Dick's Stopped Being Dicks..


Well-Known Member
So, the US has this relatively high rate of death and injury from guns compared to other nations. The number of people who don't think we should do anything about this has dropped precipitously lately. I get that you don't care and really, child, you aren't all that important. I mean, did you cast your vote in any meaningful way the last election? I heard that you threw it away on a third party. You basically made yourself irrelevant.

Anyway, gun control laws work. We've seen them work in many nations. What would be so wrong about the US having the same low rates of gun homicides, mass shootings and injury from gun accidents that other nations enjoy?

I get that you don't care. So you can just blat on about how you don't care if you like. But then again, you are irrelevant.

Because you say I don’t care and I’m irrelevant. Got it.

If you voted for either criminal in the last election you are part of the problem. My vote says much more in my opinion. And that is what a personal vote is for. You sir are unamerican at best. Voting is private for a reason.

Of course that is all past and will soon all change again. Even if the cry baby extreme liberals can’t move on from last years election.

It isn’t very liberal to insult people’s opinions and tell them your version of the facts. Actually you both sound quite conservative.


Well-Known Member
Dude. The places with less population density like Canada are different than overpopulated places like americas cities and Mexico.

Very narrow perspective you have about this issue.
japan is more densely populated and doing even better with gun control. let's copy their formula. i'll sit back and watch you cry like the little klan-pansy you are


Well-Known Member
you are aware how scientific polling works though, right?

they survey thousands of people nationwide and a form a percentage with a margin of error.

have you and your klan chapter never heard of polling?

Yes you goof. They poll thousands and pretend it covers 10’s of millions.


And Im telling my Mom you keep calling me racist against my people. Waaaaaaahhhhh.


Well-Known Member
Yes you goof. They poll thousands and pretend it covers 10’s of millions.


And Im telling my Mom you keep calling me racist against my people. Waaaaaaahhhhh.
so you're not aware of how scientific polling works.

you and your klan chapter need to get on that, klan-pansy


Well-Known Member
Dude. The places with less population density like Canada are different than overpopulated places like americas cities and Mexico.

Very narrow perspective you have about this issue.
Who has a narrow perspective on this?

Japan? how about Japan? Maybe UK? Every country where stricter gun laws were put in place has lower rates of gun homicides, mass shootings and gun accidents than the US.

Canada's gun laws work and are more in line with the US's population in terms of enabling legitimate uses of guns, such as hunting.

Seriously, are you really saying the US has more in common with Mexico than it does Canada? That's a reach. Laughable too.

I like Mexico just fine but its drug and gun problems were exported to them from the US. I wish the US had been a better neighbor.


Well-Known Member
I'm saying that Canada's gun laws are effective at reducing harm from guns including harm from mass shootings. Not just Canada.

Not saying all problems solved. We are a violent society. Still, I'd take Canada's gun homicide rate over the US any day.

So tell me, if more guns is the answer to gun violence, why does the US have such a high rate of murder by gun yet orders of magnitude more guns.
I'll take Canada's homicide rate too. Any rational person would. I never said more guns is the answer. I wonder if your graph would look skewed if we used a larger sample?


Well-Known Member
japan is more densely populated and doing even better with gun control. let's copy their formula. i'll sit back and watch you cry like the little klan-pansy you are

Yeah let’s get Americans to follow Japanese laws.

It’s not much different here. Lol.

You are actually getting dumber.

And again since you have little comprehension. I don’t care about guns for me. I grow weed. I don’t own any guns.

But I have actually needed and used them for defense. And no innocent people got hurt. Imagine that.

And we sure didnt report the incedent so it doesn’t appear in your precious statistics.

Do you ever stop complaining? At least that trait is pretty common in Jews. You should hear my extreme liberal father about gun control. But like you he isn’t going to actually do anything about anything.


Well-Known Member
Who has a narrow perspective on this?

Japan? how about Japan? Maybe UK? Every country where stricter gun laws were put in place has lower rates of gun homicides, mass shootings and gun accidents than the US.

Canada's gun laws work and are more in line with the US's population in terms of enabling legitimate uses of guns, such as hunting.

Seriously, are you really saying the US has more in common with Mexico than it does Canada? That's a reach. Laughable too.

I like Mexico just fine but its drug and gun problems were exported to them from the US. I wish the US had been a better neighbor.

You were doing great until you blamed Mexico’s problems on the us.


Well-Known Member
I'll take Canada's homicide rate too. Any rational person would. I never said more guns is the answer. I wonder if your graph would look skewed if we used a larger sample?

None of us have said more guns is the answer. Lol.

Or better screening is a bad idea.

They just do this blindly.

And I agree about the graphs. They are designed to support a particular point rather than truly show the facts.