The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

Gen. McCaffrey: President Trump Is A Serious Threat To National Security
Retired four-star U.S. Army Gen. Barry McCaffrey says he's concluded that Trump is 'a serious threat to U.S. national security' and 'for some unknown reason under the sway of Mr Putin.' Our panel reacts.


Only Trump could make the former drug czar and potheads allies! See what I mean about stranger than fiction...:???:
Gen. McCaffrey: President Trump Is A Serious Threat To National Security
Retired four-star U.S. Army Gen. Barry McCaffrey says he's concluded that Trump is 'a serious threat to U.S. national security' and 'for some unknown reason under the sway of Mr Putin.' Our panel reacts.


Only Trump could make the former drug czar and potheads allies! See what I mean about stranger than fiction...:???:
Libs...... DEFLECT THE SHIP IS GOING DOWN DEFLECT!!!!! Talk about the process not the crime DEFLECT!!!!!
Libs...... DEFLECT THE SHIP IS GOING DOWN DEFLECT!!!!! Talk about the process not the crime DEFLECT!!!!!
Ex-CIA chief to Trump: America will triumph over you
Former CIA Director John Brennan slammed President Trump's reaction to the firing of Andrew McCabe, saying in a tweet "America will triumph over you."

Glad to see yer watching the "fake news", learning anything? Are ya tired of winning yet?
Monologue: The Trump Temp Agency | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)
Bill recaps the top stories of the week, including more White House personnel changes and the recent Democratic win in Pennsylvania.
President Trump Shows Disturbing Pattern With Officials Critical Of Russia | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Rachel Maddow points out the concerning proximity between criticism of Russia and the job peril of Rex Tillerson and H.R. McMaster. Andrea Mitchell, NBC News chief foreign affairs correspondent discusses the circumstances of Rex Tillerson's firing in contrast with the story the White House is trying to push about it.
trump is a pathological liar and a conman.
First the courts are gonna start dealing with these assholes, then the midterms are gonna happen and the GOP is gonna lose the house and perhaps even the senate. Trump is gonna be impeached before the midterms and there's a set of cuffs waiting for him as soon as they swear in Pence. Kushner, Ivanka and Don Jr. better hope daddy never forgot to sign the pardons, assuming he can get someone to write them up before they turf him. Pence will be in the hot seat next, he won't pardon Donald (he might tell him he will!) and whoever he appoints as VP might end up as president until 2020.

Before then the russians are gonna be dealt with and the national security house put in order. As I've said before, there will be over a thousand assholes caught up in this shit and who will go to jail before it's over. The more that is known about this sordid episode the worse it will look in retrospect. Vald is gonna get his, when the regular national security crew is back in the saddle with a reasonable president and democratic congress, they are going after him as a top priority. Vlad and the oligarchs are fucked, this will not be forgotten by the professional spooks and Putin must be taught a lesson others will learn from, you don't do this shit to the USA, if you do, you pay, dearly! Vlad might as well start bumping off potential American adversaries now with nerve gas in America, he'll never have a better chance to get them before they get him, Trump wouldn't do anything about it..

I expect that the law will be changed in America too, so that if you do what Donald and his buddies did, you get the death penalty. Election laws are gonna change including knowing who is financing them, the NRA will have some difficult questions to answer some day soon concerning russian money.

The GOP is gonna be destroyed and Donald and his sleazy family are gonna go to jail, Donald will die there. Right now the GOP can't even get elected in the heart of Dixie without lying, cheating and spending a fortune. Just wait till the trials begin and Don Jr and Kush are charged and the squeal deals come out, all before the midterm election too. If the democrats ran blue eyed, blond haired, christian stud, military veterans in the south, the GOP would be finished there! ;)
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I have my foil hat and popcorn I'll be standing by waiting.
Check yer MAGA ball cap, I'm pretty sure it's mylar lined. Enjoy the show, it will be spectacular, huge in fact, Donald is gonna squirm and squeal bigly. I just hope yer country survives him trying to wiggle out of prison, I figure he's gonna try to take the country with him when he goes down cause he ain't got no bottom or soul. Bob Mueller is gonna turn him into America's biggest loser and he ain't gonna like it one little bit.

America's next elected republican president will probably be an African American of indeterminate gender and a generation will have lived and died, on mars. Look on the bright side, when California got rid of the republicans they went from ungovernable a few years back, to being on top of the world today, Hell, pot is even legal there.
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First the courts are gonna start dealing with these assholes, then the midterms are gonna happen and the GOP is gonna lose the house and perhaps even the senate. Trump is gonna be impeached before the midterms and there's a set of cuffs waiting for him as soon as they swear in Pence. Kushner, Ivanka and Don Jr. better hope daddy never forgot to sign the pardons, assuming he can get someone to write them up before they turf him. Pence will be in the hot seat next, he won't pardon Donald (he might tell him he will!) and whoever he appoints as VP might end up as president until 2020.

Before then the russians are gonna be dealt with and the national security house put in order. As I've said before, there will be over a thousand assholes caught up in this shit and who will go to jail before it's over. The more that is known about this sordid episode the worse it will look in retrospect. Vald is gonna get his, when the regular national security crew is back in the saddle with a reasonable president and democratic congress, they are going after him as a top priority. Vlad and the oligarchs are fucked, this will not be forgotten by the professional spooks and Putin must be taught a lesson others will learn from, you don't do this shit to the USA, if you do, you pay, dearly! Vlad might as well start bumping off potential American adversaries now with nerve gas in America, he'll never have a better chance to get them before they get him, Trump wouldn't do anything about it..

I expect that the law will be changed in America too, so that if you do what Donald and his buddies did, you get the death penalty. Election laws are gonna change including knowing who is financing them, the NRA will have some difficult questions to answer some day soon concerning russian money.

The GOP is gonna be destroyed and Donald and his sleazy family are gonna go to jail, Donald will die there. Right now the GOP can't even get elected in the heart of Dixie without lying, cheating and spending a fortune. Just wait till the trials begin and Don Jr and Kush are charged and the squeal deals come out, all before the midterm election too. If the democrats ran blue eyed, blond haired, christian stud, military veterans in the south, the GOP would be finished there! ;)
To be removed from office, Trump would need to be impeached in by simple majority vote in the house, then tried and voted to be removed from office by a 2/3 majority in the Senate. This is not impossible but would require evidence as damning as the Nixon tapes where he was recorded ordering obstruction of justice. I'd say the best and even then unlikely scenario is that Democrats win the house, Mueller's investigation reveals impeachable offense, house votes for impeachment and Senate votes for removal but fails to achieve a 2/3 majority.

Trump would obstruct every bill that would come from a Democratically controlled congress and the country would be in a crisis of poor governance while Trump rules by regulatory actions alone. This is all very damaging to the US Democracy. I can only hope that the next presidency works with congress better.
Cambridge Analytica: Whistleblower reveals data grab of 50 million Facebook profiles
The British data firm described as “pivotal” in Donald Trump’s presidential victory was behind a ‘data grab’ of more than 50 million Facebook profiles, a whistleblower has revealed to Channel 4 News.

In an exclusive television interview, Chris Wylie, former Research Director at Cambridge Analytica tells all.

I wonder if Mueller is looking here too. Imagine what they could do if they worked with the russians, they could even elect a treasonous idiot as president.

If someone wanted to hunt down Trump voters one day, this is where they would start!
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To be removed from office, Trump would need to be impeached in by simple majority vote in the house, then tried and voted to be removed from office by a 2/3 majority in the Senate. This is not impossible but would require evidence as damning as the Nixon tapes where he was recorded ordering obstruction of justice. I'd say the best and even then unlikely scenario is that Democrats win the house, Mueller's investigation reveals impeachable offense, house votes for impeachment and Senate votes for removal but fails to achieve a 2/3 majority.

Trump would obstruct every bill that would come from a Democratically controlled congress and the country would be in a crisis of poor governance while Trump rules by regulatory actions alone. This is all very damaging to the US Democracy. I can only hope that the next presidency works with congress better.

If Mueller gets to present his case it will be a foregone conclusion, if the house votes to impeach, the senate will muster up the 18 GOP votes required. Mueller's case will be very compelling and the next people to judge the evidence will be the American people in the midterms. I firmly believe the GOP leadership wants Trump gone before the midterms and are waiting eagerly (but secretly) for Muller's report. They are in a Devil and the deep blue sea situation, they will not only be able to get rid of Trump, but have him safely in jail and away from twitter, thoroughly discredited. No Trump, no Trump movement, all his buddies running for the exits and away from Mueller, the GOP leadership and donor class come in and pick up the pieces. The morons who follow Trump will be manipulated into line again until T2 comes along, blows the old dog whistle and tries to out Trump Trump. Like the native tribes of this continent, the white tribe will be absorbed into a bigger idea, America.

I believe there is plenty of electronic evidence, including video, but there will also be witness testimony. Mueller will make a shocking case, the senate will have no choice and the GOP plenty of cover with the base. Most of the base is base and treason makes no difference to them, unfortunately for the GOP leadership they make up a large part of the party.

The democrats will have control of house investigations and oversight, boy will they be busy! By the time Donald is gone and the midterms are over you might see a new attitude and leadership in the GOP senate. A lot of elections for GOP senate seats will be happening in 2020 and the Trump/GOP/treason will be fresh in folks minds, all the evidence should be laid out and arseholes convicted by then.
facebook is evil. fuck that shithole
Not on it myself and after watching the above video I don't think I will either!
I figure those holes are being closed up by the social media companies out of survival, the government is gonna have a real close look at them one day, when you have a government that is...

This fight is getting interesting and nasty, I can't see how Jeff Sessions is not cooperating with Mueller, it must be a show for the cable news networks and designed to hornswoggle Trump. Firing McCabe was part of a plan and I figure McCabe is part of it, everybody knew this was gonna happen, I find it hard to believe they weren't there waiting with a wire on Jeff.

Mueller is investigating russian conspiracy in the 2016 election, Jeff Sessions was part of Trump's campaign and lied multiple times under oath about contacts with russians. Mueller is NOT going to give him a mulligan, but is gonna squeeze his nuts and use him as a sandbag to protect the FBI, himself and Rosenstein. These people aren't fucking around, just not showing their cards until they are ready.
To be removed from office, Trump would need to be impeached in by simple majority vote in the house, then tried and voted to be removed from office by a 2/3 majority in the Senate. This is not impossible but would require evidence as damning as the Nixon tapes where he was recorded ordering obstruction of justice. I'd say the best and even then unlikely scenario is that Democrats win the house, Mueller's investigation reveals impeachable offense, house votes for impeachment and Senate votes for removal but fails to achieve a 2/3 majority.

Trump would obstruct every bill that would come from a Democratically controlled congress and the country would be in a crisis of poor governance while Trump rules by regulatory actions alone. This is all very damaging to the US Democracy. I can only hope that the next presidency works with congress better.
What American democracy?

That died decades ago.

The fact that the Chump is in office at all is proof enough of that.

Neither party has any loyalty left to the average American; instead, we're seen as convenient marks at election time, to be otherwise ignored in the race to the moral and ethical bottom that describes the endless grab for cash for campaign finance and personal enrichment.

The response to what has done in South Dakota- that is, the treatment of their duly passed citizen's initiative- is shameful proof that We the People are treated with contempt by our political class.
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What American democracy?

That died decades ago.

The fact that the Chump is in office at all is proof enough of that.

Neither party has any loyalty left to the average American; instead, we're seen as convenient marks at election time, to be otherwise ignored in the race to the moral and ethical bottom that describes the endless grab for cash for campaign finance and personal enrichment.

The response to what has done in South Dakota- that is, the treatment of their duly passed citizen's initiative- is shameful proof that We the People are treated with contempt by our political class.
You seem a bit histrionky today.

Your idea of democracy is everybody votes like you.

So, that healthcare bill that Sanders wrote last summer. In a "real democracy", that unfinished and unfunded bill would have just sailed through congress, amirite?