid...HAVE FUN BUT WEAR YER BODY ARMOUR!
Depends on how well armed they are, how pissed, how stupid and how much ya razed em!it might be a good time to get fitted for body armour, huh?
He'd better get used to borscht cause he might be eating it if he wants to stay out of jail, I figure he's eager to meet with Putin so he can get his ass to moscow and ask for political asylum. He can whip up the base as a 5th column from there and say he escaped a coup attempt by the corrupt deep state and other such blather. A run for moscow on air force one is a possibility when they are about to impeach, I figure nobody should stop him either.Trump loves Borscht