Well-Known Member
So in a prior thread I shared the results of a soil test I had ran by logan labs which shows I have a bad mix that has some toxicity issues. In that thread there's discussion about the immobility of the toxic level contents.
I then tried going the route of a paid consult by one of the well known vendors but that became the single worse internet business transactions I've had in years & years. In the end I got a refund and not the help I needed...
I need to get things moving again, been putting it off and the hangup I have now is how do I want to fix things? I've decided there's enough material to be worth trying to 'fix tihngs' rather than throw out & start over. The materials in there cost a good bit and I don't like being wasteful...
So my gameplan is adjust the levels that are low... raising them to the same high levels of the other 2 which are high on the one and toxic on the other if I follow correctly. So on the others that are low or very low in relation to those elevated levels - seems like those could be raised. That approach brings the entire mix to be balanced, just extremely "hot" and needing diluted.
Then my plan is to use an inert media (recommendations sought here too) to "cut" the hot mix and bring it all into a range that is then good for actual use. Hopefully without needing a lot of 'cooking time' either.
I have several amendments and some soil on hand to pick from... i.e. JustRite, FFoF, HappyFrog, some sphagnum moss. For amendments I was looking at excluding anything with any notable P or K focusing on just N only inputs - but on soil report I'm not sure how to determine how much N I'm working with to start with so I don't know how to raise it to an appropriate level for the hot mix. I do have Neem but that's 6-1-2, the Crab meal is 2-3-0 and blood meal being 12-0-0 but less desirable (I hear?). I have some cottonseed meal but that's 6-1-1 so avoiding the P&K inputs I'm favoring the blood meal.
Anyone in the know about to steer me right here? I gave up on the paid consult approach - totally discouraged on that front; Was expecting them to be able to help me figure out what to use/purchase from them and at what ratios & how long to 'cook' before using. If you can recommend a better vendor I'd consider it again so long as you don't recommend the one that failed me already.
I then tried going the route of a paid consult by one of the well known vendors but that became the single worse internet business transactions I've had in years & years. In the end I got a refund and not the help I needed...
I need to get things moving again, been putting it off and the hangup I have now is how do I want to fix things? I've decided there's enough material to be worth trying to 'fix tihngs' rather than throw out & start over. The materials in there cost a good bit and I don't like being wasteful...
So my gameplan is adjust the levels that are low... raising them to the same high levels of the other 2 which are high on the one and toxic on the other if I follow correctly. So on the others that are low or very low in relation to those elevated levels - seems like those could be raised. That approach brings the entire mix to be balanced, just extremely "hot" and needing diluted.
Then my plan is to use an inert media (recommendations sought here too) to "cut" the hot mix and bring it all into a range that is then good for actual use. Hopefully without needing a lot of 'cooking time' either.
I have several amendments and some soil on hand to pick from... i.e. JustRite, FFoF, HappyFrog, some sphagnum moss. For amendments I was looking at excluding anything with any notable P or K focusing on just N only inputs - but on soil report I'm not sure how to determine how much N I'm working with to start with so I don't know how to raise it to an appropriate level for the hot mix. I do have Neem but that's 6-1-2, the Crab meal is 2-3-0 and blood meal being 12-0-0 but less desirable (I hear?). I have some cottonseed meal but that's 6-1-1 so avoiding the P&K inputs I'm favoring the blood meal.
Anyone in the know about to steer me right here? I gave up on the paid consult approach - totally discouraged on that front; Was expecting them to be able to help me figure out what to use/purchase from them and at what ratios & how long to 'cook' before using. If you can recommend a better vendor I'd consider it again so long as you don't recommend the one that failed me already.