Aussie Growers Thread

Hey fellas another Aussie here, going through my first grow.
Just thought i'd introduce myself.

Can anyone recommend the best place to source nutrients and what you would recommend for coco/indoor grow?

Cheers guys!
First grow id look at the coco forum you will get a fair idea as to what works an what doesnt... Nutes theres a mill of em now and everyone will tell ya they found the best one.. Ive used canna for the last 5 or so years with a few tweaks goes alright afew guys use house and garden with good results.. ultimately it comes down to how much ya wanna spend and how far ya want to go... I gotta buy online as i dont have a hydro close to me... keep it moist an let the good times roll...
As a cheap option ive not tried myself yet though lots seem to be having success with Greenleafnutrients "mega crop".

Its in a dry salt form and costs about $150au for 10kg delivered to aus. Makes about 7-10,000L of nutes from what I remember. Check out all the grows on here using it; search " megacrop" and they should pop up.
So theres another aussie on another thread telling me that it' an aussie custom using spin with your weed...i call bullshit the only ppl ive known to spin and I can count them on one hand were either broke or a feral

Correct me if I'm wrong
It's the norm around here
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Hey fellas another Aussie here, going through my first grow.
Just thought i'd introduce myself.

Can anyone recommend the best place to source nutrients and what you would recommend for coco/indoor grow?

Cheers guys!
I've ordered from Sun State Hydro in Q.L.D a few times always turns up well packed and nothing on the box to give you away,also from Packenham Hydro down South but if you have a good shop nearby it's good to support them
Hey fellas another Aussie here, going through my first grow.
Just thought i'd introduce myself.

Can anyone recommend the best place to source nutrients and what you would recommend for coco/indoor grow?

Cheers guys!
well i use a brand called hy gen one part corocopia there is a one part coco nute i use as a base i also use some of the suplaments sutch as the omegazyme with is a cold preesesd seaweed thing then i use tjere humic fulvic im really really stoned lol i think tjats all i use there sizes come in 1 liter 5 liter and so on i bought tje 5 liter one part cornacopia for flower i found i on liter was only enoug for lime amonth for 2 plants the one liter is like 20 dollers the five 57 i m not sure what the suplaments where also with the grow i found with the humic fulvic i dident need to ph tnats with what my tap ph was tho i thing i find these njtes easy to use maybe oz can tell u what u told me to get of house and garden