More Guns = More Safer


Well-Known Member
I've seen people suggest arming teachers, having armed guards, and arming unemployed veterans at schools across the US. Because obviously we all know the NaRrAtive...

More Guns = More Safer

and I've just got to say...

...why not just cut out the middle man and give the kids the guns...

The more guns the better, right?! OK then let's start passing them out to every kid and everything is better, right??!?! Give THEM the guns, and let THEM figure it out.

That's right, arm every kid! Remember that no nation would ever invade the US because they would be scared of our semi-automatic rifles! Take that idea to the schools!! What shooter would come shoot up a school with 100-3000 gun toting students?

Let's just keeping adding more guns to the equation.

PTSD veteran? Take a gun and go make sure those kids behave.

Disgruntled ex-teacher? Don't forget your loaded 9mm as Bob sees you out!

School Police Officer? Run towards that gun fight between teachers and students and try to figure out who the bad guy is!

What could possibly go wrong?

Don't listen to those dumb satan worshipping atheistic marxist liblol demoncrats, they just don't like that you have a fun hobby. You know you need that rapid fire 100 round mag, bump stocked ar15 for your boar hunt! Don't let them tell you human lives are more important than your hobby. Just remember:

More Guns = More Safer

Now go defend your home, who cares if half the time you aren't shooting an intruder or burglar but instead a family member. Make sure to use a long range rifle so that it shoots through your house and kills your neighbor. Oh, and don't worry about locking them up, they always need to be within reach and ready to fire, because with Republican lawmakers and right-wing oligarchs depriving 70% of Americans any financial or social security except the right to own a gun, you are going to need it! Don't worry about little Danny finding it. I mean if he does, he will be safer for it, right?
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Wow sounds like you've never got to enjoy shooting:(


If little Danny's parent do their part then nope.

If not they are probably peices of shit who deserve it .

End of story for me

Love guns but not a nut case.
I appreciate guns for the GREAT skill they reuire to master just like any skills they must be learned properly or youll develop shitty skills :)

Basically what you describe are punks who buy guns but never train or learn to use it properly

Every single bad thing you mentioned can be prevented by teaching kids respect and the rules of gun saftey ....
This goes for good kids not pos

And if the 4 rules (the only ones that really matter ) are followed, none of those things will happen.

If they do they are not accidents but negligence

I've seen people suggest arming teachers, having armed guards, and arming unemployed veterans at schools across the US. Because obviously we all know the NaRrAtive...

More Guns = More Safer

and I've just got to say...

...why not just cut out the middle man and give the kids the guns...
Wow sounds like you've never got to enjoy shooting:(


If little Danny's parent do their part then nope.

If not they are probably peices of shit who deserve it .

End of story for me

Love guns but not a nut case.
I appreciate guns for the GREAT skill they reuire to master just like any skills they must be learned properly or youll develop shitty skills :)

Basically what you describe are punks who buy guns but never train or learn to use it properly

Every single bad thing you mentioned can be prevented by teaching kids respect and the rules of gun saftey ....
This goes for good kids not pos

And if the 4 rules (the only ones that really matter ) are followed, none of those things will happen.

If they do they are not accidents but negligence


Man the stuff non gun people say ha ha

Nothing rambo aboit it tonite

you do realuze that there is a huge community of shooters that just like to shoot

some a quite rich from it I might add

not all gunslingers are hilibillys that beat their wives

also its not that I have a rambo complex im just not a bitch

Of coure gun shots are devastating thats why they were made:)

absolutly nothing wrong with havings the means and knowing how to defend one self and family
I know this deosnt happen every day but
trust me if some guy comes to your place shoots your dog
and starts raping your woman

what are yoy gona do call the cops

or go rape him?

Sorry hed be gone
note hate to you tonight

What is your native language, comrade smoke?
What is a high powered mid to long range rifle?

Man the stuff non gun people say ha ha

Man the stuff racists say, smh

I am half hill billy lol
Somehow dad got the yellow fever after veitnam

Lol imagine what they thought in kentucky when my dad brought home an asian girl lol

This is how hill billy my white lol

My great great great i think. Grandpa is the doctor with the handbag.

He was general lees messenger and surgen (i think)

He was also the doctor to the hatfeilds and the McCoy's

My family burial grounds (on dads side) are right in the same area as hatfeilds and McCoy's land lol
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What is a high powered mid to long range rifle?

Man the stuff non gun people say ha ha

It just further reaffirms a vast majority of those who oppose guns know nothing about them than what the teletube tells them.

I'm willing to bet 95% of them have never even seen a .223/5.56 round. I think they assume everything just shoots a .50 cal bullet.
It just further reaffirms a vast majority of those who oppose guns know nothing about them than what the teletube tells them.

I'm willing to bet 95% of them have never even seen a .223/5.56 round. I think they assume everything just shoots a .50 cal bullet.
Fully agreed

This is what happens when you didnt go to boyscouts as a child lol
Or hunted or went target shooting
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Fully agreed

This is what happens when you didnt go to boyscouts as a child lol

Can't say I was a boyscout, but I took gun safety at the age of 10 or 11, as I think everyone should.

The problem with guns is a lack of education. Both with some people whom own them, and those who oppose them.

I'd be fine with requiring some sort of class and/or test similar to a drivers license to attain guns legally.

Hell, I live in one of the only states that actually requires you to shoot a gun to get a permit to carry. A lot of states just changed it so you basically take a couple hour class and there you go. No proof of even being able to properly handle a firearm required. That's pretty silly.
Can't say I was a boyscout, but I took gun safety at the age of 10 or 11, as I think everyone should.

The problem with guns is a lack of education. Both with some people whom own them, and those who oppose them.

I'd be fine with requiring some sort of class and/or test similar to a drivers license to attain guns legally.

Hell, I live in one of the only states that actually requires you to shoot a gun to get a permit to carry. A lot of states just changed it so you basically take a couple hour class and there you go. No proof of even being able to properly handle a firearm required. That's pretty silly.

Agreed should definitely be a competency requirement

A one time acquired gun owners licensing
Would be fine by me if it meant i didnt have to wait an extra 10 mins for my ffl check
(Which a concealed carry license mitigates anyway )

Its sad when a death happens ,im not a monster.

But if you look at the circumstances weather a person claims it was accident. And a death resulted was simply because they didnt follow the 4 rules of gun safety
I think kids should be taught gun safety from an early age (5) and continue on as they get older.

And when i say that it doesnt mean you let the kid shoot at age five .

But you tell them that guns are dangerous and
And not a toy .

Then as they get older you can show them the guns so they lose the fantasy associated with them.

Then at about 9-13 depending on the kids interest.
You can take them to a saftey course
And let them go shoot at the range .

My children think NOTHING when they see my guns as they do not care .

They have seen guns on a daily basis (i carry) almost their whole lives.

It actually saddens me to know they have no interest in them :)
Coldsmoke you just have to understand that when things don’t go their way they go race baiting to get attention. Don’t pay it no mind.

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Oh thats right lol
I forgot

Next they will tell me i dont have the proper grammar or intelect to talk with them :)

Funny you would think a person smarter then me would be able to understand fully lol
Wow sounds like you've never got to enjoy shooting:(


If little Danny's parent do their part then nope.

If not they are probably peices of shit who deserve it .

End of story for me

Love guns but not a nut case.
I appreciate guns for the GREAT skill they reuire to master just like any skills they must be learned properly or youll develop shitty skills :)

Basically what you describe are punks who buy guns but never train or learn to use it properly

Every single bad thing you mentioned can be prevented by teaching kids respect and the rules of gun saftey ....
This goes for good kids not pos

And if the 4 rules (the only ones that really matter ) are followed, none of those things will happen.

If they do they are not accidents but negligence


Unfortunately we don't live in a perfect world and have to take measures that make sense in reality to prevent senseless death, whether from accidents or negligence.

I own guns and hunt every year. Still doesnt change the facts of the retarded logic I'm mocking.
What is a high powered mid to long range rifle?

Man the stuff non gun people say ha ha

I meant to point to the purpose of rifles (trajectory/bullet design, longer range). I've seen high power used to mean the same thing, but you're right the term makes no sense.