frog skin like texture to leaves


Well-Known Member
Ok the title says it. One of my newer team members, about a month old white widow from seed has weird bump like leaf structure on top. So I gave it a look over with my 30x dope scope and underneath the leaves are what totally look like clear resin glands. any body else seen anything of the sort? Maybe some kind of stress response??:confused:IMG_20180310_092700.jpg IMG_20180310_093410.jpg
Hey Zephyrs,

It looks a little like spider mites but it's hard to tell with a picture.

Do you have a bunch of tiny white/grey/brown spots on your leaves?

The resin glands could actually be spider mite eggs. Is it only under the leaves?

Cheers from Ireland,
Are mite eggs clear? It isn't the best pic. I can't see any evidence of spider mites or their bite marks on the leaves. I tried another pic they appear white because of the crappy camera phone but are clear. It's the only one out of a dozen will this prob.IMG_20180310_103847.jpg
Yikes, I did look at it with my 30x loupe and there not upside down trichs. And more creamy when smeared no stick, needless to say She has just been cut from the team, container and all into the wood stove. My other 11 looking happy n healthy tho so far:leaf:
Check them all, if you have never dealt with them before, be prepared. I would be treating your other plants now, I have them right now and I nuke the shit out of them and I have only seen a couple, about to let off a pyrethrum fogger as we speak lol.
I had a battle last year with those creepy bugs in two plants. I will definitely be keeping a sharp eye on all the rest of them. This is the first week of hardening off outside so hopefully they stay healthy.
Leaning more to Broadmites as their eggs are mostly transparent like pic.

I say shit can the plants and clean , clean , clean.
Thanks all for your feedback. If I see any trace prob with the rest then I will probably scrap them. And I looked up broadmites (never heard of BM before only spider mites) and looks just like those eggs structure. No loss really as the seeds were free. I plan on getting killer clones from a reputable dude anyways. like I did last year, with excellent results:eyesmoke:
No need to throw them away buddy.

Apply neem oil every few days and do it again and again so all the eggs can hatch and then you can kill all the mites before the have time to lay new eggs.

Just be consistent! ;)

Cheers from Ireland
No need to throw them away buddy.

Apply neem oil every few days and do it again and again so all the eggs can hatch and then you can kill all the mites before the have time to lay new eggs.

Just be consistent! ;)

Cheers from Ireland
Yeah I will be trying the neem oil, as it is extremely difficult for me to chop any plant before her due date that still has a fighting chance, I love my plants to much. And since these damn micro buggs seems to appear out of thin air. Had a prob will em last year on my outdoor grow.:wall:
No, don't worry dude. If you keep treating and stay consistent, they will pull through for sure.;)

Also, sanitise the grow room with bleach after the harvest and before you plant again.

Yes their ubiquitous outdoors tho it's never a problem thanks to the many natural predators and the cold they hate.
Indoors, if you don't take action, they'll thrive!!!

Cheers from Ireland,
Put those plants in the bathtub and drench them completely with neem. Let it soak into the soil as well. While they're in the bathtub clean your grow room thoroughly, the floor, walls ceiling, etc.. with bleach solution. Spray the plants every few days for a couple weeks.
No, don't worry dude. If you keep treating and stay consistent, they will pull through for sure.;)

Also, sanitise the grow room with bleach after the harvest and before you plant again.

Yes their ubiquitous outdoors tho it's never a problem thanks to the many natural predators and the cold they hate.
Indoors, if you don't take action, they'll thrive!!!

Cheers from Ireland,

Happy grow mate