There is an actual fallacy called reductio ad hitlerum which is now taught in colleges and universities in a course called Philosophy 100. My textbook for that course was called "A Concise Introduction to Logic" and I received every bit of credit available during that course, including perfect grades on extra credit assignments. I kept the book and though I do not travel with it, I consider it to be one of my most valuable possessions.
If I ridicule someone's deployment of this fallacy, that is not "going full retard". This is very similar to the way that rebuking racists is not "exactly what Hitler did". I'm sure you can see the common sense in this simple argument I am making. Besides, my comment to
@cannabineer was a question, which he answered, at which point I ceased to direct any ire toward him. I then focused squarely on the fallacy. I assure you, it is a fallacy.