Help with bugs!


Well-Known Member
OK guys I've been scouring the Internet trying to figure out what kina bugs I have!

They seem to be very tiny whitish multiple legs, when put on a paper plate they look yellowish tho. I've tried taking pictures and you really can't see them! They are almost invisible to the naked eye but if I look close enough there everywhere!

I have top dressed with diatomaceous earth, and bubbling some neem meal right now! Should I order some neem oil??? Wtf are these guys and how can I burn them to hell without killing my girl!!!!

I have only found them in 2 plants that are brand new autos only days old! I'm rlos in 3g smart pots!

Any advise or links would be greatly appreciated, or any advise on maybe preventing this before I even get them.

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Don't say that I already 100% pure neem oil cost me 30 bucks!

You may want to research making your own hot pepper sprays, fairly inexpensive and bugs don't like them, they don't seem to harm plants. I'm a fan of habanero, just don't get it on your hands and forget when you take a leak.
He's being a douche dont worry :)

Thrips are not hard to see,or identify.

You should actually find out what you have before you go throwing shit at them.........without even knowing what they are.

IF it is thrips......spinosad is going to be your friend not neem.Neem is overrated for getting rid of bugs but works well as a IPM product.