The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

Trump Touted The Economy As The Stock Market Plunged
Many networks switched from a live feed of President Trump's speech in Cincinnati about tax cuts and the economy to coverage of the plummeting U.S. stock market.
It looks like Trump is too stupid to talk to Mueller, or so those around him think. An honest man would have talked to Comey a long time ago and would be moving the whole russia investigation forward, instead we have lies, obstruction, threats and bullshit. Perhaps they will delay this interview for months or Mueller might cut to the chase and subpoena him before a grand jury. In the meantime the heat is gonna be cranked up on Trump and those around him, they might force him to pardon, or throw some minor figures like Hope Hicks and a few others under the bus. Mueller will hold off on charging family members because Trump will Pardon them, but he will if he has to. Whoever tries to stop him from putting the works of these clowns in the slammer, will surely regret it. If the FBI believes there is Russian money or treason in the GOP, they won't rest until they find out everything. Motivation won't be a problem, restraint might be though.
It looks like Trump is too stupid to talk to Mueller, or so those around him think. An honest man would have talked to Comey a long time ago and would be moving the whole russia investigation forward, instead we have lies, obstruction, threats and bullshit. Perhaps they will delay this interview for months or Mueller might cut to the chase and subpoena him before a grand jury. In the meantime the heat is gonna be cranked up on Trump and those around him, they might force him to pardon, or throw some minor figures like Hope Hicks and a few others under the bus. Mueller will hold off on charging family members because Trump will Pardon them, but he will if he has to. Whoever tries to stop him from putting the works of these clowns in the slammer, will surely regret it. If the FBI believes there is Russian money or treason in the GOP, they won't rest until they find out everything. Motivation won't be a problem, restraint might be though.

Well, there is another possibility.

He might not interview trump at all.

Really, he doesn't need it. The evidence he has is very strong. While it would be nice to have trump lying on video, it isn't necessary and his supporters wouldn't believe it anyway.

What muehler needs the most is time, and to keep rosenstein in place. In addition to controlling the scope of the investigation, and approving any indictments, rosenstein also has the power to seal or release any final report. Under the SC rules, rosenstein has to approve any release of information.

If whoever is in that chair says no, we will NEVER find out what is in it, no matter how damming it is.

So this is kind of like the death star rounding the planet to shoot at the moon. It doesn't matter how powerful the gun is if it never gets to fire.
As part of the discussion about Donald Trump's lack of fitness for the presidency, some have argued that his linguistic capacities have worsened, suggesting significant cognitive decline.

In interviews in the 1980s and 1990s, Mr. Trump speaks in complete sentences, using mature vocabulary and expressions. There aren’t the endless digressions that make his current mode of expression a kind of vocal fantasia. America has certainly never experienced a commander in chief who expressed himself in this fashion. In public, at least.

The difference between the younger man talking in sentences and the older one talking in vocal ejaculations is evidence not of decline but authenticity – he has settled into his normal. Late in life an artless man has learned that he could leave his linguistic fly unzipped and life would go on. It may not be pretty, but it isn't a sign that his pants are going to fall down.

It's a sign that he's comfortable performing the role of POTUS with his pants down. The vast majority of Americans dont approve
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It says a lot that Trump can't stand a half hour of being under oath and telling the truth. Everybody knows (except him) that he's in way over his head, time to publicly call him stupid and gutless. I figure if ya can use his own ego against him and goad him into it, he's as good as in the bag. Nobody would bet on Donald to tell the truth and not perjure himself, have a look at the odds the professional bookies are offering...
Well, there is another possibility.

He might not interview trump at all.

Really, he doesn't need it. The evidence he has is very strong. While it would be nice to have trump lying on video, it isn't necessary and his supporters wouldn't believe it anyway.

What muehler needs the most is time, and to keep rosenstein in place. In addition to controlling the scope of the investigation, and approving any indictments, rosenstein also has the power to seal or release any final report. Under the SC rules, rosenstein has to approve any release of information.

If whoever is in that chair says no, we will NEVER find out what is in it, no matter how damming it is.

So this is kind of like the death star rounding the planet to shoot at the moon. It doesn't matter how powerful the gun is if it never gets to fire.

I agree, he has overwhelming evidence and it might just be a ploy to keep Trump occupied and distracted, a way of taking the heat off Rosenstein until they are ready to spring a report on congress and then it would leak to the public. They are gonna dangle something shiny in front of him to get his attention and they got lots, including those who are gonna sing for Mueller. There are lots of leaks, trials, news releases and great investigative journalism to come, none of it will be good for Trump or the GOP.

I see heat is finally focusing where it belongs on Paul Ryan, Trump's chief enabler and defender. He is getting quite a bit of attention and criticism lately, he's holding nunes's chain and is responsible for his actions. I dunno if he's gonna run again, if he does, he might have a problem in november and so will lot's of other republicans. The stink is getting stronger and will stick to the GOP for a long time, all the people with brains and honor left the party, we see them on TV shitting on Trump and the GOP. The GOP has filled itself with racist, losers and fools, the military, security and law enforcement communities are falling away as have the intellectuals, it's increasingly run by grifters. The kinds of candidates and policies the republican base will throw up in the next election cycle primaries will finish them as a national party. Every GOP primary candidate will be a certified fucking loonie within a couple of election cycles, the base will spiral down!

The independents are gonna write the fuckers off in most places after this fiasco. I figure Paul and Mitch might have a "Come to Jesus moment" before summer, no fucking way they want to go into the election with this shit flying around. Who knows, maybe the rats will make history and go down with the ship, but I'll bet a few will jump.

Like I said before, the next elected GOP president will probably be a black person of indeterminate gender, they'll be living on fucking mars by then!
whashington post has a new article out tonight claiming cheeto jesus wants a military parade.

this stupid motherfucker is trying to make us look 3rd world. next thing you know he will want a military uniform to wear.
whashington post has a new article out tonight claiming cheeto jesus wants a military parade.

this stupid motherfucker is trying to make us look 3rd world. next thing you know he will want a military uniform to wear.
Yep, Trump would look like Hermann Goering all decked out in a custom uniform, he could even wear the purple heart that vet gave him. Perhaps Putin will give him a medal for services rendered to the russian federation and he can wear that too.

Can they gold plate Kevlar helmets?
I dunno if he's gonna run again,

Chris hayes postulated last night that he would run, but resign shortly after the new term starts. He has to, after asking his members to put their elections at risk by voting for unpopular provisions.

He has a pretty colorful opponent. The "iron stash". So maybe he won't make it; but he will try.
whashington post has a new article out tonight claiming cheeto jesus wants a military parade.

this stupid motherfucker is trying to make us look 3rd world. next thing you know he will want a military uniform to wear.
Does the CiC get a military uniform? I've seen generals elected as President wear their dress uniform at times but I don't think I've ever seen a President go "Full Col. Ghadaffi" before.
Chris hayes postulated last night that he would run, but resign shortly after the new term starts. He has to, after asking his members to put their elections at risk by voting for unpopular provisions.

He has a pretty colorful opponent. The "iron stash". So maybe he won't make it; but he will try.
yeah, ironstache is a HORRIBLE politician. have you seen him attempt an interview? it's cringeworthy.

love the guy, hope he wins and all, but the guy just can't talk at all.
yeah, ironstache is a HORRIBLE politician. have you seen him attempt an interview? it's cringeworthy.

love the guy, hope he wins and all, but the guy just can't talk at all.
By the time Trump is done dragging Paul and the GOP through shit, ya could run yer dog against him and win. Lot's more bad news for Paul, I don't figure the Koch brothers got enough money to buy him an election either.
Are Texas Republicans turning away from Trump?
Following a year of U.S. President Donald Trump's politics, there are once again rumblings of a Democratic comeback in Texas. The majority of Texans are still Republicans, but a year of Trump’s politics have some long-time Republicans turning away from the party, and sometimes, even embracing their former opponents.
Are Texas Republicans turning away from Trump?
Following a year of U.S. President Donald Trump's politics, there are once again rumblings of a Democratic comeback in Texas. The majority of Texans are still Republicans, but a year of Trump’s politics have some long-time Republicans turning away from the party, and sometimes, even embracing their former opponents.

i doubt that shit. bunch of gun slinging, bible toting, homophobic retards once you leave Dallas, El Paso, San Antonio, Houston and Austin.

Texas has the largest rural population of any state. it is getting closer however
i doubt that shit. bunch of gun slinging, bible toting, homophobic retards once you leave Dallas, El Paso, San Antonio, Houston and Austin.

Texas has the largest rural population of any state. it is getting closer however

TX is complicated. It has a large eligible hispanic voting block, but they haven't been showing up at the poll's. They also have large minority communities in the urban centers, and austin has a large pool of libertarian/progressives.

If they ever get to the point where entropy moves all of those groups in the same direction at the same time, it would get very exciting.

But entropy being what it is, everyone moves in random directions and no momentum is gained.

Maybe this is the year. Who knows. The one thing the resistance has on it's side is motivation. People want to vote, and vote now, damit.

In six months, well, we will see.