Cloning in cup of water amd cloning solution

For best results, clone using...

  • Root cubes

  • Peat moss/Perlite

  • Water

  • Water + Clone Solution

  • Nuthin' but seeds

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So i have always either used a peat moss amd perlite mix or just root cubes for cloning but i had recently had a clone that didnt root after 3 weeks. At 10 days it had root nubs but never did anything. So one day i decided instead of throwing it away i would just put it in water. Mind you, this is well water from my sink with a ph of abput 7.5 and i didnt put cloning somution in it or anything and the thing rooted extreneky quickly. I now have taken about 15 clones from 2 mothers and put them in a blacked out glass (thanks to my beer thermos' :)) with cloning solution and ph'd water and on a heating pad under a T5 but with no dome. I have never cloned with no dome on for the first 3 days but i have read alot about cloning this way and this is my first real shot. I will keep updates so every can see progress and instead of taking my word for it, YOU WILL HAVE EVIDENCE!

Any tips are greatly appreciated.


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I've always just cut at 45 degrees and placed the stem in water (like an old jam jar filled with water ph-ed to 6.5*not critical* - with a piece of card over the top with holes for the cuttings). It can be slower then other methods ..but costs zero and is generally successful for me :)
Im hoping that with the cloning solution in ph'd water will speed up that process a little bit. We shall see though. It is day 4, i will post pics of root nubs (if any) in a couple days
Your better off with plain phd water until you see roots.

If your solution as nitrogen , you plant will try to grow vertically instead of grow roots
There is a tiny bit of nitrogen in it. But its a CLONING solution that is meant to be put into the water you are cloning with. So why would it do the opposit??
It's made to keep them alive if you keep them in the cloner for a while.

My best results have been straight water until my roots are an inch long or if I see nitrogen deficiencie

But you know it all, do whatever pal ;)
Wasnt implying i knew it all. Was just simply stating my knowledge and asking a question. I love when people make assumptions.. Why else would i post things on the internet?
fyi - i know some people who use very dilute doses of root stimulator (i think it was 1/5 dose in the water you place the cutting). However (for me) i stick with plain water. Although strain plays a role I'm sure, imo - environment, water temp and cleanliness are the biggest factors (and you seem to have that down :)
Will be interested in your results. I do know some don't like cloning solutions as they say it can effect plant dna in a negative way (i've only 'heard' that however - could just be a new age line ;)
Cloning in water has always worked for me. Many kinds of herbs and flowers can be cloned in straight well water. Plants are the best!
I didnt think the responses i got would be so widespread. Looks like its time to get a spreadsheet and run some tests
I did 3 batches of clones. 1 with well water, 1 with ph'd well water, and 1 with clone solution and ph'd

At day 7 i will post pic with spreadsheet and results thus far