willowing...PLEASE HELP!!


Well-Known Member
this will be my plants 4th week of growing under lights on monday the 6th....5 days ago i realized i had a mite problem(well i hope thats what it was because all the symptoms were listed for mites), so i went to lowes and bought some garden safe fungicide, it supposed to heal those types of things and kill the bugs. well...it doesn't look like it, and im not sure if its bug problems or not... take a look... and please help me...


^^^this is another plant the same age that obviously stunted its growth with a long stalk as a seedling(i think its trash but who knows)

ok, well anyways, should i go ahead and clip the almost completly rotted leaves off the plant(including the branch), or leave them on there?

any help is greatly appriciated!!



Well-Known Member
definitely clip off the bad leaves, i don't know that doesn't really look like mites to me but i can't really say what it is, have you been giving them nutes? how much? and for mites i used a low dosage of neem oil foilar feeding every other day and it worked wonders, so if you're sure its that i'd suggest trying that. have you looked under the leaves seen any tiny spiders runnin around, any webbing ?


Well-Known Member
Madmardigan here :bigjoint:

You mean wilting
That definately burnt them, spray them with water and a small amount of dishsoap.

Make sure to turn off the direct light.

The damage is done, it's going to take a bit to recover, get some Advanced Nutrients Revive or a similar product.

Don't spray with the lights on.

Take this recovery time to get rid of the mites. I recommend getting Avid, or Floramite, it's really expensive and may not be available so internet stores might be your only option. It's money well spent.
Don't spray your plants with stuff you wouldn't put in your mouth.< (That's my opinion)


Well-Known Member
I dont see any signs of mites? did you actually see mites or you were just guessing
well i seen the spots and according to some sight; cant exactly remember where, it was mites. when i put the fly strip down, the next day there looked like a fly sized spider mite which was odd. haven't seen anything like that "spider-mite" around the plants and there are no spider webs around the plants. there are little nat looking things flying around the lights but not sure if thats a problem.


Well-Known Member
definitely clip off the bad leaves, i don't know that doesn't really look like mites to me but i can't really say what it is, have you been giving them nutes? how much? and for mites i used a low dosage of neem oil foilar feeding every other day and it worked wonders, so if you're sure its that i'd suggest trying that. have you looked under the leaves seen any tiny spiders runnin around, any webbing ?
so, if i clip the leaves off the bottom, or the so called rotten ones; my plant will rejuvinate??:wall:


Well-Known Member
definitely clip off the bad leaves, i don't know that doesn't really look like mites to me but i can't really say what it is, have you been giving them nutes? how much? and for mites i used a low dosage of neem oil foilar feeding every other day and it worked wonders, so if you're sure its that i'd suggest trying that. have you looked under the leaves seen any tiny spiders runnin around, any webbing ?
well i have been using miracle grow plant food for the soil plants...is that safe or not? if not, what should i do?:?:


Well-Known Member
Madmardigan here :bigjoint:

You mean wilting
That definately burnt them, spray them with water and a small amount of dishsoap.

Make sure to turn off the direct light.

The damage is done, it's going to take a bit to recover, get some Advanced Nutrients Revive or a similar product.

Don't spray with the lights on.

Take this recovery time to get rid of the mites. I recommend getting Avid, or Floramite, it's really expensive and may not be available so internet stores might be your only option. It's money well spent.
Don't spray your plants with stuff you wouldn't put in your mouth.< (That's my opinion)
so im only supposed to spray them with the dishsoap and all chemicle bound liquids without the lights on them???

also, i just moved my lights around 15" from the 2 plants, they were around 5" away from the light, but now why the heck are my plant leaves looking like this. like the leaves are soggy around the veins of the leaves:?:

i also have my plants in a 6"x6"x6" pots, do they need to be transplanted:?::?::?:


Well-Known Member
that damn miracle grow is your problem. It's burning up your babies
i have the miracle grow on 1/2 strenth as of right now and has been growing with mg since start.

also, i've only been using 1/4 tsp/gal((is that okay or need to be switched asap??)))):?::?:

or could we use plain water with the right ph level until we can switch to a plant food or need to be switched directly from 1 to the other??


Well-Known Member
I just had a HUGE spider mite infestation and I fucked my plant royally. First most mites will live white spots on the top but they are on the bottom of the leaves. Next the neem oil is not a mite killer but a mite interrupter, meaning it stops them from laying eggs, shedding their shells, etc... I sprayed neems, and pyrethrum. be careful not to over do the snipping of those leaves. Yes take some of the worst ones off but the plant needs those leaves. Trust me I over did it and threw the whole plant into a whirling vortex of yellowness!!!. I accidently mixed the measurment of neems with the measurment of the pyrethrum. OOOPSSS won't be doing that again. Fucking ROOKIE mistake on my part. Take a jewlers loop, magnifying glass etc... and look under the leaves and you can darn sure see them if they are there, which I think thats not the case. I can't sit here and say what it is for sure, but do a little more investigating. And be careful with your sticky traps. They can get all sorts of stuck to shit you don't want stuck LOL
I always use MG and it gets a bad rap go ahead and use it at half strength, but I'm questioning how much water, and the pot size, and yes you mix a drop of soap in with the neems oil and the pyrethrum


Well-Known Member
I just had a HUGE spider mite infestation and I fucked my plant royally. First most mites will live white spots on the top but they are on the bottom of the leaves. Next the neem oil is not a mite killer but a mite interrupter, meaning it stops them from laying eggs, shedding their shells, etc... I sprayed neems, and pyrethrum. be careful not to over do the snipping of those leaves. Yes take some of the worst ones off but the plant needs those leaves. Trust me I over did it and threw the whole plant into a whirling vortex of yellowness!!!. I accidently mixed the measurment of neems with the measurment of the pyrethrum. OOOPSSS won't be doing that again. Fucking ROOKIE mistake on my part. Take a jewlers loop, magnifying glass etc... and look under the leaves and you can darn sure see them if they are there, which I think thats not the case. I can't sit here and say what it is for sure, but do a little more investigating. And be careful with your sticky traps. They can get all sorts of stuck to shit you don't want stuck LOL
I always use MG and it gets a bad rap go ahead and use it at half strength, but I'm questioning how much water, and the pot size, and yes you mix a drop of soap in with the neems oil and the pyrethrum
well i appreciate the tip and will def look into that. but where could i get this neem oil from besides online?:-P


Well-Known Member
sorry peeps im goin to sleep now, im effin tired as hell! i've been workin on them things all day. please leave me something to look at in the morning when i wake up :lol::lol:


Well-Known Member
I got mine at ace hardware store, also I just want to clarify, I think the reason people give Mg a bad rap is because it's what we all start with at first and when we fuck it up, then we blame the MG, I always use it at half strength and have been growing longer than most of these people are old. Neem oil is from a tree so there are several different brands, get what you can afford. I do everything at half strength. Your plants look too wet to me, and how many times do you fert it with the MG?


Well-Known Member
So I look again, at your plants and yeah I think your over watering and it to me doesn't look like MG ( fert ) burn to me,. It also looks like you do need to need to repot. It could be as simple as that. Also don't fret over them that much. I know your worried but they are still savable they actually look good all things aside. So many people rush to PH, MG, and the wrong lights. I grew with shop lights for many years. Cheapo grow, and I've always gotten Buds. I use miracle gro moisture control potting soil, I did once pay for some spendy ass nutes and then went right back to MG. The moisture control soil takes a little getting used to but I love it now. Always do things half strength cause you can't over do it that way. Your plants don't look too leggy so you must have the light close up.Thats a good thing. Got a fan Blowing in there? That helps the plant stem get stronger and helps with heat issues. Remember some of us just grow for ourselves and only spend what we can afford and some just go balls to the wall and throw cash at everything. Good luck. I'll look back to see what you did 2mro. I can't look at work. I don't want anyone to think I grow. Even tho I have a card. It's just good sense. Tell NO ONE!!!


Well-Known Member
well i was planning on transplanting today but decided not to until i figured out wtf is wrong with my plants.
thats most of your problem! root bound like a mofo!!! trans that bitch feed it some ph'd water of the earth for a week with NO nutes! then on week 2 begin to feed with nutes again at half strength...spread your feedings out as well!