So i have always either used a peat moss amd perlite mix or just root cubes for cloning but i had recently had a clone that didnt root after 3 weeks. At 10 days it had root nubs but never did anything. So one day i decided instead of throwing it away i would just put it in water. Mind you, this is well water from my sink with a ph of abput 7.5 and i didnt put cloning somution in it or anything and the thing rooted extreneky quickly. I now have taken about 15 clones from 2 mothers and put them in a blacked out glass (thanks to my beer thermos'
) with cloning solution and ph'd water and on a heating pad under a T5 but with no dome. I have never cloned with no dome on for the first 3 days but i have read alot about cloning this way and this is my first real shot. I will keep updates so every can see progress and instead of taking my word for it, YOU WILL HAVE EVIDENCE!
Any tips are greatly appreciated.

Any tips are greatly appreciated.