Greenpoint seeds!!

ellie may was hot hot hot, way better than the brady bunches marsha

They played reruns of that, Andy griffith and gilligans island late Saturday mornings after he-man transformers, GI Joe and voltron cartoons were finished in the 80s It meant get out of your PJ's and go play outside, lol. Omg I'm old !!!!
Gen X represent!!
Andy Griffith comes on a local channel at 7 and 7:30 here every weeknite. The wife wants to watch it but I've seen every episode at least 10x. I can tell you the plot within 30 seconds when an episode comes on
No shit.

I used CC friday night and get an email from payofix, no answer. I called my bank and they acted like they have no idea what I'm talking about so I wait till this morning and call payofix back, they tell me I have to call the bank, so I call the bank again and still they have no idea what I'm talking about.

$68 dollars just gone without a trace via standard mail and now I can't even use my cc. WTF, I'm just trying to give them my money.
Your card has to be cleared through your bank for international transactions. I had to do this with US bank first.
Your card has to be cleared through your bank for international transactions. I had to do this with US bank first.
That's what payofix said but the person working "after hours" at the bank sounded like she had no idea what I was talking about so I have to call tomor when bank is open. Thanks for the heads up.
I got my copper via credit card last week but I was shut out of my account for the month of January. Figured GP was angry I was running TD strains lol (dude could care less probably) might have to run black gold f3 if it doesn't come back though. My cc company is familiar with my overseas tastes thanks to aliexpress so things tend to go smooth.