Lesson #1 in parenting in Virginia

Was this an appropriate punishment?

  • Yes, the kid is cured

    Votes: 8 57.1%
  • No, it was cruel to post it on Facebook

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • Maybe, if that fucked up father seeks help for subjecting his kid to ridicule.

    Votes: 1 7.1%

  • Total voters
with my dad it was 'manners books' from the library if it wasn't a backhanded slap that you didn't see coming. one time i was putting up wind chimes in my room (standing on my bed) and he came in to smack me for an old report card he found while going through my coat pockets (he already saw it) apparently he didn't remember.

it was shortly after this when i asked for cash for personal products but the girl up the street got preggers from local guy and accused me of wanting money to have a good time and not my period. well all the old members here knows what happened next but for the new i'll clue you in..

when he forced me to tell him what the cash was for (embarrassing for a 13 year old) he told me to 'use brillo like the niggers do'..i went straight to school next day to see guidance counselor who called in child protective services- my case worker was a black female..she called him in and repeated in front of me what he said and it caught him so off guard- he was totally embarrassed and said 'she knew it was a joke'..i was gone from my dad's within 48 hours.
I gave you a like on this post, but actually I felt like crying.
I hear ya sister, sometimes we have to deal with bullshit parents, and the only way out is to treat your children the way you wanted to be treated.
I have never raised my hand against my son, and never will (he's a good boy)
I plan on changing the shit I was taught, and hopefully my son will pass that on to his children.
I admire you for sharing that painful experience.
Hm. I wonder who he voted for.
I can't say I disagree with the parenting tactic used here. Since the kid shares the genetics of the father he's probably too dumb to talk to and reason with. Some kids get out of control. I got the black leather belt when I was a kid. Sometimes the buckle too. Not a good parenting technique. The thing I do think is dumb is recording it and uploading to social media for all to see and have it live forever online. Was that necessary to teach the kid? Or more for the ego of the father and to make his own (political) point to other people?
Hm. I wonder who he voted for.
I can't say I disagree with the parenting tactic used here. Since the kid shares the genetics of the father he's probably too dumb to talk to and reason with. Some kids get out of control. I got the black leather belt when I was a kid. Sometimes the buckle too. Not a good parenting technique. The thing I do think is dumb is recording it and uploading to social media for all to see and have it live forever online. Was that necessary to teach the kid? Or more for the ego of the father and to make his own (political) point to other people?

rednecks are for the most part, dumb motherfuckers who only see shit one way.
with my dad it was 'manners books' from the library if it wasn't a backhanded slap that you didn't see coming. one time i was putting up wind chimes in my room (standing on my bed) and he came in to smack me for an old report card he found while going through my coat pockets (he already saw it) apparently he didn't remember.

it was shortly after this when i asked for cash for personal products but the girl up the street got preggers from local guy and accused me of wanting money to have a good time and not my period. well all the old members here knows what happened next but for the new i'll clue you in..

when he forced me to tell him what the cash was for (embarrassing for a 13 year old) he told me to 'use brillo like the niggers do'..i went straight to school next day to see guidance counselor who called in child protective services- my case worker was a black female..she called him in and repeated in front of me what he said and it caught him so off guard- he was totally embarrassed and said 'she knew it was a joke'..i was gone from my dad's within 48 hours.
You're a very brave woman and I just want to send you peace. :peace:
with my dad it was 'manners books' from the library if it wasn't a backhanded slap that you didn't see coming. one time i was putting up wind chimes in my room (standing on my bed) and he came in to smack me for an old report card he found while going through my coat pockets (he already saw it) apparently he didn't remember.

it was shortly after this when i asked for cash for personal products but the girl up the street got preggers from local guy and accused me of wanting money to have a good time and not my period. well all the old members here knows what happened next but for the new i'll clue you in..

when he forced me to tell him what the cash was for (embarrassing for a 13 year old) he told me to 'use brillo like the niggers do'..i went straight to school next day to see guidance counselor who called in child protective services- my case worker was a black female..she called him in and repeated in front of me what he said and it caught him so off guard- he was totally embarrassed and said 'she knew it was a joke'..i was gone from my dad's within 48 hours.

sorry you had to go through that.
with my dad it was 'manners books' from the library if it wasn't a backhanded slap that you didn't see coming. one time i was putting up wind chimes in my room (standing on my bed) and he came in to smack me for an old report card he found while going through my coat pockets (he already saw it) apparently he didn't remember.

it was shortly after this when i asked for cash for personal products but the girl up the street got preggers from local guy and accused me of wanting money to have a good time and not my period. well all the old members here knows what happened next but for the new i'll clue you in..

when he forced me to tell him what the cash was for (embarrassing for a 13 year old) he told me to 'use brillo like the niggers do'..i went straight to school next day to see guidance counselor who called in child protective services- my case worker was a black female..she called him in and repeated in front of me what he said and it caught him so off guard- he was totally embarrassed and said 'she knew it was a joke'..i was gone from my dad's within 48 hours.
No excuses for what your dad did. What was an offhand remark or cuff to him affected the course of his kids life. I'm glad you got away from him. Where was your mom in all this?

Mine didn't step in until I got big enough to stop him by myself. Then she stepped in as if it was the first time.

Naw, I'm glad that parental corporal punishment is frowned on nowadays. My kids have never and never will know what it's like.
I was a very troublesome child of 3 raised by a single mother who had to hold down multiple jobs. She tried her best but simply could not be around enough. Our discipline was always being talked to and ''educated'' on why our behavior was bad, being grounded, not getting sweats and all the usual shit. The multiple schools I ended up transferring too tried all the modern ''techniques'' to keep me in line and none of it worked.

The dads way of doing things is not the best however I have had people during my entire childhood (including professional psychologists) using all the socially accepted punishments/techniques and it absolutely failed. I truly feel I may have stuck in a little better at school if I had a person in my life I somewhat feared.. because nothing else clearly worked on me. But that fear would have trampled on who I truly was as a person and the reasons why I was acting how I was.

School was hugely focused on academics and that suites a lot of kids, while I was more of an athlete or hands on kid. I never got wrong during physical education or in classes like wood work. All kids want to do what they like but for kids like me that meant 98% of the time doing shit we didn't like. Is it any surprise that it leads to a lot of bad behavior in children?. Do you as an adult like having your entire day dictated to you?. Not so bad if you are forced to do things you moderately enjoy.

Either way you attempt to punish they both have the common ground, they are punishments, that's why they don't work. Instead of punishment, positive reinforcement is scientifically proven to get more out of kids and adults but it requires a whole relearning of how you deal with situations. It also only works if the table is not tipped hugely as with the academic schooling system example back then (still a big issue in uk). I was running 5:30 mile at 12 year old with no training, nobody picked up on that, because it wasn't math. I could have become a gold medalist but instead became another drop out working low paid jobs for the next 15 year.

It's personal but not meant as a sob story. If your kids are good at something positive then you need to latch onto that, make it the focal point of positive reward.

If that father is telling the kid he ran good today, that kid might actually get something positive out of it. He may even start running to school every day. If he is doing that then at the very least he is not on the bus bullying other kids.
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I was a very troublesome child of 3 raised by a single mother who had to hold down multiple jobs. She tried her best but simply could not be around enough. Our discipline was always being talked to and ''educated'' on why our behavior was bad, being grounded, not getting sweats and all the usual shit. The multiple schools I ended up transferring too tried all the modern ''techniques'' to keep me in line and none of it worked.

The dads way of doing things is not the best however I have had people during my entire childhood (including professional psychologists) using all the socially accepted punishments/techniques and it absolutely failed. I truly feel I may have stuck in a little better at school if I had a person in my life I somewhat feared.. because nothing else clearly worked on me. But that fear would have trampled on who I truly was as a person and the reasons why I was acting how I was.

School was hugely focused on academics and that suites a lot of kids, while I was more of an athlete or hands on kid. I never got wrong during physical education or in classes like wood work. All kids want to do what they like but for kids like me that meant 98% of the time doing shit we didn't like. Is it any surprise that it leads to a lot of bad behavior in children?. Do you as an adult like having your entire day dictated to you?. Not so bad if you are forced to do things you moderately enjoy.

Either way you attempt to punish they both have the common ground, they are punishments, that's why they don't work. Instead of punishment, positive reinforcement is scientifically proven to get more out of kids and adults but it requires a whole relearning of how you deal with situations. It also only works if the table is not tipped hugely as with the academic schooling system example back then (still a big issue in uk). I was running 5:30 mile at 12 year old with no training, nobody picked up on that, because it wasn't math. I could have become a gold medalist but instead became another drop out working low paid jobs for the next 15 year.

It's personal but not meant as a sob story. If your kids are good at something positive then you need to latch onto that, make it the focal point of positive reward.

If that father is telling the kid he ran good today, that kid might actually get something positive out of it. He may even start running to school every day. If he is doing that then at the very least he is not on the bus bullying other kids.
School is not a place for smart people:
Somehow I find this disturbing as a method of disciplining your child in 2018 for unruly behavior.
What do you think?
I'd call DCF, personally
I think this stinking red neck pig is abusing his child. He promises to entertain an unknown internet audience “give you a good laugh”. This indicates contempt by the father towards the child. This is commonly due to repressed hatred towards the minor due to transferred blame.
I’m with Jim
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I was a very troublesome child of 3 raised by a single mother who had to hold down multiple jobs. She tried her best but simply could not be around enough. Our discipline was always being talked to and ''educated'' on why our behavior was bad, being grounded, not getting sweats and all the usual shit. The multiple schools I ended up transferring too tried all the modern ''techniques'' to keep me in line and none of it worked.

The dads way of doing things is not the best however I have had people during my entire childhood (including professional psychologists) using all the socially accepted punishments/techniques and it absolutely failed. I truly feel I may have stuck in a little better at school if I had a person in my life I somewhat feared.. because nothing else clearly worked on me. But that fear would have trampled on who I truly was as a person and the reasons why I was acting how I was.

School was hugely focused on academics and that suites a lot of kids, while I was more of an athlete or hands on kid. I never got wrong during physical education or in classes like wood work. All kids want to do what they like but for kids like me that meant 98% of the time doing shit we didn't like. Is it any surprise that it leads to a lot of bad behavior in children?. Do you as an adult like having your entire day dictated to you?. Not so bad if you are forced to do things you moderately enjoy.

Either way you attempt to punish they both have the common ground, they are punishments, that's why they don't work. Instead of punishment, positive reinforcement is scientifically proven to get more out of kids and adults but it requires a whole relearning of how you deal with situations. It also only works if the table is not tipped hugely as with the academic schooling system example back then (still a big issue in uk). I was running 5:30 mile at 12 year old with no training, nobody picked up on that, because it wasn't math. I could have become a gold medalist but instead became another drop out working low paid jobs for the next 15 year.

It's personal but not meant as a sob story. If your kids are good at something positive then you need to latch onto that, make it the focal point of positive reward.

If that father is telling the kid he ran good today, that kid might actually get something positive out of it. He may even start running to school every day. If he is doing that then at the very least he is not on the bus bullying other kids.
Beating a child teaches it to not trust people. It teaches them that physical force is OK. The parent in the video is abusing the kid just short of violence. I can't really say that kid learned anything other than to bully in ways that stop short of violence.

Committing to non-violence and peaceful resolution is the only way to break the cycle of violence and bullying. Resorting to violence and abuse is the weak way out. Parents are always responsible for their kids actions it's on them to figure out what to do. Also, nobody is perfect. The parent is responsible but they aren't going to be 100% successful with any kid.
The moron in the vid embodies how the rest of the world now views Trump-Americans; brutality, callousness, and ignorance offered up as a virtue. I bet that kid didn’t bully his friends or if he did it was because his father is an idiot and made his home life hell.

And i don't mean some stupid chart or graph put out on this study and that study.

Nothing works if one uses it it the wrong way.

You've just bragged that you live in the fact free zone, there's no point in taking anything you say seriously.
with my dad it was 'manners books' from the library if it wasn't a backhanded slap that you didn't see coming. one time i was putting up wind chimes in my room (standing on my bed) and he came in to smack me for an old report card he found while going through my coat pockets (he already saw it) apparently he didn't remember.

it was shortly after this when i asked for cash for personal products but the girl up the street got preggers from local guy and accused me of wanting money to have a good time and not my period. well all the old members here knows what happened next but for the new i'll clue you in..

when he forced me to tell him what the cash was for (embarrassing for a 13 year old) he told me to 'use brillo like the niggers do'..i went straight to school next day to see guidance counselor who called in child protective services- my case worker was a black female..she called him in and repeated in front of me what he said and it caught him so off guard- he was totally embarrassed and said 'she knew it was a joke'..i was gone from my dad's within 48 hours.
Fuck. That's awful. I'm sorry.
The moron in the vid embodies how the rest of the world now views Trump-Americans; brutality, callousness, and ignorance offered up as a virtue. I bet that kid didn’t bully his friends or if he did it was because his father is an idiot and made his home life hell.

Not saying what you wrote is incorrect but it has a very significant chance of being so. What you have described, after non-factually stating his reason was a lie is the Hollywood movie psychologist version of why the son done what he done. Seeking power is what humans do, children are no different. To not seek power is something you are educated out of, or at least educated to redirect it into what we consider constructive power, while arguably those definitions are not definitively correct. A bully does not require an abusive home life, it is simply one of many reasons why it happens.

Your stereo type of how the rest of the world views Trump-Americans, It would have been less of a stereo type to suggest how ''the rest of the world'' views ''all'' Americans, as counter intuitive as that may seem to you.
you were not under duress when you voluntarily agreed to sign a contract with property taxes included, mooch.

own up to your responsibilities, mooch.

That's such a horse shit laden argument, I'm not sure if I can keep from laughing long enough to demolish it. I'll smoke a fattie and think about it.
with my dad it was 'manners books' from the library if it wasn't a backhanded slap that you didn't see coming. one time i was putting up wind chimes in my room (standing on my bed) and he came in to smack me for an old report card he found while going through my coat pockets (he already saw it) apparently he didn't remember.

it was shortly after this when i asked for cash for personal products but the girl up the street got preggers from local guy and accused me of wanting money to have a good time and not my period. well all the old members here knows what happened next but for the new i'll clue you in..

when he forced me to tell him what the cash was for (embarrassing for a 13 year old) he told me to 'use brillo like the niggers do'..i went straight to school next day to see guidance counselor who called in child protective services- my case worker was a black female..she called him in and repeated in front of me what he said and it caught him so off guard- he was totally embarrassed and said 'she knew it was a joke'..i was gone from my dad's within 48 hours.
Yeah we all know your dad was a real POS. The question is why would you want to carry on any of his racist ways ?