victims of feminism support thread


Well-Known Member
Again, you're using a false equivalence to try prove a point.

"I came for a battle of wits, but found I was standing completely alone"
you said i was using nazi techniques.

i am calling out GWN as a racist.

please tell me more about how nazis rebuked racists please.

thank you.


Ursus marijanus
thank you.

too many people think that 'the big lie' was what hitler and goebbels perpetrated on the german people. it was actually what they told the german people that the jews were doing. they said jews caused WW1 and were trying to undo the german people, it led them to justify their genocide of the jews to themselves eventually.

take note, @cannabineer
They accused the Jews of the technique that they used.

In the German school that I attended, it was drilled into us how the Big Lie was used. It was the teachers' intent that our generation of young Germans never repeat that bit of history. I suggest you reread Mein Kampf to see Hitler plainly state that the Big Lie originated with and was advanced by the Nazis.

The jewishvirtualllibrary link above has a segment of translated text to that effect.


Well-Known Member
you said i was using nazi techniques.

i am calling out GWN as a racist.

please tell me more about how nazis rebuked racists please.

thank you.
You're just jacking yourself off at this point, it's pretty sad to watch.

The NAZI's were just socialists who told THE BIG LIE, exactly like SJWs, ergo all you leftists who oppose racism are NAZIs.
Dude don't go full retard, you're one of the more sensible people here.


Ursus marijanus
hitler: the jews are telling big lies, don't believe them. now let's go be racist

you: buck (a jew) is telling a big lie about gwn, don't believe him. now let's go coddle the racist
Exactly to the first. Hitler used the Big Lie specifically to sell his racist policy to the public.

No on the second. You are a Jew telling a Big Lie about GWN and accusing him of racism. You haven't proven that he is a racist. You're repeating your talking points ad nauseam without backing. That is Big Lie technique, and your obfuscatory tactics don't conceal that.


Well-Known Member
Dude don't go full retard, you're one of the more sensible people here.
There is an actual fallacy called reductio ad hitlerum which is now taught in colleges and universities in a course called Philosophy 100. My textbook for that course was called "A Concise Introduction to Logic" and I received every bit of credit available during that course, including perfect grades on extra credit assignments. I kept the book and though I do not travel with it, I consider it to be one of my most valuable possessions.

If I ridicule someone's deployment of this fallacy, that is not "going full retard". This is very similar to the way that rebuking racists is not "exactly what Hitler did". I'm sure you can see the common sense in this simple argument I am making. Besides, my comment to @cannabineer was a question, which he answered, at which point I ceased to direct any ire toward him. I then focused squarely on the fallacy. I assure you, it is a fallacy.


Well-Known Member
There is an actual fallacy called reductio ad hitlerum which is now taught in colleges and universities in a course called Philosophy 100. My textbook for that course was called "A Concise Introduction to Logic" and I received every bit of credit available during that course, including perfect grades on extra credit assignments. I kept the book and though I do not travel with it, I consider it to be one of my most valuable possessions.

If I ridicule someone's deployment of this fallacy, that is not "going full retard". This is very similar to the way that rebuking racists is not "exactly what Hitler did". I'm sure you can see the common sense in this simple argument I am making. Besides, my comment to @cannabineer was a question, which he answered, at which point I ceased to direct any ire toward him. I then focused squarely on the fallacy. I assure you, it is a fallacy.
If you studied logic and possibly some psychology then surely you realize that his constant attempt to label everyone and anything a racist merely desensitizes people to actual racism, right?

Its called reductio ad crywolfium.


Well-Known Member
You're just jacking yourself off at this point, it's pretty sad to watch.
should be easy for you to explain how then, but you don't.

i've been explaining the exact parallels behind cannabineer's failed attempt at calling me a nazi.

i'll even explain it again.

hitler defended his racist regime by accusing the jews of telling 'the big lie'.

cannabineer is defending his racist buddy by accusing me, a jew, of telling 'the big lie' about his racist buddy GWN.

do i need to draw you a picture?


Well-Known Member
You are a Jew telling a Big Lie about GWN and accusing him of racism. You haven't proven that he is a racist.
you can plug your ears and hold your breath and stamp your feet all you want, years of birtherism and racist fried chicken and basketball memes would get anyone fired from their job though.


Well-Known Member
If you studied logic and possibly some psychology then surely you realize that his constant attempt to label everyone and anything a racist merely desensitizes people to actual racism, right?

Its called reductio ad crywolfium.
seriously, tell me how this is not racist then.

Screenshot 2018-01-31 at 8.51.18 PM.png


Well-Known Member
If you studied logic and possibly some psychology then surely you realize that his constant attempt to label everyone and anything a racist merely desensitizes people to actual racism, right?

Its called reductio ad crywolfium.
Despite that so many people like to insist that UB is the de facto leader of all things SJW and that anyone who has ever agreed with him is in fact part of a group of folks who band together for the task of washing his testicles, I assure you, I'm not arguing (in this thread or at any point as of yet today) in support of UB or to attack you or neer.

Are you claiming that there are no racists posting in this forum everyday?


Well-Known Member
Despite that so many people like to insist that UB is the de facto leader of all things SJW and that anyone who has ever agreed with him is in fact part of a group of folks who band together for the task of washing his testicles, I assure you, I'm not arguing (in this thread or at any point as of yet today) in support of UB or to attack you or neer.

Are you claiming that there are no racists posting in this forum everyday?
I never said that, but the illogical spray and pray tactics do absolutely nothing to prevent that.


Well-Known Member
With all of that said, 2009 was almost a decade ago and people do learn. If I did not think that people could grow out of bigoted tendencies, I would not debunk old fallacies.


Well-Known Member
don't you guys just love the MLK sig as he is questioning the legitimacy of our first black president?

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It amazes me that you haven't realized that people say shit like that online on purpose just to enrage people like you.

I don't know any of these people personally, I don't know if they're actually racist or not, and neither do you despite your constant whining otherwise.