The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

The Plum Line
This new report on Trump’s state of mind should alarm you
By Greg Sargent March 19 at 9:09 AM

We cannot know for sure why President Trump unleashed a volley of attacks over the weekend on special counsel Robert S. Mueller III. Perhaps he is edging toward an effort to remove him. Or perhaps he is not — the White House last night insisted he isn’t — and is instead merely trying to tar the Mueller probe in the minds of his voters, in preparation for dismissing any Mueller findings of serious misconduct as illegitimate.

But here’s what we do know: Most Republicans failed to seize this occasion to send a clear signal that any effort to remove Mueller will be met with serious consequences.

A new report on Trump’s state of mind from the New York Times underscores why this should worry us a great deal. Relying on numerous people close to Trump, it says he decided to attack Mueller over the advice of his advisers because he “ultimately trusts only his own instincts,” with the result that Trump is “newly emboldened” to “ignore the cautions of those around him.”
Newly Emboldened, Trump Says What He Really Feels

For months, President Trump’s legal advisers implored him to avoid so much as mentioning the name of Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel, in his tweets, and to do nothing to provoke him or suggest his investigation is not proper.

Ignoring that advice over the weekend was the decision of a president who ultimately trusts only his own instincts, and now believes he has settled into the job enough to rely on them rather than the people who advise him.

A dozen people close to Mr. Trump or the White House, including current and former aides and longtime friends, described him as newly emboldened to say what he really feels and to ignore the cautions of those around him.

That self-confidence has led to a series of surprising comments and actions that have pushed the Trump presidency in an ever more tumultuous direction.

Long wary about publicly expressing his belief in the death penalty for drug dealers, he proposed it at a rally in Pennsylvania. “Probably you will have some people that say that’s not nice,” he said.
Newly Emboldened, Trump Says What He Really Feels

For months, President Trump’s legal advisers implored him to avoid so much as mentioning the name of Robert S. Mueller III, the special counsel, in his tweets, and to do nothing to provoke him or suggest his investigation is not proper.

Ignoring that advice over the weekend was the decision of a president who ultimately trusts only his own instincts, and now believes he has settled into the job enough to rely on them rather than the people who advise him.

A dozen people close to Mr. Trump or the White House, including current and former aides and longtime friends, described him as newly emboldened to say what he really feels and to ignore the cautions of those around him.

That self-confidence has led to a series of surprising comments and actions that have pushed the Trump presidency in an ever more tumultuous direction.

Long wary about publicly expressing his belief in the death penalty for drug dealers, he proposed it at a rally in Pennsylvania. “Probably you will have some people that say that’s not nice,” he said.
Noel King talks to Jonah Goldberg, senior editor of National Review, about President Trump breaking his silence over the weekend about special counsel Robert Mueller's Russia influence probe.

Well, I mean, first of all - as we've seen - you know, a lot of Cabinet secretaries are being voted off the island these days, and more may be coming in in the days ahead. There's been reporting that suggests that it's because he no longer feels he needs these people as sort of training wheels or crutches to do the job and that he feels - again, relying on Haberman and a few others - that the mistakes that he's made so far have not been because he relied on his instincts but because he was talked out of relying on his instincts. And so this could be just the sort of Trump-unplugged era that we're entering into.

Trump-unplugged and relying on his instincts. Oh yeah, that's going to go over great in a world he hardly knows anything about.
‘He could get away with it’: CNN panel outlines how Trump can fire Mueller — and face no consequences

Tyler: Trump Will 'Fire Mueller Before He Can Get To Any Tangential Issues'
President Donald Trump calls out the special counsel by name and Trump's attorney calls for an end to Bob Mueller's investigation. Stephanie Ruhle explains what happened.

Maybe he will fire Mueller, but I don't think Mueller is done with Trump and will hammer him before he goes with a grand jury subpoena at least. There is a sense of destiny here with Trump and Mueller that I feel will play out with Trump in jail.
What next, let's look at some possible future headlines?

Ya can't make this shit up, though I'm trying! Why not, if the russians can fuck ya silly why can't Canadians get a grip on yer arse too!:p

Fuck facebook, we're going where the real action is RIU! We're gonna git ya one pothead at a time... Ya see I figure America has more Dopers than Trumpers so we can make a 5th column real quick and get California on side...:eyesmoke:
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Somedays I think America is fucked as I see the disgusting spectacle unfold before me in the media. How much of the population is incapable of apprehending the danger of Donald Trump and treason is beyond me, there's stupid and there's blind, but I guess there's deaf too. These are the dying convulsions of the "white tribe", mass insanity, let's hope it doesn't take America with it. Putin is running America for his own benefit and Trump betrayed the country and is prepared to destroy it to stay out of jail.

But ya know, there are more good people than bad, it might take some time, but the good will triumph. Things appear to be taking a dangerous and confusing turn, the republicans are sending mixed messages to Trump about firing Mueller. They might be trying to suck him into firing Sessions or Rosenstein at the justice department then pounce on him, or roll over and the constitution dies on the spot.

Like I said, we are coming to a high point in the legal landscape soon, where we will be able to look out over into the future. If Trump fires Mueller or dicks around with the DOJ leadership to kill the Mueller probe and the congress sits on it's hands, then you'll wait until the midterms to see justice. Trump will fire Sessions, Rosenstein and Mueller, the question is, will congress do anything about it?

Mueller might pull off a surprise move before then though, he's not helpless, he's got plenty of people to indict before he's fired and probably already has secretly. I have a feeling about Mueller, even if Trump fires him, I think he will be back working for someone else. There's an element of destiny at work here I believe.
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Mueller pens Trump in as he slips restraints elsewhere

(CNN)Robert Mueller has Donald Trump in a box.
So while the President's weekend attacks on the special counsel and his hiring of an aggressive ready-for-primetime lawyer Monday signaled a combative new phase in his defense, Trump was also taking some of the few practical steps at his command that do not risk grave political and legal consequences.

The flamboyant former US Attorney Joseph diGenova, who shares Trump's conspiratorial mindset, will certainly make his new boss feel better when he pops up on television, but he's unlikely to shift the fundamentals of the President's predicament.
Let The Robert Mueller Tweets Begin!
There's no one Trump won't attempt to disparage on Twitter: Robert Mueller... Andrew McCabe... Cher...
Stephen Analyticizes Cambridge Analytica
Data firm Cambridge Analytica exploited Facebook to gather information of millions of potential voters. Oh, and prostitutes!

So, Steve Bannon ran Cambridge Analytica, the Mercers own it and they worked with Trump during the election. The data they used ended up being given to a russian "academic"... Here's a few folks who might end up in jail.
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In case ya wanna know more here is a video, provided you have the patience to listen to "round about Rachel".

Cambridge Analytica Scandal Rocks Already Rattled President Trump World | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

As Donald Trump's lawyers are desperately trying to protect him from a Robert Mueller interview and the top level firings keep piling up, Rachel Maddow looks at a whole new arena of scandal for the Trump team.

This is explosive and right up Mueller's road to Trump. It also involves the UK (Brexit) and is outside Trump's control. Mueller is gonna wanna talk to the Wiley guy with the red hair, bet he can provide a lot of additional leads, he's got paper and electronic records too.

Like I said, over a thousand assholes will go to jail before it's done, I hope the Mercers and Steve Bannon are among them...
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There is an old Chinese curse, "May you live in interesting times". Well, are you living in interesting times? Like it?
Think yer grand daddy liked WWII?;) Suck it in and soak it up, cause yer gonna need to remember what was done to ya. Fight like HELL, because it's the only country you got and ya should resent someone else fucking with it, if ya wanna keep calling yerself free. You are NOT free if Putin has ya by the nuts with one hand, while he's got a knife at yer throat with the other!

The faces and circumstances are different, the soul destroying evil is always the same though. Betrayal always hurts, if it didn't we wouldn't be human.
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