victims of feminism support thread

LOL. She was born in america.
Bullshit. There is nothing coming out of you that is believable. Even when you talk about the politics subforum as if you weren't posting more than UncleBuck in the last week here.
That's extremely racist of you. I knew you were a BIGOT.

No it isn't. You brought up her ethnicity and said she was a hooker. I just extrapolated the most likely scenario. You're an old ass trust fund softy who bought a wife from a country full of desperate women. I see guys like you all the time, it's disgusting. Most of my family lives in Mexico and that shit happens there too, disgusting ass American pigs just looking for young girls who need a passport.
Post your grow.

I'm not going to post anything recent because I'm in an authoritarian country and you're clearly a desperate piece of shit. This is from years before you ever posted here.

I don't even have a sweater. I would never go to a place that isn't in the tropics. You probably don't even have a passport. All this time you've been bragging about a "hot wife" as if that's the yardstick by which you measure your worth and you're married to a whore from the Philippines. It's like the only thing I see over there, a bunch of fat ass Trump supporting American dipshits with Pinay women half their age looking for a US visa. I'll be laughing at you while I take a bunch of tourists in their 20s out diving.

My wife is hot, and we make a decent living...but if I were as well off as he claims to be, I certainly wouldn't be spending every waking moment of my life on a pot forum.
My wife is hot, and we make a decent living...but if I were as well off as he claims to be, I certainly wouldn't be spending every waking moment of my life on a pot forum.
I dont think you'd be so hopelessly unaware of how other adults would instictively slot your dull banter and struggleville sensibilities into a harmeless disposable category
@pabloesqobar 42 seconds before makingthis post...

That is one super clean meth pipe!