Greenpoint seeds!!

My old stomping grounds if you bought a bag in the Mapleton west fargo area @1997 it was probably my swag lol. Sure do miss those days of sand bagging on the red at -23f
I went through Fargo on a Greyhound bus in April 1998.
We stopped for snacks and I had a friendly conversation with the Pepsi vendor as he loaded the stations vending machine. I thought these were some of the friendliest people on Earth, right up there with most Canadians, I've encountered driving up to Alaska.
Upon returning to the bus, I continued an earlier conversation with an Irish crypto-anthropologist, whom i met in Minneapolis, the previous evening. This man, a cripple, had been maimed by a bomb blast, in Dublin, during "The Troubles", in the late 70's. This man was convinced that leprechauns were of a ancient race of wee people. and were known as Tuath Dé Danann.
There was also a chain smoking conspiracy theorist who believed the communists were going to take us over and how the Russians had secret submarine bases under the United States of America. We shared a cigarette and I laughed and told her she was paranoid.
Fargo, ND left an incredible impression on me, considering I spent about an hour there.
The Coen Brothers were onto something.
I've never been impressed by any of sannies gear. When I first joined RIU but 2012 or 2013 everyone kept repeating "try sannies" but then almost everyone's pics of their sannies gear was bunk imo, with maybe a few exceptions.

But breeders like sin, bodhi, others and now gps have people posting some good looking plants.

But yeah I would never buy sannies gear, just doesn't interest me.
Lousy tasting weak to mid smoke. This is the sales description that's been up at Sannies for years about herijuana:

"Top strain for medical users and blowers that are looking for that extra punch which they havent find in the past years.

This smoke can be to strong for some blowers ! "

Not even close.
Ha ha :)
I went through Fargo on a Greyhound bus in April 1998.
We stopped for snacks and I had a friendly conversation with the Pepsi vendor as he loaded the stations vending machine. I thought these were some of the friendliest people on Earth, right up there with most Canadians, I've encountered driving up to Alaska.
Upon returning to the bus, I continued an earlier conversation with an Irish crypto-anthropologist, whom i met in Minneapolis, the previous evening. This man, a cripple, had been maimed by a bomb blast, in Dublin, during "The Troubles", in the late 70's. This man was convinced that leprechauns were of a ancient race of wee people. and were known as Tuath Dé Danann.
There was also a chain smoking conspiracy theorist who believed the communists were going to take us over and how the Russians had secret submarine bases under the United States of America. We shared a cigarette and I laughed and told her she was paranoid.
Fargo, ND left an incredible impression on me, considering I spent about an hour there.
The Coen Brothers were onto something.
Ha! I thought this was a Tom Waits story for a second. Good shit.
Still waiting to see your plants/grows/harvests. Could not find any posted here.

That would be correct. I do only have 5 young dreamcatchers going. You also probably would of noticed I am also not constantly bragging about the seeds I bought. Also I have shared lots on this website since joining, just not GPS gear.
I was referring to those who are constantly saying they have bought this strain and that strain without any hint of actually growing any of them. When did simply having seeds, anyone can buy become a bragging point?
Really I was hoping that post would bring some pictures out of the woodwork because it is hard to believe so many have GPS seeds and so little are actually growing them.
Cheers :)
Completely different set of pricipals. Both are organic and effective. Subies keeps you more in the bottle feed mindset feed the plant vs Coots feed the soil.
Thank you, many people think it's the same and it's not at all!
Just my personal thoughts here guys but I'm NOT a fan of the mix, I went with kis organics instead.
It is truly amazing how many seeds GPS sells, and how many people brag about buying, with so little to show they were or ever are actually going to be grown.
When did it become bragging rights just to possess seeds instead of ever showing you can actually grown them?
Cheers :)

I'm a tad guilty there too hoss
but Ive always bought a min 2 paks of the same thing If I knew it would be a hot item.
many reasons for doing this, bragging never even enters the pic
getting waylaid by too many studs in a pak of beans for starters.
also germ rates can be all over the board leaving you with without the harem you needed.
Ive always tried to be proactive with these circumstances beyond my control and covered my azz with
xtra pak insurance and it's paid off in spades more times that i can recall.

btw bragging or bragging rights has never being a factor with how many I buy.
and I bought 5 more paks t'nite on top of the the dozen or more this month.
by the way your using that term either I'm not sure you really know what it means
or if you actually know when someone is doing it?
I see a bunch of passionate growers who love to come here, shoot the breeze
talking about their passion with other like minded people and having fun doing it,
with lots of friendly razzing and poking fun with each other
I also see paks of seeds easily worth a C-note being snapped up foe $30 $20, less than $10
and even for free. like seeing big fat choice angus ribeyes at the supermarket for a buck and a quarter a lb.
you gonna buy 1 for the weekend? or take advantage of the bonanza in front of you,
load the fug up and stash em in the freezer.
at these prices I'm sure like me others see a nice financial opportunity for the taking,
this *auction bubble* will eventually burst, so getting $100 pak of fire for pennies on the dollar you can be sure I'll
be using them to barter with down the road or flat out reselling making nice little profit.
to those making a living growing I personally see a great opportunity to find the best keepers you can.
buying 1 pak and finding a keeper is one thing, popping 3-4, 5 or even10 paks
and your chances of finding a very Very special diamond are much higher.
you could even find that grail plant. ever wonder where and how wifi 43 came about?
out of a run of a couple hundred wifi's, 2 special ones were had with that particular run I believe.

anyways, I can't see how you think all this fun+good times chatting up and enjoying our
good fortune with the auctions going on now as bragging in the least,
and basing that on what you hear people talk about what they buy and how many pics they post
it's a real stretch ,
as much as if people taking your going on+on, page after page bragging accusations.
saying your only saying it because your jealous
a wanna-be closet warrior
it's all sour grapes cuz you can't afford to do it.
would you say that be a stretch:wink:
I have to completely agree! Especially any cannaventure, I just wouldn't bother at ALL!! Ship all bunk cannaventure seeds to me, no need to open packs. :-)

We will see. I got 5 Tomahawks going right now. I will be the inpartial observer, as im a novice, and have run good genetics. They look good so far, as good as any seed ive popped.

Sundance for $30 in my cart but too slow using the
No actually that is not one of the people I wonder if they grow. Maybe you are bright enough to wonder if someone grows who shares pictures and info about their growing. I am not that smart.........
Cheers :)

If one were actually bright they would ask folks nicely to post more pics. I would actually be OK with less pics if there was accurate grow info associated with them like medium type, feeding regimen, light type, flowering times, etc. I tried to ask that an no one paid attention.

I would post my 10 Bodega Bubblegum seedlings but they would bore everyone. My other buddy here is growing out my pack of Swami's Nigerian Sunshine so not even GPS gear. Cheers!
That would be correct. I do only have 5 young dreamcatchers going. You also probably would of noticed I am also not constantly bragging about the seeds I bought. Also I have shared lots on this website since joining, just not GPS gear.
I was referring to those who are constantly saying they have bought this strain and that strain without any hint of actually growing any of them. When did simply having seeds, anyone can buy become a bragging point?
Really I was hoping that post would bring some pictures out of the woodwork because it is hard to believe so many have GPS seeds and so little are actually growing them.
Cheers :)
I don't have a grow going right now, I should but my new spot got pushed back 2 months. Gotta make the wife happy before I rape the bank account. I did go buy her a 2013 Suburban this weekend, so I'm definitely earning brownie points.
I don't have a grow going right now, I should but my new spot got pushed back 2 months. Gotta make the wife happy before I rape the bank account. I did go buy her a 2013 Suburban this weekend, so I'm definitely earning brownie points.
You are going to have some difficult decisions to make in a couple months with all the killer gear you've snagged recently! That would be a fun pile to go through.