No, we absolutely do not. I made my argument very plain, do not distort it. Your belief that all human rights extend from a natural self ownership is but an extension of your belief that property itself is the ONLY natural and inalienable right. That is absolutely flawed. Our rights extend from being human. I do not OWN myself, I AM myself.
And yet in your fantasy world, it is only the people who own the means to produce food that would have the right to live because only they would have the right to eat and to consume sustenance. "Anarchocapitalism" is the worst form of make believe tyranny. It is the very notion of all encompassing property rights being the most holy of sacraments that make it that way.
Just because you don't understand the tenets of your own dystopian fantasy doesn't mean we're only having a semantic difference. You clearly don't believe in human rights, you believe in property rights.
You say I don't understand the tenets of my philosophy, yet you're the one claiming that a system of hierarchy can be abolished, by establishing a system of hierarchy and oxymoronically calling it Anarcho Communism. I believe human interactions should begin on a mutual and consensual basis, is that what you believe or not ?
As far as self ownership goes, I believe each person has the right of self determination of themselves, but not of others unless the other has consented . No matter if we disagree what that is called or not, the principle of self determination remains. Which part of peaceable self ownership (or whatever you'd like to call it) do you disagree with ?
As far as property goes, I believe physical property exists and people who use natural resources to create something, shelter, food, material items etc. have a right to consume, trade, hold and determine the use of the property they've created as long as the use does not deprive another person from using, creating or determining the use of their own property.
That begs the question, what IS property and who can own it?
As far as what property is or isn't, that is an interesting topic which you have steadfastly refused to engage in. You might even find that I am not a proponent of some of the beliefs you seem to have assigned to me.
Pretty much the rest of the pedo, racist, bullshit is an absurd, sometimes sophomorically entertaining distraction but it comes in handy for people who are unwilling to examine things or buttress their beliefs with sound and consistent arguments.
I think you're an intelligent guy, probably have a shitty beard, but are afraid to answer some questions and would prefer to malign me rather than stay on topic when conversation ventures into areas you may be uncomfortable in or that potentially contradict your doctrine of beliefs. Did I mention you aren't very good at addressing questions?