Is it possible that Sam Nunberg is that stupid as to not comply with a grand jury subpoena? He's sure been making news about Trump, seems emotionally immature to me, something wrong with that boy. I figure he'll come around, I can't see him doing time for anybody else, not even Roger Stone. Mueller landed in the middle of a nest of arseholes and ole Sam is about to get some reality bitch slapped into him. Mueller ain't gonna fuck with this guy for a second, roadkill. Yep the three amigos, Sam Nunberg, Roger Stone and Steve Bannon, looks like we'll see their emails right up to the present! We'll get to see their reactions to all this shit in real time, though I figure they were smart enough not to admit to wrongdoing in email, though I'm wondering about Sam, he had that deer in the headlights look on TV tonight. He looked nervous on Ari Melber, as a couple of highly experienced lawyers acquainted him with reality on live TV, made for quite the interview.
Boy is this stuff ever gonna make good reality TV and the real fun is yet to begin, wait till the drama queen starts performing in earnest, this shit is just a warm up. Yer watching history being made folks, it never seems like fun while it's happening either. As the old Chinese imprecation goes, " May you live in interesting times"...