Random Jabber Jibber thread



I went back looking myself .....I was guna say ...I thought it was a large group of people....which it is.

But I wouldn't know what Bob looked like anyway. I couldn't pick him or is wife out of that many people.

Good night everyone
Actually, it was Gandhi who didn't like women. However since you mention Bob, I wouldn't call his wife a woman, she looks all of about 14 years old. So Trump-esque that he married a foreign hooker half his age who needed a passport.

I thought you were going to vent about @UncleBuck and how you hate when he calls out racists.
they must think the people of toke and talk are too stupid to discern their obvious lies and gaslighting from the demonstrable facts and truth.

they are using trump-techniques. LIE LIE LIE and hope enough people cheer for you.

the people fo toke and talk are smarter than that. they can see zmuda falsified your quote, they can see GWN literally tried to silence me and not the other way around.

they are destroying their credibility with every post.

LOL. So drunk. And wrong. Literally. Your lack of credibility is the problem you're having.

I like how super religious you became.
It is amusing to have Mr. Big Lie accuse me of debating dishonestly.
You've demonstrated you don't even know what that whole thing about the "big lie" even was. Then there's your dishonesty. Please keep venting about Buck though, it's entertaining at this point. It's much more entertaining than the way you fucks all piled on @Venus55 and roasted her beyond the point that she could defend herself from 5 comments per minute.
You've demonstrated you don't even know what that whole thing about the "big lie" even was. Then there's your dishonesty. Please keep venting about Buck though, it's entertaining at this point. It's much more entertaining than the way you fucks all piled on @Venus55 and roasted her beyond the point that she could defend herself from 5 comments per minute.
No it was Buck who demonstrated his ignorance about The Big Lie. Singlemalt corrected him and he continued yaddering on after thanking Malt for the correction he misconstrued as support.

Why do you keep calling Venus in here? Do you need her to defend you?
No it was Buck who demonstrated his ignorance about The Big Lie. Singlemalt corrected him and he continued yaddering on after thanking Malt for the correction.

Why do you keep calling Venus in here? Do you need her to defend you?
Yeah, I'd like her to have the satisfaction of seeing your gang of trolls get a taste of their own piss.

Keep venting about @UncleBuck though. Be sure to deploy the reductio ad hitlerum.
I feel that word should be off limits. I do find it funny for a SJW to pick which words or memes are offensive and which ones are ok.

I have a reason to not like that word. My son has down syndrome. Who's looking out for him? Who's fighting for them? I will leave this website before I get into that argument with anyone about that.

But I am just saying that I do find it very hypocritical for @UncleBuck so be such a sjw and forget about my son and people with disabilities. Then use that word as a way of putting someone down. Whenever I said "nig" to anyone it was as a form of showing friendship. Where I'm from we call each other that, But I'm from the hood. And I have black family members. All of them consider me their "nigga" and I love it.
Fuck, dude. I forgot about that. I’ll try not to use it again. I just used to get called it a lot in elementary and middle school because of the HFA. So, it’s ingrained in my vocabulary.