Symbiotic Genetics

Man what the hell is up with Seeds of horror? My brother ordered mimosa the other day and they had him wire the money to be picked up in Cali, then emailed him to switch it to Oregon and now today they are telling him to have it picked up in Nevada? lmao
Didn’t have that issue but I did send it to Cali
I seen you cats ordered with no issues so I told him it's probably cool and then this happened. Just weird. I told my brother I'd just get the money back but I'm not sure if he is gonna give a couple more days, it's been like 4 or 5 so far.
Well seeds of horror seed bank supposedly just shipped out my brothers package, just busy it seems. Not sure what was the deal with the money transfers stuff though.
after my $200 in the trash can with sym. PP 2.0 I had a few paks of mimosa, 7 outta 9 sexed out as quick as Ive seen,
but everything is male :? and the other are starting, and hate to say it but they seem to be male if i had to bet on it.
any other mimosa growers out the have a hi/all male seedlings?
after my $200 in the trash can with sym. PP 2.0 I had a few paks of mimosa, 7 outta 9 sexed out as quick as Ive seen,
but everything is male :? and the other are starting, and hate to say it but they seem to be male if i had to bet on it.
any other mimosa growers out the have a hi/all male seedlings?

How long did the PP stall at cots?
One bad dealing with that dude was enough for me...
dudes got a bad tude alright, got the shits with me big time when i quizzed him why $45 international postage? plenty other banks anyway to worry about horror...wont last long ill bet!
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How long did the PP stall at cots?
until i shit canned em, there were no tru leaves so nothing else to grow out.
there were a few that had the tiniest serrated leaves nestled in the cots,
after a week+ they wouldn't push out, they didn't grow in sized, just stalled.
I have 1 PP that has pushed out it's leaves, the 1st serrated single blade leafs had some mutant things going on with the next set showing a tri-polyploid expression.
and after what? 2+wks now it's still in the seedling stage a few 2-3" tall and it seems to have stalled too, looks like a Bonsai cannabis plant :razz:
i'll try and get a pic of it later
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Lol I popped 4 PP2.0 and all of them are healthy vigorous fat leaves, similar structures etc... Don't know the sexes yet but I am pleased with the 4 PP2.0. The 4 banana punch I popped I'm indifferent towards. Lots of variation, which is cool I guess, got a real slow grower like half the size as the others with sativa'ish leaves one that's similar to the PP2.0 structure and 2 others that are kind of growing like an og. It's all good just hope they are not all males.
Lol I popped 4 PP2.0 and all of them are healthy vigorous fat leaves, similar structures etc... Don't know the sexes yet but I am pleased with the 4 PP2.0. The 4 banana punch I popped I'm indifferent towards. Lots of variation, which is cool I guess, got a real slow grower like half the size as the others with sativa'ish leaves one that's similar to the PP2.0 structure and 2 others that are kind of growing like an og. It's all good just hope they are not all males.

I picked mine up from the early jan drop, seems like it was the 1st week. sold out fairly quick and was restocked again in the latter 1/2 of jan
when did you order yours Cam?

here's what my best one looks like, the mimosa's behind it were started about 10days ahead of the PP
BTW best one = the only one

PICT0002 (2).JPG
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I think I got mine a little before New Years. Yeah it happens not all seeds make it. I know the feeling hard to justify killing it after dropping the cash.
How's everyone liking the mimosa? Mine grew like a indica but definitely has a heady feel to it. It was lacking the punch I thought it would have but it tastes and smells amazing.
So 1 member has actual pictures of stalled plants and 1 member doesn't have pics but real nice plants... I'll take dude with pictures word for it.
How's everyone liking the mimosa? Mine grew like a indica but definitely has a heady feel to it. It was lacking the punch I thought it would have but it tastes and smells amazing.
How long did you run her?

I took the ones I found to 70+ days,could have came down by day 60..

The high has been good,daytime for sure...