Rapid rooters keep drying out?? HELP PLEASE


ive got 4 seeds started in rapid rooters, they are doing well and have leaves starting but the roots are still really small (smaller then they should be and only one large root) also my rapid rooters keep drying out. Every 2 hours I have to add water to them. They are under 1 small led light (about 100watts) (I have other LED but they are both 650 Watts) and the temp in the grow tent (4X4X7) is 76 to 80. The humidity in the tent is 48 to 55. Over got 2 small fans one and 1 carbon filter and inline fan running (ipower 190cfm and it’s turned on to the LOW setting) what can I do to keep the rapid rooters from drying out?? What am I missing, the rapid rooters are in a tray.


Well-Known Member
If its that dry then i would suggest setting some water in the tray just touching the rooters to help keep it wet for longer just dont let it stangnate :)

You gota remember with those temps fans ect that little rooter is going to dry lighting fast :)

Can you just transfer them to what ever style your going with ?


I don’t think I can transfer yet, the roots are about a half inch from the bottom of the rooters. I don’t have any Rockwool. Does Rockwool hold moister better?


I know I’m missing something, I’ve used voodoo juice to help with the roots. .5ml per in a gallon of water add slowly to keep the rooter wet. My light is 45inch from rooters.


Well-Known Member
Ok so first off becarful checking roots as you can rip them super easy

You most certainly can put the rooter in a rockwool cube or a cup of dirt or coco .

If your going hydro just put it in the system to where water bubbles just BARELY hit it :)


Well-Known Member
Agree with a couple of the statements above get some more water in the tray, the rooter cubes will suck it up from the bottom and put a dome over the tray. In another week none of that will be needed. Good luck!


When I use the dome over the tray the temp goes up to 95 to 100 in less then 15mins (I even tried using solo cups with saran wrap over them same thing happened)
one of the roots has come out the bottom.


At what point should I transfer them to my DWC buckets (also I’ve been running all 4 DWC buckets, it helps raise the humidity.
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated, this is my first hydro grow.


Well-Known Member
I hate domes instant recipe for dampening off in my exp

I dont ever use dome for seedlings olny clones in rockwool


Well-Known Member
At what point should I transfer them to my DWC buckets (also I’ve been running all 4 DWC buckets, it helps raise the humidity.
Any help or suggestions would be appreciated, this is my first hydro grow.
Since you cant keep them wet just put them in now and do like i and rkymtnman told ya :)

I dont like domes though but thats a personal opinion

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
I like domes, but you have to have the opening open after they break the surface.
Then remove the dome once the first true leaves look developed.

Higher temps are fine with high'ish humidity. Remember where they come from...And I saw a post from Cob kits saying LED's can be 10degree warmer than HID due to the lack of IR.


Well-Known Member
Ive sprouted seeds under a gavita at 3.5 feet above.

No light is more powerful then the sun :)
These things do grow outside too lol