Another white guy gun massacre.

Yeah, I figured you were just playing the same old delay game. The problem that you have is gun ownership in this country is declining to the point where gun owners are a minority of only 35%. You still have the grace of non gun owners who are standing for your kind's demand of practically unlimited fire power but the numbers are against you.

As a non-gun owner, there is nothing I can do to reduce gun violence but gun owners can. If you and your kind don't take action to find ways to reduce gun deaths to at least the level in Canada, I assure you that when the super majority says enough, you won't like the measures we take. It's up to you.

Yet here you are, niggling over some stupid detail regarding an underfunded and ineffective research at the DOJ. You will lose eventually and I won't have sympathy for you.

So, you are okay with the remaining gun owners, Police and others who have "permission" , using guns or threatening the use of guns to ensure that gun violence is ended ?

Actually, about 65% of all US households don't have a gun. In 1970, it was less than 50% without a gun. At this time, the majority opinion favors keeping gun ownership laws the same but those numbers are slipping too. It's just a matter of time before a super majority forces lawmakers to begin to restrict gun ownership.

This is the 18th school shooting this year. The times, the sentiment and the facts are all against maintaining status quo on this topic much longer. There will be more restrictive gun laws in the future. Today's gun manufacturers and their lobby as well as their customers who buy these high power, high rate of fire weapons have themselves to blame.

I've given up on the idea that gun owners will come together and act to reduce deaths due to gun violence.

Speaking of schools, violence and gun control.... won't government need to use guns to ensure that government schools are still funded via extortion?
Yes, because passing laws prohibiting something work everytime ....remember when they passed marijuana prohibition laws and all the marijuana miraculously disappeared?
Remember when a white guy was trained by a white supremacist militia and bought an assault rifle at age 18 so that he could murder 17 people for no apparent reason at all?

You're right though, child consent laws don't seem to deter you, according to some of your arguments, so why should laws protect society from angry whites?
Remember when a white guy was trained by a white supremacist militia and bought an assault rifle at age 18 so that he could murder 17 people for no apparent reason at all?

You're right though, child consent laws don't seem to deter you, according to some of your arguments, so why should laws protect society from angry whites?

That is a non sequitur to my post. Remember when you could actually make a pertinent cogent argument Abandon Logic?
I'm one of them.

So, how would you propose "mandatory secure storage" be administered?

Police come to your house (with guns) and enter with or without your permission to ensure you are exercising your freedom according to the edict they are using guns to enforce?
So, you are okay with the remaining gun owners, Police and others who have "permission" , using guns or threatening the use of guns to ensure that gun violence is ended ?

No, I didn't state surrendering all guns, but Americans don't need fully automated, military weapons. There should also be licensing, back ground checks, mental health considerations, etc. We require drivers to be licensed and yet hand out guns to anyone.
So, how would you propose "mandatory secure storage" be administered?

Police come to your house (with guns) and enter with or without your permission to ensure you are exercising your freedom according to the edict they are using guns to enforce?
I think anything can be worked out. Something as simple as trigger locks, gun safes, something that makes the gun owner responsible. I have locks and a case. NO reason to fear monger here.

If your gun goes missing, gets used, your held accountable. Not so much right now.
Remember when a white guy was trained by a white supremacist militia and bought an assault rifle at age 18 so that he could murder 17 people for no apparent reason at all?

You're right though, child consent laws don't seem to deter you, according to some of your arguments, so why should laws protect society from angry whites?
There still needs to be laws. Certain guns do not need to be available for ownership. I'm tired of whole sale slaughter of children in school or families in church. Many are tired of "praying" afterwards. Doesn't seem to help.