Yeah, I try to be nice to angry white kids.Do you ever chill the fuck out, dickweed?
Well hopefully I didn't make too many little gringos angry. They seem to like to massacre people with their assault rifles when they're upset.I see you are on a mission. You are only hurting yourself. Everyone else finds you amusing or annoying. What the fuck did you accomplish here on the internets?
There are more white snap recipients than other races, honkey. Also, taxes do not fund federal spending. Furthermore, I have already logged over 100 hours underwater this year doing very difficult work as a tech diver, building an artificial reef as part of efforts to cultivate coral that can save the earth from global warming. Oh and also, I'm a combat vet. Who are you calling "bitch boy"?Whites pay for your foreigner-loving food stamp and welfare budgets, keep hating cuz you too lazy to get off your ass and work for shit bitch boy.
Whites pay for your foreigner-loving food stamp and welfare budgets, keep hating cuz you too lazy to get off your ass and work for shit bitch boy.
“While only 13% of the population in the USA is black:
93% of all black murder victims are murdered by another black
85% of all violent interracial crimes are committed by blacks
80% of all shootings are committed by blacks
79% of all robberies are committed by blacks
59% of all murders are committed by blacks
52% of all violent juvenile crimes are committed by blacks
49% of all murder victims are black
45% of all drug offenses are committed by blacks
42% of all cop killers are black
8% of America’s population are black men, yet they account for 40% of American’s total prison population.
99% of all major riots involving property damage, looting and civil disobedience are committed by blacks
Blacks commit 25 X more violent assaults against whites, than whites against blacks.
33% of all crime in America is committed by 3% of the population…blacks between the ages of 16 and 36
40% of all blacks are on welfare (US Census)
59% of blacks graduate high school (only 20% in Detroit)
60% of black households have no fathers present.
72% of black mothers are unwed, 72%…is it any wonder young black men don’t know how to act?
3 out of 4 black children have never had a stable, working, father…a man who is home every night, and helps with home work…no wonder black culture is so broken.
Dept. of Justice, FBI and USA Census website. Google "FBI table 49a" for crime stats by race. Other Fun Facts: The results of 50 years of democrat social engineering.....”
FBI stats lol...“While only 13% of the population in the USA is black:
93% of all black murder victims are murdered by another black
85% of all violent interracial crimes are committed by blacks
80% of all shootings are committed by blacks
79% of all robberies are committed by blacks
59% of all murders are committed by blacks
52% of all violent juvenile crimes are committed by blacks
49% of all murder victims are black
45% of all drug offenses are committed by blacks
42% of all cop killers are black
8% of America’s population are black men, yet they account for 40% of American’s total prison population.
99% of all major riots involving property damage, looting and civil disobedience are committed by blacks
Blacks commit 25 X more violent assaults against whites, than whites against blacks.
33% of all crime in America is committed by 3% of the population…blacks between the ages of 16 and 36
40% of all blacks are on welfare (US Census)
59% of blacks graduate high school (only 20% in Detroit)
60% of black households have no fathers present.
72% of black mothers are unwed, 72%…is it any wonder young black men don’t know how to act?
3 out of 4 black children have never had a stable, working, father…a man who is home every night, and helps with home work…no wonder black culture is so broken.
Dept. of Justice, FBI and USA Census website. Google "FBI table 49a" for crime stats by race. Other Fun Facts: The results of 50 years of democrat social engineering.....”
He's just crossing the street to get a sandwich with extra mayo. Can't shoot up a school on an empty stomach.