The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

Bernstein: Trump determined to shut Mueller down
CNN's Carl Bernstein says that people close to President Trump are saying that he is determined to shut down Robert Mueller's investigation.
Trey Gowdy to Dowd: Act like Trump is innocent
Outgoing Rep. Trey Gowdy bristled at President Donald Trump's attorney John Dowd's calling for the Justice Department to end Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe.

The GOP has been sending messages like this to Trump all weekend on cable news, looks like Donald might impulsively act soon, perhaps this week. It's not like Donald hasn't fucked up like this before.

Maybe that's why the GOP never passed any laws protecting Mueller, they were gonna wait for Trump to fire Mueller and fuck himself in the process with a massacre at the DOJ, the temptation is too much for Donald to resist! He's been warned, not protected from himself, interesting, Donald ain't too good at listening... Sounds like something Mitch McConnell would do, Mitch is a clever cocksucker.
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Maybe it will soon be time for Obama and Hillary to pile on Donald with stinging rebukes and public criticism that is designed to drive him nuts. This will act as a distraction and use up Donald's limited attentional resources, give him less time to focus on Mueller or the russia investigation. Maybe Obama should call him "white trash" and a loser, do a direct Trump style humiliating comparison between them and their presidencies, call him the worst president ever etc. Ya wanna get Donald all wound up and distracted, maybe Obama could take over celebrity apprentice and show the public how a real leader behaves. Hillary can get a rise outta Donald, but Obama, well, let's just say he's something special to Donald, the man he wished he could be, the real thing, not a phony. Donald could never make it to manhood even if he lived to be a thousand.

After all the shit both of them put up with, I think it would be a splendid idea for public service and to have a little fun too. After all, they are only human and nobody can make me believe that they wouldn't enjoy sticking it to Donald, I do (God help me!):lol:
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Maybe it will soon be time for Obama and Hillary to pile on Donald with stinging rebukes and public criticism that is designed to drive him nuts. This will act as a distraction and use up Donald's limited attentional resources, give him less time to focus on Mueller or the russia investigation. Maybe Obama should call him "white trash" and a loser, do a direct Trump style humiliating comparison between them and their presidencies, call him the worst president ever etc. Ya wanna get Donald all wound up and distracted, maybe Obama could take over celebrity apprentice and show the public how a real leader behaves. Hillary can get a rise outta Donald, but Obama, well, let's just say he's something special to Donald, the man he wished he could be, the real thing, not a phony. Donald could never make it to manhood even if he lived to be a thousand.

stormy is bringing him down for America.

We will see where Evangelical fuckheads stand after that truth comes out !!!!!
stormy is bringing him down for America.

We will see where Evangelical fuckheads stand after that truth comes out !!!!!

Jesus Christ! Ya know where they stand, with the Devil of course, I'm an atheist heathen, but I'm more of a christian than evangelicals, they are not christians, but pseudo christians (false christians). Fur fuck sakes most figure Jesus spoke english looked like Kenny Loggins and would own an AR15, Hell most wouldn't even let him into the country! Heal the sick for FREE, fucking middle eastern commie!

I understand you folks call em evangelicals, though up here in Canada we just call em morons...

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Trump escalates attacks on Robert Mueller
President Donald Trump has escalated his attacks on Special Counsel Robert Mueller in the wake of the firing of FBI Director Andrew McCabe. CNN's Brian Stelter leads a panel discussion on the ramifications of the president taking on Mueller.

Trump is sweating bigly! Here we go, I figure this is the week it's gonna come to a head.
Jeff Flake hopes GOP colleagues will defend Mueller
Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) says the firing of former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was a horrible day for democracy in a wide-ranging interview with CNN's Jake Tapper.

Jeff Flake looks concerned, if I'm reading this right, expect some fireworks this week.
Watching Morning Joe this AM, the doings of Donald are of course the topic of discussion, what a clown show this administration is, entertaining, but fucking dangerous. Kinda like playing Russian Roulette with 3 rounds in the revolver, it gets yer attention, but it ain't much fun if ya got a brain and wanna keep it. You guys in the states sure know how to fine tune a national IQ test, how many who figure Donald is still doing a bang up job correlates with the number of certified morons there are in any society. Congratulations America you've just found out how to concentrate all your morons into the GOP, now what? Camps and a final solution for the stupid? What is the purpose of this exercise in moron management?:p THE DONALD KNOWS!
Watching Morning Joe this AM, the doings of Donald are of course the topic of discussion, what a clown show this administration is, entertaining, but fucking dangerous. Kinda like playing Russian Roulette with 3 rounds in the revolver, it gets yer attention, but it ain't much fun if ya got a brain and wanna keep it. You guys in the states sure know how to fine tune a national IQ test, how many who figure Donald is still doing a bang up job correlates with the number of certified morons there are in any society. Congratulations America you've just found out how to concentrate all your morons into the GOP, now what? Camps and a final solution for the stupid? What is the purpose of this exercise in moron management?:p THE DONALD KNOWS!

When he is removed from office, the million moron march (with arms) will concentrate all the mindless in one place. Easy pickins...
Professor sues data company tied to Trump campaign
A New York professor filed a legal claim against a data company that worked for President Donald Trump's campaign in a British court Friday in a case that could shed light on how millions of American voters were targeted online in the run-up to the 2016 election.

This is interesting and will help to provide some insight into Cambridge Anal through the EU courts and regulators about privacy breaches of Americans for the benefit of Trump. Who knows, even the Mercers could go to jail before this is done, now that would be something!

The russians working with Trump, these clowns and the facebook/voting data on a third of the electorate could have swayed the election! Let's see what we appear to have: Tens of millions of dollars funneled through the NRA for the GOP and Trump, large scale detailed voter manipulation in collusion with the russians. The russians were hacking/stealing and releasing democratic emails on the command of the Trump campaign through wikileaks. They were also generating fake news stories in a bullshit factory in St Petersburg russia, to feed to American idiots on facebook that they identified from the CA/facebook data breach. Of course we haven't mentioned anything about Trump and treason here either! There's lots more to this story, books worth in fact and it will provide many books, papers and phd dissertations! Movies, novels and TV shows too!

That's just a small part of the snake pit ya got yerself into America, I'd say it's time to clean house! Toss out the trash and git yerself some class!;)
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When he is removed from office, the million moron march (with arms) will concentrate all the mindless in one place. Easy pickins...
Napalm and cluster munitions are the weapons of choice for such assemblages! Turn em into hamburger and fry em at the same time. Look on the bright side, it would improve the gene pool. :wink:

Forget the tear gas and warning, straight to napalm and the roar of a jet engine would be the only notice! Do it russian style, Vlad would be proud!:eyesmoke: Perhaps it might be best to concentrate them into camps, hey if it worked for Japanese Americans, why not hicks... Of course remedial education and deprograming would be part of the "program" along with electroshock therapy (applied to the nuts), waterboarding...

"Work makes ya free", now clean out that oven Trumper!

But then again I'm Canadian and don't indulge in such fantasies, it wouldn't be polite...

Fuck, George Soros should pay me for this shit, in Gringo dollars too! I'm not a card carrying LIBERAL, cause I didn't pay $10 ($7.50US) to join the party and get one, but I did vote for one. So I guess that makes me a liberal and a sworn enemy of God and MERICA!
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Napalm and cluster munitions are the weapons of choice for such assemblages! Turn em into hamburger and fry em at the same time. Look on the bright side, it would improve the gene pool. :wink:

Forget the tear gas and warning, straight to napalm and the roar of a jet engine would be the only notice! Do it russian style, Vlad would be proud!:eyesmoke: Perhaps it might be best to concentrate them into camps, hey if it worked for Japanese Americans, why not hicks... Of course remedial education and deprograming would be part of the "program" along with electroshock therapy (applied to the nuts), waterboarding...

"Work makes ya free", now clean out that oven Trumper!

But then again I'm Canadian and don't indulge in such fantasies, it wouldn't be polite...

Lol !!!!

Ok internment camps it is.
What American democracy?

That died decades ago.

The fact that the Chump is in office at all is proof enough of that.

Neither party has any loyalty left to the average American; instead, we're seen as convenient marks at election time, to be otherwise ignored in the race to the moral and ethical bottom that describes the endless grab for cash for campaign finance and personal enrichment.

The response to what has done in South Dakota- that is, the treatment of their duly passed citizen's initiative- is shameful proof that We the People are treated with contempt by our political class.

gerrymandering, is about all I can say about the Proof of our Democracy is gone.

Over 3 million votes from REAL AMERICANS Did not Count. How in the heck is that Right ?

The Problem needs to be Addressed," Period ". Until we get rid of this Stupid Electoral Voting . we will have POTUS's like we have now, and Presidents that don't pass the voter test.

I believe Americans are Smart enough to elect a, well halfway decent Person and would have without this Gerrymandering Crap.

The Fact that Trump is in office is Proof that Gerrymandering works forsure.....

Have a good day..... :)
gerrymandering, is about all I can say about the Proof of our Democracy is gone.

Over 3 million votes from REAL AMERICANS Did not Count. How in the heck is that Right ?

The Problem needs to be Addressed," Period ". Until we get rid of this Stupid Electoral Voting . we will have POTUS's like we have now, and Presidents that don't pass the voter test.

I believe Americans are Smart enough to elect a, well halfway decent Person and would have without this Gerrymandering Crap.

The Fact that Trump is in office is Proof that Gerrymandering works forsure.....

Have a good day..... :)

Well, gerrymandering IS bad, but your example isn't gerrymandering. I'm assuming you are talking about clintons 3M vote lead in the 2016 election. The reason those votes didn't count isn't gerrymandering, it's because of the system of the Electoral College, which is enshrined in the constitution.

It's a throwback to the days when the founders didn't believe that people were smart enough, often lacking any education or source of news and analysis to make an educated decision. They put the electoral congress in place as a way to stop the masses from making a bad decision.

Of course, it serves a much different role today, but it still thwarts the popular vote. Not much you can do about it except get a constitutional amendment or constitutional convention (CC's are scary as hell - representatives can rewrite any clause in the constitution - without recourse to the public - it does require ratification by 3/4's of state legislatures, but not by the public directly).
‘He could get away with it’: CNN panel outlines how Trump can fire Mueller — and face no consequences

It has always been and will be up to Mitch and Paul and I figure they need Mueller to keep Trump in check and to dispose of him, it's just that they don't have control over the timing. Trump as president going into the midterms will be a disaster of epic proportions for the GOP and might even put the senate into play. They are hoping Mueller makes a move before the end of the month and might be trying to prod him into something, the earlier the better from a GOP leadership perspective. They will need time for the butt hurt base to get over it and better pray that Mueller locks the fucker up when he's tossed out of office.

I don't figure the republicans can brazen their way through to the midterms with Trump in office and shoes dropping all over the place. We will soon see, cause I figure Trump is gonna do a boneheaded impulsive move this week. If he don't kill Mueller with the first shot, he's done, so he'd better do a double header with both Rosenstein and Mueller and the only way to do that is by replacing Jeff Sessions with Pruitt. He'd better be real quick and stay real quiet until he pulls it off, cause I'm sure Mueller has got his thumbs on the hammers and the triggers wired back! The only one who is gonna be surprised is Trump, when his head is blown off. Bob will suicide bomb the fucker and like Comey, take the prick with em when he goes, legally speaking of course.
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gerrymandering, is about all I can say about the Proof of our Democracy is gone.

Over 3 million votes from REAL AMERICANS Did not Count. How in the heck is that Right ?

The Problem needs to be Addressed," Period ". Until we get rid of this Stupid Electoral Voting . we will have POTUS's like we have now, and Presidents that don't pass the voter test.

I believe Americans are Smart enough to elect a, well halfway decent Person and would have without this Gerrymandering Crap.

The Fact that Trump is in office is Proof that Gerrymandering works forsure.....

Have a good day..... :)
If the electoral college functioned as originally intended, they would have caught Trump as unfit, instead it became a rubber stamp for state electoral majorities. Maybe future electoral colleges can be made up of shrinks from every state in the union and election winners, if they are certified to have all their marbles, they get the brass ring...

The GOP gerrymandered to the point where they fucked themselves with idiots like the "freedom caucus", it should really be called the extremist gerrymandered caucus. These morons made governing with a majority impossible and are proof that gerrymandering doesn't work the way they figure it will. If ya gotta cheat to win, yer a loser, just look at Trump for proof of that!