The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out


Well-Known Member
Think the White House is in chaos now? Just wait.

Analysis by Chris Cillizza, CNN Editor-at-large Updated 4:36 PM ET, Thu March 1, 2018

(CNN)President Donald Trump has, throughout his life, embraced chaos as a life philosophy. (He's like Littlefinger in that way.) But now, chaos -- spurred by surprise departures, the ongoing Russia investigation and Trump's own grudge-nursing -- is threatening to overwhelm his presidency, and there's every reason to believe things will get worse, not better, in the coming days.
Here's why: Trump is not only beset on all sides by bad stories -- Russia investigations, a feud with Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Ben Carson's taste for fine furniture, etc., etc. -- but he is also forced to face these stories with an ever-diminishing group of loyalists around him.
It's a perfect storm for Trump -- and not in a good way.
The descriptions coming out of the White House describing Trump's state of mind over the last few days all paint a picture of a frustrated and angry executive who feels more and more isolated in his own White House. More

Sour Wreck

Well-Known Member
I see Sessions has the Justice department Inspector General investigating the Nenes memo and FISA abuse, Trump is not happy. Nunes is effectively castrated with the justice department IG looking over his shoulder now so he might not be of much use. Looks like Sessions is working for Mueller or at least trying to stay on the right side of history, a showdown with Trump might be a possibility. Trump shit on him the other day and Sessions hit back, even had a picture posted of him and Rosenstein having dinner together with smiles on their faces, bet it drove Trump nuts!
the dinner seemed to be a show of solidarity in the DOJ. Solicitor General Noel Francisco was also there.

you know Trump is pissed. fuck that NY grifter !!!!

Sour Wreck

Well-Known Member
Yeah, he just said that he was gonna take guns without due process too...
yes and now his based is not happy !!!!!!

there a few idiots trying to defend him saying its just his usual loud mouth and it may be, but the hardcore righties that sleep with their guns are fucking pissed. i agree, lets see some of them exercise their rights !!!!!


Well-Known Member
mueller needs to hurry up and fry this motherfucker !!!!!!!
Like I said sometime this month, most likely precipitated by Trump doing something dumb in an impulsive act. Mueller is starting to get a grip on Trump's nuts and he's starting to squirm, squeal and sweat. The inner circle hasn't been charged yet, no family touched and it makes me believe they figure they can get Trump out of office first.

Just look at Jeff Sessions, he cut a deal with Mueller and Rosenstein to stay out of jail and avoid charges, I wouldn't be surprised if he wants to fall on his sword so he can run for senate again in the fall. He's doing his job as AG, obeying the law and protecting the investigation, avoiding perjury charges is his reward and one he will deserve for seeing Trump out of office and perhaps testifying against him in the senate at the impeachment trial.

The way Sessions is acting speaks volumes, he knows which way the wind is blowing and he wants to stay out of jail and perhaps get back in the senate. Jeff knows that Donald is going down cause he's required to help.


Well-Known Member
It looks like the Trump WH is starting to implode and I expect a tweet tornado on the weekend. Mueller is getting closer and Sessions is no longer on side (probably when he learned of the extent of russian contacts) and because Mueller had him by the balls for perjury. I heard McMaster might resign and Mueller is charging the russian email hackers soon. Events are starting to outpace the capacity of the media to convey it and the public to absorb it, Trump must be shitting his pants, those around him are.

Trump is thrashing around, grabbing guns and pissing off the base, I'm waiting for a general amnesty for the DACA kids, the base would go off the deep end, Mitch and Paul would pull out the "long knives" for Trump, they could impeach, try and convict him in a day, ten times over.

Sour Wreck

Well-Known Member
It looks like the Trump WH is starting to implode and I expect a tweet tornado on the weekend. Mueller is getting closer and Sessions is no longer on side (probably when he learned of the extent of russian contacts) and because Mueller had him by the balls for perjury. I heard McMaster might resign and Mueller is charging the russian email hackers soon. Events are starting to outpace the capacity of the media to convey it and the public to absorb it, Trump must be shitting his pants, those around him are.

Trump is thrashing around, grabbing guns and pissing off the base, I'm waiting for a general amnesty for the DACA kids, the base would go off the deep end, Mitch and Paul would pull out the "long knives" for Trump, they could impeach, try and convict him in a day, ten times over.

jarvanka hate kelly and want him gone too.

its a clusterfuck !!!!!!!!!

regoob eht

Well-Known Member
So it's obvious (to me) trump will say anything.. ANYTHING. It's like watching a drowning magician at a kids party trying every sleight of hand he knows to distract from the fact he's drowning... Sooo. I think the best chance for UFO and area 51 and whatever the government knows about aliens in general too come out is under Trump.


Well-Known Member
Mueller Prepares Indictments On DNC And Podesta Hacking
NBC's Ken Dilanian reports the latest news that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is assembling a case for criminal charges in the Russia probe.

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
Trump is so nervous... he announced his re-election campaign. :dunce: you all have been fooled by the Russians great waste of time. Probably exactly what they wanted.


Well-Known Member
Trump is so nervous... he announced his re-election campaign. :dunce: you all have been fooled by the Russians great waste of time. Probably exactly what they wanted.
so who do you think will be indicted for nothing next?

think manafort will die in prison? or will he kill himself first?

Serious Weeds

Well-Known Member
No I'm sure they will get all kinds of people for illegal things when they start looking.
But weren't they looking for collusion between trump campaign and Russian officials?

not going to get Trump, he is not worried if other people were doing illegal things already doesn't put him at risk of being axed.

Homie Da Clown

Well-Known Member
This thread has a lot of stupid shit in it....and im still on page 1..
Man im a democrat but even i will admit the russia thing is bullshit and has always been. And wtf was that town hall meeting bs? It was hurting my heart to see those heartbroken kids being manipulated..
We need to quit blaming Trump and get our party straighten out.. We are a mess!