Horror Seeds is a horrific to deal with. Customer info hacked!

Velvet Elvis

Well-Known Member
Says on IG today he was hacked and robbed and new website is up and running.

Me being a customer who purchased and entered in my info on his site was legitimately concerned about being hacked, and who got my info.

I asked if I should be concerned and he was a total D bag and told me not to order from him anymore. He would not elaborate if my info was grabbed or not or what kind of hack it even was.

All I need to know is.... is my info safe? He told me to quit starting drama, and freaking out his customers?? he posted this on IG? my questions were in DM!

So since he is a total douchebag, I will start some real drama for him.... hurt him in his wallet.

SO he is hacked, and our info was compromised. and then when a concerned customer asks about it he is a dick.
Says on IG today he was hacked and robbed and new website is up and running.

Me being a customer who purchased and entered in my info on his site was legitimately concerned about being hacked, and who got my info.

I asked if I should be concerned and he was a total D bag and told me not to order from him anymore. He would not elaborate if my info was grabbed or not or what kind of hack it even was.

All I need to know is.... is my info safe? He told me to quit starting drama, and freaking out his customers?? he posted this on IG? my questions were in DM!

So since he is a total douchebag, I will start some real drama for him.... hurt him in his wallet.

SO he is hacked, and our info was compromised. and then when a concerned customer asks about it he is a dick.
Lol what a shit head.
Not sure what info you would be worried about not like u gave a social security # I would never use my real name always use a p.o box. He doesn't take CC,s , an I'm sure your a big time grower with lots ta fear. Ive used them an will continue to use them along with many others GLG,GPS, fuck seedsman they sent me wrong beans an had the BALLS to ask me to send them Back...LMFAO
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Seedsman ripped me off BIG TIME! They took my money and three months later they want an additional $100 to send them! If I don't pay the hundred bucks I lose my chance at getting the seeds and I lose all the money I have all ready paid them. This is bad business and these people should be exposed for this type of criminal behavior!
Seedsman ripped me off BIG TIME! They took my money and three months later they want an additional $100 to send them! If I don't pay the hundred bucks I lose my chance at getting the seeds and I lose all the money I have all ready paid them. This is bad business and these people should be exposed for this type of criminal behavior!
ill never use SEEDSMAN agaian. I ordered granpa larry they sent gdp took them forever to respond sent a pic to prove they messed up an they ask if I could send the gdp back before they resent my original order I was like no then they were gonna send it without breeder pack an I'm like I paid for original breeder pack I don't want some random bulljazz beans. that was 3 weeks ago said pacakage was sent but we shall see.
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Not sure what info you would be worried about not like u gave a social security # I would never use my real name always use a p.o box. He doesn't take CC,s , an I'm sure your a big time grower with lots ta fear. Ive used them an will continue to use them along with many others GLG,GPS, fuck seedsman they sent me wrong beans an had the BALLS to ask me to send them Back...LMFAO
how the hell a po box going to help gotta show pic id to rent one
hacked and robbed. I set up an account on his site with my address and name. all i wanted to know is if my info was compromised. he would only say "your info goes to my email, not to site. dont order from me anymore"

he blocked me now.
sucks elvis might want to clean up little bit if needed,lots of shady shit going down on ig
I used them, treated me good. Ill Will USE HorrorSeeds again. They have nothing but top shelf cannabis strains,Like I said not sure what info your giving out that has you worried. But hope you have great results with yo beans. I would not recommend Seedsman.I WOULD RECOMEND THESE COMPINIES Glg Gps, DankTeam, Horrorseeds, ive used these companies an had good results that's only my opinion. Always have SUPERDANK STRAINS!!!
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gotta remember nonlegal to send seeds anywhere in states,if ya getting them sent to grow ya fault, one of these so called breeders gets popped whats first thing they turn over ding ding your addy
Bro I'm allowed to grow process an vend never use my real name its po box under a company name I never get sign mail. An I'm sure your odering a pack or 2 at the most your name is worthless to cops or what ever scenario you imagine bro. they not coming to your house for beans just my take on the issue. But if you fell sketched out or unsure Then don't use them.Unless you've had experience with them its just hear say. Happy Growing As Always Bro.. Wish You Nothing but good vibes an Stress free Growing :weed::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::peace:
Bro I'm allowed to grow process an vend never use my real name its po box under a company name I never get sign mail. An I'm sure your odering a pack or 2 at the most your name is worthless to cops or what ever scenario you imagine bro. they not coming to your house for beans just my take on the issue. But if you fell sketched out or unsure Then don't use them.Unless you've had experience with them its just hear say. Happy Growing As Always Bro.. Wish You Nothing but good vibes an Stress free Growing :weed::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::peace:
If people’s information gets hacked that’s a problem period. No matter how good a Seedbank treats you customers safety is more important then service.
Bro I'm allowed to grow process an vend never use my real name its po box under a company name I never get sign mail. An I'm sure your odering a pack or 2 at the most your name is worthless to cops or what ever scenario you imagine bro. they not coming to your house for beans just my take on the issue. But if you fell sketched out or unsure Then don't use them.Unless you've had experience with them its just hear say. Happy Growing As Always Bro.. Wish You Nothing but good vibes an Stress free Growing :weed::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::peace:
dude ya not legal sending seeds anywhere in usa,ya dreaming but good luck.not bitching bout anyone iam 100%legal I don't order seeds any more
dude ya not legal sending seeds anywhere in usa,ya dreaming but good luck.not bitching bout anyone iam 100%legal I don't order seeds any more
Who the hell is enforcing seeds being sent in the mail? lol

What information got hack? An address and a name? No police force in America is calling up Horror seeds for addresses and what the fuck would a "hacker" do with your name and address?

I think that is what Quest was getting at, nobody gives a shit you bought 3 packs of seeds so how does the "hack" effect you? Now if you gave dude your SS number and credit card # then you got an issue, otherwise who cares and just don't use them again.
With all the snitches these days, ip logging, and shady things going on I have every right to be concerned about my name and address being known.

Business owner put it out there he was hacked. And then criticizes his in customers for being concerned.

If he would have just apologized it explained it further I probably wouldn't be pissed.

If it's no big deal how come it's an encrypted order page to begin with. You guys are missing the point.

I like my down low to be really dooooown looow.