How does it feel you will never get a girl as hot as me

Just google dick sundae..

To OPs ? It feels fine cuz ur not hot, ur arrogance seeps through and ruins any physical beauty you could have had, besides im well beyond satisfied w my ladies looks, im so turned on by her i only ever think of her when i jack one off. So im good thanks. But i got one real serious question for you:

How much butt would a woodchuck fuck, if a woodchuck could butt fuck?
Well the truth is no relationship can last the long run solely based on looks, any relationship based on looks will fail over time eventually .

old people are generally ugly, well at least in my opinion, but there are many old couples doing well and they love each other.

im 38 basically half dead i.e that is im middle age ,single, no kids , I dont want a relationship or kids, each to there own
Shite, I wish I could pop my cherry at that age....
It's like a whole new world of discovery.
one day when you grow up real old.. you can be just like me , in the mean time just stick to the coloring in, just try keep with in the line every now and again. ;)