Well-Known Member
Really enjoyed this thread! Very similar style plants as me but I use hp promix/FFOF instead of coco. I also run hps's but want to switch over to quantums. I have two qb 120s now on a diy frame between 2 blockbuster 1k hps's to hit the tops of the plants that are between the hoods.
So I was wondering about your placement of your boards on your diy frames. I'd assume you tried different placements of the 4 boards until you came up with the way you have them. My question is do you think they would benefit at all with 1 more board dead center?
The 6 board setup you made, you believe that is a waste of light and unnecessary compared to 4 board setups?
Are you still using the cobs? If so do you plan on replacing them with another qb setup?
Thanks for any info, I'm just trying to do as much research before changing over completely to LED's.
Hi Booms,
Ok, so do i think they would benefit at all with 1 more board dead center? I would say yes. How much though?? Not enough for me to want to make the investment.. I look at it like if i were to add another board in the center i could drop the wattage down per board to around 130-140W per which would slightly bump up my efficiency and light spread.. Again not enough to install the board though..
`The 6 board setup you made, you believe that is a waste of light and unnecessary compared to 4 board setups? No i don't believe its a waste of light. With more boards and less watts per board your efficiency goes up.. That rig was my first, and i have learned a lot since then.. For up front cost the you really cant beat the 4 board rig..
Are you still using the cobs? If so do you plan on replacing them with another qb setup? I still am using the COBs, I don't plan on replacing them just yet.. They work pretty well, plus building that frame and mounting all the heatsinks was pain in the ass. i want to get all i can out of it before i take her down.. BUT when the new boards or the next big thing comes out, ill be able to justify in my mind that i need it and i already have a place for it..

All and all QBs kick ass!! For DIY you have endless options. IMO target 600-700w per 4x4 in open space or 400-500w in a tent..
Today i am putting together a new rig that will house 12 - QB 120s and 3 HLG 240- C2100A.. Its a big 44" X 44" rig. I am calling it The Blanket. It will complete cover the target area with even light distribution. With no heat sinks needed it a DIY'er dream come true. With the boards being ran softer i will need to shorten the distance from the plant to give equal intensity. I am excited to see the outcome..
Good luck