'They’re going to play dirty’: Legal cannabis industry set to battle criminals


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With the legalization of recreational cannabis fast approaching, Canada’s leading pot players are preparing for a historic transfer of wealth. Billions of dollars worth of black market sales are expected to shift to a fast-growing group of legal producers, such as Canopy Growth.

“There will be a multi-year rollout where I think we really do become the source,” Canopy CEO Bruce Linton told BNN in a recent television interview. In anticipation of that, investors have pushed Canopy’s stock price up more than 850 per cent in the past two years, boosting the company’s market capitalization to $5.5 billion.

“It's similar to the time after prohibition,” industry expert Jay Rosenthal told BNN in an email. “Once the legal ban was lifted, consumers stopped drinking moonshine because better, safer options were available,” according to Rosenthal, co-founder of Business of Cannabis, which tracks marijuana industry trends. “Buying untraceable cannabis from a guy in a parking lot is just not going to be able to compete.”

If that proves to be the case, the black market has plenty to lose.

According to Statistics Canada, Canadians spent an estimated $5.7 billion on cannabis last year, with the illegal recreational cannabis accounting for the vast majority of that sum at $4.6 billion.

Canopy Growth CEO: Marijuana bill will make it more difficult to be a criminal in black market

Canopy Growth CEO: Marijuana bill will make it more difficult to be a criminal in black market
Canada's largest marijuana producer, Canopy Growth reported a surprise profit along with a big jump in revenue. We hear from Bruce Linton, CEO with Canopy Growth on how legalization will impact the black market and financing plans.

“The easiest money criminals make is in the illegal production and sale of cannabis,” Bill Blair, parliamentary secretary to the justice minister, told BNN in a television interview in early February. “We’re now going to compete effectively with them and give Canadians a better, more responsible choice at a competitive price.”

For the past two years, Blair has served as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s pot czar. While the former Toronto police chief is one of Ottawa’s biggest cheerleaders for a legal market, he’s also the first to acknowledge black market producers won’t go down without a fight.

“I’ve been fighting those same criminals for most of my entire adult life. And of course, they’re going to play dirty. And so we’re going to make sure that law enforcement has the resources, the technology, the training and the tools they need to deal effectively with that criminal enterprise.”

In fact, that criminal enterprise isn’t just producing pot in Canada to sell to Canadians. Statistics Canada estimates $1.2 billion worth of cannabis – or 20 per cent of last year’s total production – was illegally sold outside the country.

Bill Blair on marijuana legalization: Work still needs to be done after bill passes

Bill Blair on marijuana legalization: Work still needs to be done after bill passes
Parliamentary secretary Bill Blair joins BNN to highlight some of the main sticking points in Bill C-45 and 46.

With so much black market money at stake, one question being asked is whether illegal producers will lower their prices to maintain market share.

Joanne Crampton, the RCMP assistant commissioner for federal policing criminal operations, told MPs on the House of Commons’ health committee in September that it would be “naive” to think organized crime can be eliminated from the cannabis market, with one concern being “the undercutting of legal prices.”

“I think we can see from the legalization in Washington and Colorado that the prices will drop and they will drop significantly,” Neil Boyd, a criminology professor at Simon Fraser University, told BNN in a television interview. “In Washington State, for example, the current price in the legal market is about a quarter of what it is in the British Columbia illicit market (or grey market). So I think we have to expect those changes.”

A recent study also highlighted confusion over prices. Statistics Canada found, on average, that Canadians pay less than $7 per gram for marijuana, based on responses from 15,000 people. That compares to a $10 per gram estimate Ottawa unveiled in December, when it announced its tax revenue sharing agreement with the provinces and territories.

Beyond the issue of pricing, the head of fast-growing cannabis company Aphria says licensed producers need to educate consumers about why their products are better and safer than those sold by criminals.

What happens to the black market once marijuana is legalized?

What happens to the black market once marijuana is legalized?
Neil Boyd, Professor at the School of Criminology at Simon Fraser University, joins BNN to discuss what could happen to the illegal market once marijuana is legalized.

“The battle against the black market will not be won on price alone,” Aphria CEO Vic Neufeld told BNN in an email. “Health Canada regulations for product quality and testing are paramount for ensuring the adult-use market has access to safe, clean and pure cannabis products – something not offered by the illegal market.

Neufeld, a former head of Jamieson Laboratories, is hoping that message will be effective, as Aphria plans to boost its production capabilities to 230,000 kilograms of dried cannabis per year by 2019.

In reality, though, the message some Canadians are receiving, for now, is one of uncertainty.

“From a public opinion standpoint – we are seeing increasing concern about the timelines and the details surrounding legalization,” Shachi Kurl, executive director of the Angus Reid Institute, told BNN in an email. “What will it look like? Are local police and municipalities prepared? Nearly half the country would like to see the federal government slow the process down, and that includes people who support legalization in general.”

But there are few signs of a slowdown.

Assuming the legislation to legalize recreational marijuana (Bill C-45) passes in the Senate in June, Canadians could buy recreational cannabis as early as August.

Meanwhile, Canopy Growth CEO Bruce Linton is betting black market participants are already making plans to move on to new criminal opportunities.

“Illegal activities are extremely entrepreneurial,” Linton told BNN in a television interview. “There are quite a few other fields you can put your money into. I don’t think this has been their best growth area for a long time…I think it will just sort of ween off slowly.”

Billions of dollars worth of black market sales are expected to shift

“Buying untraceable cannabis from a guy in a parking lot is just not going to be able to compete.”

who does that? lmaorotff Anyone who would listen to this kind of reasoning is a complete fool.

isnt that right oh wanna be mass grower extraordinaies ;)
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"Health Canada regulations for product quality and testing are paramount for ensuring the adult-use market has access to safe, clean and pure cannabis products – something not offered by the illegal market. "

lol lets not forget the CLASS ACTION LAW SUIT

The dirty shit us Cannabis culture people all know ..

dont run and try and be part of this deal folks. it'll only burn your sorry ass for it.
Black market going no where in Canada ,oz 125 - 150 primo shit , that being said newbie smoker will buy from their local store until they realize fuck this shit pricey then find cheaper supplier,I know people buying on line 1/4 pound $600 or less ,then people going to grow there own .There going to loss ther shirt on this one ,It'll take 10 years before they turn a profit,Then there is this fuck tard Trudeau is now putting weed at the finger tips of every kid out there omfgc the problems that's going to cause ,and the money it's going to cost taxpayers in Canada it's fucked
Black market going no where in Canada ,oz 125 - 150 primo shit , that being said newbie smoker will buy from their local store until they realize fuck this shit pricey then find cheaper supplier,I know people buying on line 1/4 pound $600 or less ,then people going to grow there own .There going to loss ther shirt on this one ,It'll take 10 years before they turn a profit,Then there is this fuck tard Trudeau is now putting weed at the finger tips of every kid out there omfgc the problems that's going to cause ,and the money it's going to cost taxpayers in Canada it's fucked
its becoming very clear to most now....
Black market going no where in Canada ,oz 125 - 150 primo shit , that being said newbie smoker will buy from their local store until they realize fuck this shit pricey then find cheaper supplier,I know people buying on line 1/4 pound $600 or less ,then people going to grow there own .There going to loss ther shirt on this one ,It'll take 10 years before they turn a profit,Then there is this fuck tard Trudeau is now putting weed at the finger tips of every kid out there omfgc the problems that's going to cause ,and the money it's going to cost taxpayers in Canada it's fucked
Kids have easier access to pot than their parents at the moment.
The new law isn't going to change this at all. Pot use among teens will go down I bet.
Meanwhile, Canopy Growth CEO Bruce Linton is betting black market participants are already making plans to move on to new criminal opportunities.

“Illegal activities are extremely entrepreneurial,” Linton told BNN in a television interview. “There are quite a few other fields you can put your money into. I don’t think this has been their best growth area for a long time…I think it will just sort of ween off slowly.”

Ah yes, Bruce Linton the expert in all things black market and illegal. Keep flapping your gums so we can all hear how uninformed you are. Fucking self righteous dunce
The Canadian market for medical marijuana products is estimated at $1.3 billion. That market has already plateaued, a worrisome sign.

The market for recreational pot is estimated at $6 billion by 2021. But that assumes the black market and homegrown pot will simply disappear, and be absorbed by the legal market.

That’s a poor assumption.

The black market isn’t weighed down by the legal industry’s many costs. They include navigating a regulatory labyrinth, including GST remittances; operating bricks and mortar and online shopping channels; and the federal mandate to provinces and territories to test the quality of marijuana products, which will show up in retail prices.

The black market will thus enjoy a cost advantage over the legal market. And biker gangs and “the pusher who sells drugs in the stairwell” (Fuck tard Justin Trudeau’s expression) have little to fear from an under-resourced criminal justice system that cannot even enforce the laws on driving while texting, a growing cause of death and injury.
Canopy Growth, based in Smiths Falls, Ont., boasts an eye-popping stock-market capitalization of $3.5 billion. Yet its revenues, at just under $40 million, don’t begin to justify that valuation. Canopy Growth has lost money in each of its past three fiscal years. And its losses are growing, to $16.6 million last year after a loss of $3.5 million the previous year.

Aurora Cannabis, which sports a market cap of $2.5 billion, posted revenues of just $18.1 million last year, a period in which its losses deepened, to $13 million, from $5.7 million a year earlier.

And Aphria, of Leamington, Ont., managed a fiscal 2017 profit of $4.2 million that looks respectable until compared with the firm’s outrageous market cap of $2.5 billion.

Looking back from 2030, it’s easy to see perhaps two companies among the current close to 100 players still standing, in an industry subjected to waves of consolidation. It’s quite likely that the 2030 industry will be dominated by Big Pharma. And investors in scores of homegrown pot companies will have lost several billion dollars.

Today’s heady market in pot stocks won’t last. So only the most risk-tolerant and speculative-minded investors should go anywhere near it.
Total bullshit...creative accounting for investors! They still operated at a $10M+ loss for the last quarter.
equation they used with Hampers era ...was 35 years before profit!..
and thats when they thought they could charge any amount they wanted because they THOUGHT they were gonna be the only ones :lol:
Meanwhile new technology to grow more efficiently will continue to be developed and introduced to the market, multiplying the headache of the majors. Do they throw yet more money at new tech (LED lights, etc) or cede market share to those who do and continue driving prices down?

This fall might be a good time to short pot stocks. They're as overvalued and vulnerable as Tesla.