Blumats in Tupur


Well-Known Member
setting this up to show my blumat setup as ive been getting a lot of interest in it lately. these are great, but there are a few simple rules to follow. as long as you stick to them they are AMAZING.

this room is still being set up. this design is temporary to get me through veg and then the manifold will be expanded upon to fill the room for all the flowering sites. I have run into lockout issues because the pots had dried out a few times in between waterings causing issues. I hope to never have to hand water again, except for my weekly flush with kelp and beneficials.

the veg side will get finished tomorrow and I may add in some of the flower lines if I have enough line(I don't think I do)

carrots get installed into the system in the morning. they have been soaking overnight and they are ready to rock. there will be some fuckery and shenanigans in this room as well. testing some new vertical/horizontal crazy stuff under one or two of the lights.

should be done with at least the veg side by tomorrow afternoon. feel free to ask any questions or post up any blumat pictures. all are welcome.

my vpd is just a little off in the room right now but its still decent. I think I'm at 81 degrees and 61rh. when I add the next light and more plants I'm not sure where it will land but who knows. I have to order a monster humidifier tomorrow.

the white pvc pipe coming out the top is for the return line overflow back to the res. this will have an extension down to the main res with a pump that will come on a few times a day to make sure the blue one stays at full pressure. the overflow will waterfall back down and keep things mixed.
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got them all installed just now. i flushed really heavy yesterday because they had dried out a few times causing lockout. i think i caught it early enough but it still seems to be progressing a bit. hit them with a foliar of cal-mag and light base nutes. hoping they will perk up soon and get back on track. fingers crossed.

since they were so heavily watered yesterday they were at about the right moisture content today when i installed the blumats. they were tuned to a clinging drop plus two arrows. we will see how this goes. its been a while since i set these up.

let the games begin
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Can you just handwater the affected plants with a ph calmag water and mabey light nutrients?

I havent grown in medium in a few years though
yeah you can hand water with this system. when it gets more moist that you set the carrots at they will close off until they reach the preset moisture level. very flexible system and it works great since you cant run organics through the lines i just hand water them weekly or whenever i feel like it

i am afraid to water again because they look a little overwatered already from the flush and i dont wanna make things worse so ive been trying to catch them up with the foliar intil they start drinking again.
Some of the new growth looks better up top and there are fuzzy white roots on top of the Coco. The flush really fucked me since it was an underfeeding problem to begin with. They are ugly but things seem to be on the up and up. Only time will tell.

I decided to add a little bit of calmag to the RO water first and then add my base nutrients on top at normal strength and I'm still getting them with the foliar daily
SLOWLY pulling out of this deficiency. still running the jacks and calnit at 1.2ec total but im adding in 150ppm of calmag on top of that for a total of 750 ppm/1.5ec.

still hitting them with the sprays every day. its a mix of kelp, calmag and sm90 with a splash of base nutes.

TONS of new healthy root growth. been giving them soil balance pro thats been cultured for a few days with some kelp mix and molasses once a week. if root health is any indicator of whether or not they are recovering than i think they will be back on track in a week or so. ive got big plans for these ladies so i need them to be in peak health.
at this rate i am gonna need to fire up the next veg light pretty damn soon!
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roots for days. pulling out of this calmag deficiency slowly but surely. at this point its mostly mad deficiency.
started adding a bit of Epsom to my mix and the foliar. id say within 10 days i'll be back on track.
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got everything sorted out and now they are recovering nicely. bad coco with a ton of salts in it caused lockout and then it presented itself with deficiencies so i answered with heavier feeds. got worse and worse until i flushed the hell out of them and gave them a restart and moved them from 1 gal to 3 gal pots in a new clean brand of coco. the roots are coming back to life, the plants are getting green and healthy all around. still a little light and deficient but night and day difference. flowering on the first if they keep this up. now i have to build my scrog frames and mount them to the light framework and hang the trellis netting.
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got everything sorted out and now they are recovering nicely. bad coco with a ton of salts in it caused lockout and then it presented itself with deficiencies so i answered with heavier feeds. got worse and worse until i flushed the hell out of them and gave them a restart and moved them from 1 gal to 3 gal pots in a new clean brand of coco. the roots are coming back to life, the plants are getting green and healthy all around. still a little light and deficient but night and day difference. flowering on the first if they keep this up. now i have to build my scrog frames and mount them to the light framework and hang the trellis netting.
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Things like this and watching a friend mainline baby plants reminds me how incredibly resilient these plants can be.

Nice work in finding the cause and recovering! :)
Things like this and watching a friend mainline baby plants reminds me how incredibly resilient these plants can be.

Nice work in finding the cause and recovering! :)
i can take little to no credit. if it were up to me they would probably not be where they are at now. a friend on here has been helping me through my issues systematically and it has save the grow and my ass haha
gonna give these a couple more days still. they are showing a mag deficiency again. gonna raise the ph a bit to get it closer to the uptake range for cal/mag.
i was running 5.8 ish but im having uptake issues. i know there is plenty of cal/mag in there so im thinking its just out of range for the uptake of it. in the mean time i am spraying with epsom/cal EDTA to keep them going
gonna give these a couple more days still. they are showing a mag deficiency again. gonna raise the ph a bit to get it closer to the uptake range for cal/mag.
i was running 5.8 ish but im having uptake issues. i know there is plenty of cal/mag in there so im thinking its just out of range for the uptake of it. in the mean time i am spraying with epsom/cal EDTA to keep them going
Are you doing Cal mag and cal nitrate? You really just need the cal nitrate and Epsom
Are you doing Cal mag and cal nitrate? You really just need the cal nitrate and Epsom
no i stopped the calmag because i didnt wanna throw off my N balance. if i wanna spray or add cal or mag i do so with cal EDTA powder and epsom.
right now i am doing a 1:1 ratio with jacks and calnit at 600 ppm and then adding a half gram of epsom per gallon.
with a little help from my friend things are going great now! new brand of coco perlite is clean(mother earth) getting healthy FAST growth again. i am excited to be in there again. i was super bummed out for a while and thought i was gonna have to scrap this grow and start fresh. blumats, coco/perlite and LED kicking some ass!
day 3 of flower today! getting pumped up :)
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