Greenpoint Seeds (Uncut)

Yes it happened to me also. She outgrew the light and was towards the back, didn’t see until way too late. All up the entire plant. I haven’t found any seeds yet but haven’t gone through the hh buds yet as it was at least two weeks before it would have been ready.
Yes it happened to me also. She outgrew the light and was towards the back, didn’t see until way too late. All up the entire plant. I haven’t found any seeds yet but haven’t gone through the hh buds yet as it was at least two weeks before it would have been ready.
wonder if that' why it was discontinued so wasn't around long.
If you look at how many lumens per watt ,cobs and quantum boards put out its like 60 percent more efficient than 650 watts of cobs is about the same as 1000 watt of HPS.i replaced 2000 watts of HPS with 1500 watts of cobs and they are putting my HPS to weights will tell all.

Gotta ask H.

How big (tall) are your finished plants?
I feel like a true breeder should have the ability to sift through 1000s and test their own seeds or close friends whose garden u have access to, tbh that's the only way they are really gonna know how good/consistent the seeds will be.
Of course that's not feasible for most especially running thru 1000s, sending out 'testers' is better than no one 'testing' them at least... not many people are really what I think are 'breeders' though, just pollen chuckers that make f1 crosses mostly, that's fine as there's good chuckers with fire genetics but just not at the stage breeding will be at, using lab testing, working lines a lot more, sifting through many, many plants. f1s are great and keep more diversity so no issue with that, just too much hype pollen chucking and releasing/selling every seed made rather than using them for a another project refining the line for better yield/structure or even resin quality...

Finding that "one" pheno is the work.......Time and space, time and space.....
I have, like most of you, gotten many seeds from many different breeders. Some were $25 and some that were $500. Very very few had stabilityin the packs I got. This goes for f1's , bx's, ibls, land races, female seeds or whatever is out there.
If you like to pheno hunt, more power to you.
But that mentality, that breeders use, is moronic to me.
Plant counts nowadays just doesn't warrant that. Going through many packs of seeds to hope to find a keeper, is a horrible breeding technique!!!
I think growers are led to believe that there might be the holy grail in there! That just so irresponsible!
I take what I get from these so called breeders and improve on them everytime.
What I would want as a seed purchaser is to find aat least one keeper per pack.
So the seeds I have sent out to others, always come back with results that they have found more than one amazing pheno in what I have sent them.
That's breeding, not someone who went through a thousand seeds and still send out packs that are lacking keepers!


Finding the pheno you want, for the reasons you want. Is part of the down line goal.

You can have many, pheno's and that "holy grail" pheno can be damn hard to find.
There is a strain out there that's 1:200 to find the right "advertised" results. You want to chuck out 4-5 big Ben's, per pack of 6,, for those odd's? Even in S1 results of "that pheno." Your going to get phenotypical expressions of that pheno... Better (much!) chances of getting that "one" but, still a hunt....

Example: Road kill skunk. You take the S1's and can still get the varying scent expressions of the parents. Burnt rubber, Skunk spray, Ammonia types (like cat piss), etc.
An S1 is a genetic copy of the mother plant but, pheno expression is still a factor.

Pop 12 F1's and how many pheno's can you get? How many are good? How many more will pop up from doing more beans?

Personally, vigorous growth vs. weak and slow growing pheno's. IS really important! What will come out of down line work with these? How will the new line express these traits down line, and how will they shift environmentally down that line. FOR these unwanted traits to come out? Weak traits, are not good for the genetic pool.

My 2 cents on that.

Happy hunting.....

Finding the pheno you want, for the reasons you want. Is part of the down line goal.

You can have many, pheno's and that "holy grail" pheno can be damn hard to find.
There is a strain out there that's 1:200 to find the right "advertised" results. You want to chuck out 4-5 big Ben's, per pack of 6,, for those odd's? Even in S1 results of "that pheno." Your going to get phenotypical expressions of that pheno... Better (much!) chances of getting that "one" but, still a hunt....

Example: Road kill skunk. You take the S1's and can still get the varying scent expressions of the parents. Burnt rubber, Skunk spray, Ammonia types (like cat piss), etc.
An S1 is a genetic copy of the mother plant but, pheno expression is still a factor.

Pop 12 F1's and how many pheno's can you get? How many are good? How many more will pop up from doing more beans?

Personally, vigorous growth vs. weak and slow growing pheno's. IS really important! What will come out of down line work with these? How will the new line express these traits down line, and how will they shift environmentally down that line. FOR these unwanted traits to come out? Weak traits, are not good for the genetic pool.

My 2 cents on that.

Happy hunting.....
I agree.some people think weak ass slow growth janky plants are worth keeping.
No different than fruit.healthy big growing plants always produce the sweetest and tastiest tomatoes.
I agree.some people think weak ass slow growth janky plants are worth keeping.
No different than fruit.healthy big growing plants always produce the sweetest and tastiest tomatoes.

That is simply not always the case. There are some very slow growing and mutant strains that produce incredible smoke!
Many times the slow growing runt of the litter has other unique qualities that make them worthy candidates in a breeding program.

I have found a correlation between extremely vigorous plants and heaviest yielding pheno's are generally lower in potency than their slower growing sisters. This may just be my luck, but I've grown a few over the years and have found this to be the case.
These slow janky plants do not work for you and the parameters you've established for your breeding program. I understand, I'm not into slow inbred strains either.
There are many folks though, that consider Ogkb, Sour Bubble, and other slow strains to be excellent breeding material. To Each Their Own.
That is simply not always the case. There are some very slow growing and mutant strains that produce incredible smoke!
Many times the slow growing runt of the litter has other unique qualities that make them worthy candidates in a breeding program.

I have found a correlation between extremely vigorous plants and heaviest yielding pheno's are generally lower in potency than their slower growing sisters. This may just be my luck, but I've grown a few over the years and have found this to be the case.
These slow janky plants do not work for you and the parameters you've established for your breeding program. I understand, I'm not into slow inbred strains either.
There are many folks though, that consider Ogkb, Sour Bubble, and other slow strains to be excellent breeding material. To Each Their Own.
I'll keep small plants if they are healthy and have good structure. Given the large numbers of closet & tent grows, wouldn't shorter plants be more desirable?
Yeah I think the bigger question is it worth it.if those slow growers were the only good strains on earth it might be different but there are alot of great genetics that grow fast and are dank as fawk.
Some people like rare and exotic shit.a plant that takes 2 months to veg to get 2 feet tall takes all the fun out for me.i wouldn' care how great it is.
I think more often than not better looking plants produce nicer shit.Not always the case but if grew out 20 females and was only allowed to pick 2 I doubt anyone would pick two scraggly runt girls out of the lot over the others.
If I had unlimited space and grew in dirt it wouldn' bother in recirculating dwc.i can't have runts in there it fucks up the whole system and light spacing.
Also the last dozen or so seed grows i did in a row from same genetics all the runts and fucked up looking plants stayed that way.there was absolutely nothing special about the dwarfs in the end.i have one now.gunslinger number 4.ugly as all get out,no side branching,just a slow grower.nothing special about it but I still keep the mother clone cut untill the end.
I have, like most of you, gotten many seeds from many different breeders. Some were $25 and some that were $500. Very very few had stabilityin the packs I got. This goes for f1's , bx's, ibls, land races, female seeds or whatever is out there.
If you like to pheno hunt, more power to you.
But that mentality, that breeders use, is moronic to me.
Plant counts nowadays just doesn't warrant that. Going through many packs of seeds to hope to find a keeper, is a horrible breeding technique!!!
I think growers are led to believe that there might be the holy grail in there! That just so irresponsible!
I take what I get from these so called breeders and improve on them everytime.
What I would want as a seed purchaser is to find aat least one keeper per pack.
So the seeds I have sent out to others, always come back with results that they have found more than one amazing pheno in what I have sent them.
That's breeding, not someone who went through a thousand seeds and still send out packs that are lacking keepers!

you are hoping to get a keeper per pack and want consistently good/strong phenotypes from a small sample of seeds, to do this you need a large plant count/ or went through many already/ been gifted a nice male/female to breed with, the better the parents the better chances of not finding shit phenos.
If I were to always pick a male from a ten pack and breed with said males id get so much crappy phenos to hunt through because I started out with ten (after awhile I could get a great male though maybe in the first pack if ya super lucky) some one gotta do the selection be it the breeder or you...
Unless you want to do the breeding for the breeder and sift through many packs of avrg plants then fine, but I want the breeder to do that work for me, when I buy seeds I want as many consistent results/good plants as possible so I can find more keepers that produce first quality resin, then the total yield of that resin the plant produces.
If the breeder did not sift through a large number of plants to find a new male, that is fine as the genetic potential is still there but you will be the one doing the pheno hunting/refining throwing out of avrg plants (resin wise)
A lot of the time its fine as many breeders don't use every male they find and wait till they find one great male and use this to dust all your good females.
but if you want to do some real breeding projects like finding many new males to perfect a single line for even more consistent plants which is what more breeders should be doing then it gets a lot more difficult, doing actual breeding trying to achieve a goal working a line, takes so much extra space and time, for a non-guaranteed result, either way for good results someone needs to have sifted through many plants at least somewhere down the line........
The one or two males breeders use I bet they have came across many other males from that variety, depending on how good that male is/how many males he has rejected/how lucky the breeder was, will determine how much shit you gotta go through. Peace
The cookie wreck and raspberry kush looks awesome.
I had to snag a pack of the raspberry kush last wkend with the 40% off deal for only $70 out the door. @greencropper has grown her out and made a lovely cross with her and a c99 which is post worhty

I was able to get the bodega bubblebum friday night for $51 out the door.
That's why I snagged the rasp kush last week while it was available. I also found it at hemp depot in canada for $99 plus 7 for shipping so the $70 for GPS was a done deal.

If you're still looking for the rasp kush check out hemp depot.
Maybe. I didn't realize about the rewards at greenpoint and checked out as a guest. I made an account and asked if they could give me credit for the order. Haven't answered yet. If they don't no biggie.

I may look at hemp depot. I need some other seeds as well.