Does hearing Cheeto Jesus on TV make anyone else feel ill??

Looks like Darth Vader when he pulls his helmet off for the first time and you see that Old melting head and just repulsive,stomach-churning, Doat. for real. Yuck. Seen 8th graders with a better comprehensive Behavior and practical understanding of a subject than the Orange Hitler.
Yeah, it's sickening. I had to watch the CPAC speech just now, because I have to watch the trainwreck. I don't want to post it but I can't look away personally. I need to know what the enemy in chief and his cohorts and supporters are saying. I want to be aware of everything they are up to. There were no surprises of course. He has no range or vocabulary. It's all dumbed down rhetoric. Still bringing up Hillary as the crowd goes into the 'lock her up' chant. Saying the Democrats want to get rid of the 2nd Amendment - total fallacy. Saying they want to take away the big beautiful tax cuts for Americans - what a sham - tax cuts for the rich. Unbelievable. It's such a surreal circus with this orange clown running the show.
There are glimmers of hope. The latest being the Democrat winning in the KY special election. Seeing these deep red states voting Democrat is encouraging.
Yeah, it's sickening. I had to watch the CPAC speech just now, because I have to watch the trainwreck. I don't want to post it but I can't look away personally. I need to know what the enemy in chief and his cohorts and supporters are saying. I want to be aware of everything they are up to. There were no surprises of course. He has no range or vocabulary. It's all dumbed down rhetoric. Still bringing up Hillary as the crowd goes into the 'lock her up' chant. Saying the Democrats want to get rid of the 2nd Amendment - total fallacy. Saying they want to take away the big beautiful tax cuts for Americans - what a sham - tax cuts for the rich. Unbelievable. It's such a surreal circus with this orange clown running the show.
There are glimmers of hope. The latest being the Democrat winning in the KY special election. Seeing these deep red states voting Democrat is encouraging.

republicans have become some dumb motherfuckers since the invent of the tea party...
i can't, i just can't watch this guy talk without wanting to throw up in me mouth, at least just a bit, every time, so i try not to watch as much as possible..
i watched most of the debates and couldn't believe that he had any support.. even past president's that i didn't agree with on a political level, i could sit and at least watch them at a speech or w/e.. they all at least had something to hold one's attention for more than a few sentences, had some sort of charisma if you will, but again, not trump.. he just seems so , i don't know how to put it into words, but he surely lacks in the charisma department, and i'd venture to guess he's no member of mensa and has a real lack of grip on the english language and public speaking as a whole..
people say that they wanted someone who wasn't a politician, someone who wasn't polished and spoke his or her mind, and i guess some of them got what they wanted.. me, i'd take someone like obama who had some real personality and knew how to speak to a crowd, any day, and twice on sunday because jesus or something like that.
The advent of the Tea Party was initially a Libertarian movement which was at least was a step in the right direction in my opinion. And then soon it was co opted and corrupted by Neocons and the far right. The last one I voted for was Ron Paul - I agreed with 90% of his platform. End/audit the Fed (make it accountable and transparent), end the drug war, a non-interventionist foreign policy (defund the military industrial complex), states rights above federal. Although I believe there must be protections and an adequate safety net for all, as well. I believe we need a socialized healthcare system. His son is not the same. He is corrupted by the company he keeps. How he could support anything Donny is doing is beyond me - a traitor to his father.
My scalp starts burning instantly from my hair trying to grow back into my head. I also start blushing. Its an autoimmune response to stupidity. Eventually the hair penetrates the skull and infects the brain resulting in death. Its a long process, 8 years on average. 4 years causes permanent brain damage. After 3 years the damage is irreversible.
Looks like Darth Vader when he pulls his helmet off for the first time and you see that Old melting head and just repulsive,stomach-churning, Doat. for real. Yuck. Seen 8th graders with a better comprehensive Behavior and practical understanding of a subject than the Orange Hitler.

I listen and it's grade-school English. I don't think he's dumbing down either.
Look on the bright side. As long as you have enough hair left on the top to comb over you can still become POTUS.
Donny had his way bought through the educational system, that's the problem. And don't forget Donny was a social liberal in his own words for decades. He lied his ass off campaigning of course. A chump reality show host corrupt as hell for the money. Yes, you can be white trash and a billionaire at the same time. Only in America.
He used a dictator's tactic to get elected. Use racism and fear of outsiders to fuel the hate. Identify an outside enemy who is responsible for all the problems the corrupt people in government themselves have caused. How many times has this happened before? Over and over.
The advent of the Tea Party was initially a Libertarian movement which was at least was a step in the right direction in my opinion. And then soon it was co opted and corrupted by Neocons and the far right. The last one I voted for was Ron Paul - I agreed with 90% of his platform. End/audit the Fed (make it accountable and transparent), end the drug war, a non-interventionist foreign policy (defund the military industrial complex), states rights above federal. Although I believe there must be protections and an adequate safety net for all, as well. I believe we need a socialized healthcare system. His son is not the same. He is corrupted by the company he keeps. How he could support anything Donny is doing is beyond me - a traitor to his father.
Rawn Pawl is racist as fuck. Not just a little racist, not just throwing the word racist around for effect, he is a full blown racist piece of shit and just about all of the most racist people in the US supported him for years.