
He hey, I'm close to harvest and unsure how to dry my bud, I live at home and parents are against weed altogether, I was wondering if I should use the shoebox method (putting newspaper at the bottom and having layers going up) but I cannot do this inside due to the smell ect, I don't have a barn or anywhere like that and was thinking about putting the lid on the shoebox and going to the local Forrest and leave under a tree and every day or so rotate the buds?
That's a bit of a pickle you found yourself in. The most important thing to remember is the relative humidity of the air that is coming in contact with your drying buds. If the air is also moist then you aren't going to get much drying of your buds. Anyway you could sneak the plant mater up into the attic? It wouldn't make that much smell up there and would dry well. You really only need about 20 to 30 days of drying time depending on the humidity. After your buds are semi dry you can finish curing them in jars so you won't have an issue at that point.
He hey, I'm close to harvest and unsure how to dry my bud, I live at home and parents are against weed altogether, I was wondering if I should use the shoebox method (putting newspaper at the bottom and having layers going up) but I cannot do this inside due to the smell ect, I don't have a barn or anywhere like that and was thinking about putting the lid on the shoebox and going to the local Forrest and leave under a tree and every day or so rotate the buds?
Stop growing at your parents house. Wait until you get a place of your own all your doing is putting your parents and the property at risk. Come on man your 23 living with your parents.
Lol. Also drying for 20 or 30 days seems a tad long from my experience.i k ow slower is better but unless your room is at 75% rh it'll only take a week or 2
That's a bit of a pickle you found yourself in. The most important thing to remember is the relative humidity of the air that is coming in contact with your drying buds. If the air is also moist then you aren't going to get much drying of your buds. Anyway you could sneak the plant mater up into the attic? It wouldn't make that much smell up there and would dry well. You really only need about 20 to 30 days of drying time depending on the humidity. After your buds are semi dry you can finish curing them in jars so you won't have an issue at that point.
Don't have an attic haha, any other options?
woah woah woah if confused. You've got pot plants, but your parents can't smell em? Are you even growing in the house? If they can't smell it now, they aren't going to smell it drying. If there not growing in the house, why can't you dry it there? So confused.
woah woah woah if confused. You've got pot plants, but your parents can't smell em? Are you even growing in the house? If they can't smell it now, they aren't going to smell it drying. If there not growing in the house, why can't you dry it there? So confused.
Bet he hast grown anything. Even if he did he’s making poor choices and putting his parents at risk for his actions whether he’s 17 or 90.
I agree with the others, not a great idea and could get you in dutch with your folks, and if it's not legal in your state you are putting them in legal jeopardy.
And if your plants don't smell strong now, then they will come drying time and odds are they're going to notice something. Burning incense might help, but if you haven't been doing so before then that will trigger flags if they're the suspicious types ;?)
Depending on the quantity (hopefully not a lot), then you might get away with using a food dehydrator which you can find at Wally World for $40-$50. I could think of a few ways to set it up to hide the smell, but probably involve spending some money, unless you're handy and can cobble something together.
One idea would need the following: a large garbage bag, the lawn or construction kind; a small rack made of a stack of trays with slats/holes for air flow; small inline fan or air cleaner or anything to get some air movement (maybe even a large computer fan or a couple of small ones); a small carbon filter like the air cleaner deodorizer replacement filters also at Wally World; duct tape.
Prepare the bag by cutting a hole in the bottom the size of the filter and tape it in place, sealed well so there's no leaks. Put your weed on the racks, place inside the garbage bag which is laying on its side. Tape the opening of the bag around the inline fan (computer fans might require fitting them into a "holder", could be anything like a small plastic tub or even a shoe box, then tape the bag to that). Lots of variations on a theme, but basically need to control air movement and deodorize the exhaust, easy peasy, lol.
You can hang them three days in a controled environment. Shoot for 70 degrees and around 60% humidity. From then you can put them in jars and burp them as nec. Untill dry/cured. The jars will hold the smell too. Part of any good plan young man is a finish. This was the question you should have asked yourself when you started out on the hap hazard journey. "What am I going to do if I pull this off?" Should have gone through your head when you planted that seed. Congratulations...you made here. Now give me your address so I can come get your equipment before someone gets hurt.
I agree with the others, not a great idea and could get you in dutch with your folks, and if it's not legal in your state you are putting them in legal jeopardy.
And if your plants don't smell strong now, then they will come drying time and odds are they're going to notice something. Burning incense might help, but if you haven't been doing so before then that will trigger flags if they're the suspicious types ;?)
Depending on the quantity (hopefully not a lot), then you might get away with using a food dehydrator which you can find at Wally World for $40-$50. I could think of a few ways to set it up to hide the smell, but probably involve spending some money, unless you're handy and can cobble something together.
One idea would need the following: a large garbage bag, the lawn or construction kind; a small rack made of a stack of trays with slats/holes for air flow; small inline fan or air cleaner or anything to get some air movement (maybe even a large computer fan or a couple of small ones); a small carbon filter like the air cleaner deodorizer replacement filters also at Wally World; duct tape.
Prepare the bag by cutting a hole in the bottom the size of the filter and tape it in place, sealed well so there's no leaks. Put your weed on the racks, place inside the garbage bag which is laying on its side. Tape the opening of the bag around the inline fan (computer fans might require fitting them into a "holder", could be anything like a small plastic tub or even a shoe box, then tape the bag to that). Lots of variations on a theme, but basically need to control air movement and deodorize the exhaust, easy peasy, lol.
Only growing one plant, I'm not really looking to invest in money and building as it could raise attention
You can hang them three days in a controled environment. Shoot for 70 degrees and around 60% humidity. From then you can put them in jars and burp them as nec. Untill dry/cured. The jars will hold the smell too. Part of any good plan young man is a finish. This was the question you should have asked yourself when you started out on the hap hazard journey. "What am I going to do if I pull this off?" Should have gone through your head when you planted that seed. Congratulations...you made here. Now give me your address so I can come get your equipment before someone gets hurt.
Not looking to hang them, any other ideas?
I'm growing one plant and outdoors in a forrest
So go to home depot and build yourself a box. Insulate it. Then call the electric company and an hvac company and have them come install ac. Then you can hang and dry in 70 degree room with 60% humidity. Otherwise you may as well just give it all to someone who has space and won't get their parents a felony... Because all you're going to do when you try to half ass the most important step of a grow is ruin it. You're going to end up with at best some half ass grass tasting larf bud and at worst a seriously hazardous moldy lump.
Only growing one plant, I'm not really looking to invest in money and building as it could raise attention
If your not willing to spend any money. So your simply stating your broke as hell. Your growing in a forest so if it’s state or federal land your ass is in deeper shit is DNR or game warden or some other state official. You may want to finish school, get a job and a place of your own save some money and do it right. Before you really screw up and end up with mold. Telling your friends dude look at how frosty it is (actually mildew or mold) then all of y’alls ridiculous asses end up sick as shit. This is the best advice I can give you man.
If your not willing to spend any money. So your simply stating your broke as hell. Your growing in a forest so if it’s state or federal land your ass is in deeper shit is DNR or game warden or some other state official. You may want to finish school, get a job and a place of your own save some money and do it right. Before you really screw up and end up with mold. Telling your friends dude look at how frosty it is (actually mildew or mold) then all of y’alls ridiculous asses end up sick as shit. This is the best advice I can give you man.
I had kind of assumed he or she was in the southern hemisphere since they are harvesting middle of winter.