The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

This should be renamed the foil hat thread
Hey, tell me is this fake news?

Hicks acknowledges white lies, but won't talk White House in testimony

or this?

Trump reportedly berated Hope Hicks over her testimony to the House Intel Committee

or this?

Trump aide Hope Hicks to resign amid personal tumult and Russia probe

The final straw: Tearful Hope Hicks resigned hours after 'Trump berated her and asked her how she could be so stupid' for admitting she told 'white lies' for the president during Russia probe testimony

or this:

Hicks appears to have firsthand knowledge of a number of key events that have shaped the first year of the Trump White House, including being on Air Force One when the initial misleading statement about Trump Jr.'s meeting with Russians was crafted.

or this?

Multiple reports have indicated that Robert Mueller’s investigators are still keenly focused on trying to figure out just what happened at that infamous sit-down — and why, exactly, President Donald Trump tried to mislead the public about it.

Can you see the direction this is going?
anyone who still supports trump is a traitor right along with him and his criminal enterprise.

i'm gonna suggest mueller indicts 60+ million stupid son of bitches too..
It ain't a crime to be stupid, life is usually punishment enough for them, it's hard time too and the only escape from stupid is the grave.

Trouble is, they often take ya along for the ride by electing idiots!:-x:oops::!::evil::finger::wall:
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I figure there will be an epic tweetstorm this weekend as Donald continues to flip out, maybe he will hang himself with his thumbs! Looks like it will be Obama and "crooked" Hillary to the rescue and all problems will be their fault. Maybe he'll disband the US army or do something loonie as a distraction from the russia thing, ya can't make this up and ya can't rule anything out with this clown. Maybe he'll disband the Veterans Administration, "why should we support a bunch of losers, besides I like veterans who don't get wounded"! I'm sure Paul wouldn't mind cutting the VA, cause it makes veterans, "dependant on entitlements", his own pension and health care don't need to be mentioned here of course. Trump is freaking out and doing his bigly distraction dance, anything is on the table, including war in Korea.

Yep, Donald will have a rather large hair up his ass this weekend and next week promises to be even more fun! Are ya tired of winning yet Don?

Mueller is in the driver's seat of a large fast moving bus headed straight at Trump and family, Trump is starting to look like a deer in the headlights. Hopefully Donald will soon be road kill, along with a few other arrogant and treasonous SOBs.
i too, expect a tweetstrorm this weekend.

I thought Don Jr was stupid, but Jarred appears to be a first class idiot as well, if some of the things they are saying about him are true, he's unbelievably stupid! These guys are arrogant, ignorant and incredibly stupid, communicating criminal matters by email and text, he appears to have put the arm on Qatar and the trouble they had there was his doing, because he wanted a loan from Qatar!

To think lazy Donald made him the shadow president because he was the smartest of the insiders!


Jared Kushner's family-run real estate company tried to seek Qatari government financing for its troubled New York City property a month before Kushner backed a blockade on the Gulf kingdom, The Intercept reported on Friday.
I thought Don Jr was stupid, but Jarred appears to be a first class idiot as well, if some of the things they are saying about him are true, he's unbelievably stupid! These guys are arrogant, ignorant and incredibly stupid, communicating criminal matters by email and text, he appears to have put the arm on Qatar and the trouble they had there was his doing, because he wanted a loan from Qatar!

To think lazy Donald made him the shadow president because he was the smartest of the insiders!


Jared Kushner's family-run real estate company tried to seek Qatari government financing for its troubled New York City property a month before Kushner backed a blockade on the Gulf kingdom, The Intercept reported on Friday.

I thought Don Jr was stupid, but Jarred appears to be a first class idiot as well, if some of the things they are saying about him are true, he's unbelievably stupid! These guys are arrogant, ignorant and incredibly stupid, communicating criminal matters by email and text, he appears to have put the arm on Qatar and the trouble they had there was his doing, because he wanted a loan from Qatar!

To think lazy Donald made him the shadow president because he was the smartest of the insiders!


Jared Kushner's family-run real estate company tried to seek Qatari government financing for its troubled New York City property a month before Kushner backed a blockade on the Gulf kingdom, The Intercept reported on Friday.
This was all so predictable. We'll find out soon enough what Trump did to pump his own enterprises.

What does Hope Hicks know? We wonder.
This was all so predictable. We'll find out soon enough what Trump did to pump his own enterprises.
What does Hope Hicks know? We wonder.
We will know everything, the FBI is gonna play a game of "This is your life" with Donald until he dies, only the statute of limitations will help him. They will have his life under a microscope and there will be lots to find, I'm sure the FBI is as overwhelmed as the media by the scale of it, they too probably don't know where to start! I'm sure Mueller will pick off the juiciest low hanging fruit first, staying with the russia angle, makes it hard for Trump to fire him or Rosenstein.

Hope is in a hopeless situation, she knows lots and Trump was lazy, sloppy, stupid and indolent. I wonder if she has a good memory, we'll see. I don't think Mueller wants to put this fool in jail, but she'll be an old lady before she gets out if she doesn't sing. She's from a wealthy family, so perhaps her parents are helping to talk some sense to her. Donald knows she knows lots and has lost control and contact with her, she needs to take care of her own life, screw Trump. This is probably bothering Trump on multiple levels, she knows far too much, cause Donald was so fucking lazy and incompetent. She also apparently acted as his mommy and helped to sooth his irritation and clam his anger, she even wrote the notes he used to "act human" when required.

The next couple of weeks are gonna be real interesting and historic, stay tuned cause it's getting hotter for Donald by the day! If the hired help keeps leaving the WH, soon it will be just Trump and someone to hold his leash, or not. I figure in a couple of weeks the dumb cunt will be frothing at the mouth and down on all fours pawing at the ground like a beast.
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Bill nails the week, I like his delivery

Jared Palin :lol:

if obama would have said what trump said, gun lovers would be surrounding the white house with AR-15's. and what trump said is fascist, unconstitutional, illegal and someone should punch him the mouth for saying such shit.
President Donald Trump "Unglued" Amid White House Chaos | The Last Word | MSNBC

Published on Mar 2, 2018
Trump decided to start a trade war while angry and "unglued," NBC News reports. Ex-Obama economic adviser Austan Goolsbee says Trump "fired a shot" at our allies. USA Today's Susan Page and Neera Tanden join Ari Melber to react to the latest White House "lunacy."
President Donald Trump "Unglued" Amid White House Chaos | The Last Word | MSNBC

Published on Mar 2, 2018
Trump decided to start a trade war while angry and "unglued," NBC News reports. Ex-Obama economic adviser Austan Goolsbee says Trump "fired a shot" at our allies. USA Today's Susan Page and Neera Tanden join Ari Melber to react to the latest White House "lunacy."

how can it not be obvious to the magamorons that he is in bed with the enemy and the shit he imposes hurts democracy and our allies.

mueller is gonna fucking nail him !!!!!!!
Jared Palin :lol:

if obama would have said what trump said, gun lovers would be surrounding the white house with AR-15's. and what trump said is fascist, unconstitutional, illegal and someone should punch him the mouth for saying such shit.
Gives you an idea of how stupid he is, gun nuts are a paranoid bunch at the best of times, many will not forget this blasphemy! If Obama said such a thing he'd be burned at the stake! Gun grabber Trump. Mom, apple pie and guns, what's next, Donald will ban NASCAR and George Soros in the lincoln bedroom! This would fuel conspiracy theories on the right for decades if Obama said it and the loonies would be frothing at the mouth forever
how can it not be obvious to the magamorons that he is in bed with the enemy and the shit he imposes hurts democracy and our allies.

mueller is gonna fucking nail him !!!!!!!
He couldn't do it any better if he was getting instructions directly from Moscow, maybe that's why the WH is understaffed, the real staff is in russia. Maybe all those meetings were detailed instructions, if ya own him ya might as well use him...
This was all so predictable. We'll find out soon enough what Trump did to pump his own enterprises.

What does Hope Hicks know? We wonder.

I'm thinking that this refusal of Bannon and now Hicks to answer congressional questions is part of a plea deal, so as to not tip Mueller's hand, or spoil evidence. Mueller is doing a masterful job at presenting this case in increments and timing, so it's more difficult for Trumputin to fire him. By the way, how good is the investigation that they even get the names of Russians and so much other details? Mueller must have a boatload of evidence and Humpty Trump just keeps giving him more. The rats are abandoning the sinking ship. Nobody's going to sacrifice for the backstabber in chief.
I'm thinking that this refusal of Bannon and now Hicks to answer congressional questions is part of a plea deal, so as to not tip Mueller's hand, or spoil evidence. Mueller is doing a masterful job at presenting this case in increments and timing, so it's more difficult for Trumputin to fire him. By the way, how good is the investigation that they even get the names of Russians and so much other details? Mueller must have a boatload of evidence and Humpty Trump just keeps giving him more. The rats are abandoning the sinking ship. Nobody's going to sacrifice for the backstabber in chief.

i think you are correct about refusing to testify before the house and/or senate. the politicians know it too, has anyone been charged with contempt of congress? nope...

fuck congress when the DOJ is getting ready to shit all over you if you don't cooperate.