Risk of Posting Pics? (non-legal)

You have to delete the photos details. Get exif editor app it's free and scrubs all your photos clean before you post. Be safe out there friends
Don't take pictures of your buds laying on your phone bill with your name and address showing and you will be fine.
Its fine to use a phone. Turn off the location. The site strips meta data from the pic. Someone once said they could find anyone's grow by the pics. I have a good exif program and I tried a bunch if pics here. No data on them.

So what the Risk of posting pics on this site?
maybe I am paranoid but never taken pics of my stuff.
I've been posting for little over four years now here with no problem. (Knocks on wood.) lol.

Its fine. Turn location or gps off on your phone. The site strips the data. If you are worried about it get a exif editor for android and strip the info first if you are that paranoid.

Don't mention your state. I have with no trouble. Dint post a pic with your face or any info like an envelope or something in the background.

You will be fine.
Take a picture on your phone, open it on your pc, screenshot the picture and paste it in to a new image file. You could run the original image through a program which strips the meta data but you won't need to as the new image will not contain any sensitive meta data.
lots of folk legal here an don't give a fuck like me
I get that and fully understand it. I don't give a fuck either and it is illegal here but i'm not doing this for profit and I haven't got a massive operation going so the police are ther least of my worries, I am more concerned about someone kicking my door in and robbing my smoke because it happens a lot and they aren't polite about it :P