whats wrong here?


Active Member
humidifier arriving on monday from amazon!!

i havent fed these girls any nutes. these were poped for me by a friend. only received them 6 days ago. Ive only watered them once since

Green Mean martian

Active Member
...there is definite burn not sure if it’s your light to close but either your lights too close or they had nutrients someway shape or form so only thing I can think of with your leaves showing burn

Green Mean martian

Active Member
But you got them under a T5 and it would be almost impossible for the T5 to burn I don’t know man you got me stuck in a conundrum I personally thinks either your buddy put nutrients when feeding or else they were too close to the light while he had them


Well-Known Member
The new growth on top looks good just use water for now on them and don't over water them and they will be fine. Looks like u watered a day or 2 ago. Let them dry out almost all the way over watering is going to stunt growth and could even kill them. Do those two for now and you'll be good


Active Member
so i kust put them under t5's i just bought yesterday. Before that they were under my 600watt , dimmed to 200wtt mh bulbbe.

they were as far as the tent would allow from the seedlings.

Green Mean martian

Active Member
Agree with Spurdy... not sure if your growing medium had nutrients already in it to but Just watering with plain water at appropriate times and they bounce back
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Active Member
Ill let them dry out for a couple days , my t5’s are about 2 feet away for now. That sound about right?


Well-Known Member
@charface water from the well was at 125 ppm’s. I ph’ed to 6.3
The reason I ask is because my well water changes and contained iron bacteria and sulphur bacteria and trashed some seedlings.
But if you are sure it looks, smells, tastes and tests ok then good enough.

I look for about 6.8 but ymmv

T5 needs to be much closer than 2 feet. Try 6 inches for now


Well-Known Member
One of the most common mistakes is "over watering". New growers seem to think more water, the faster they will grow and you end up with "root rot" and then it takes weeks for them to come out of it. If you do what Spurdy says, you should be alright.If you have more seeds, I would start some for "backup" just in case. Better to have healthy sprouts from the start. The new sprouts will catch up and pass unhealthy plants in the long run.
The moral of this story, Don't overwater! lol
Good luck!


Well-Known Member
I would put the t5's way closer my t5's are about 3-4 inches away from my 3 day old seedlings. I run a 600mh for veg 24 hours then I flip to my 1000w for flower. What kind of soil are you using? I use soil for now cuz I'm not always home but I plan on going to a different medium in the future. I ph my soil around 6.6ish