My , being called a country bumpkin hurts

yes i looked it up cause i havent even heard the word in forever

Sorry to pop but come the fuck on being half asian im allowed to say chink lol and i got the round eye for a chink lol
Fa, rah rah rah rahhh
Rah Rah rah rahhhhhh
i'm a purebred hillbilly, and smoking a pole aint got nuthin to do with guns round here.........
I am half hill billy lol
Somehow dad got the yellow fever after veitnam

Lol imagine what they thought in kentucky when my dad brought home an asian girl lol

This is how hill billy my white side.is lol

My great great great i think. Grandpa is the doctor with the handbag.

He was general lees messenger and surgen (i think)

He was also the doctor to the hatfeilds and the McCoy's

My family burial grounds (on dads side) are right in the same area as hatfeilds and McCoy's land lol
that is one unhappy looking group of people, the only one with a smile in the whole crowd is the old lady right in the front center, who is probably either senile, drunk, or both.
I hope your not taking about the "Alaskan Bush People" ....they are far from Alaskans and represent nothing in Alaska. If not then what's the different kind of hill billy.

The kind that builds houses out of pallets :)

Or blocks public streets off with engine blocks lol

Im all well for reclaiming anything that is useful

But i have seen some scary hill billy shit growing up in the mat su valley lol

Im in the valley where are you located?
God the alaskan bush people

Aww nothing like them lol

Ive seen some pretty gross shit in bethal and

Its funny the dry towns are the ones with high lysol poisonings lol jk but then again not really :)
The kind that builds houses out of pallets :)

Or blocks public streets off with engine blocks lol

I've seen stuff like this everywhere but I guess I see your point.

Im in the valley where are you located?

I'm on POW island.....ever heard of it?

ve seen some pretty gross shit in bethal and

Its funny the dry towns are the ones with high lysol poisonings lol jk but then again not really :)

I haven't traveled Alaska much, only been to Anchorage, Juneau, Ketchikan, and here on the island.

I've never been to any dry communities but I hear the horror stories lol, all of the places I've been to here except anchorage have been pretty decent. The small towns here on pow are really nice.
Of course prince of wahles (spelling)

I have never been ther though i guess Juneau and Ketchikan would be about the closest
Of course prince of wahles (spelling)

I have never been ther though i guess Juneau and Ketchikan would be about the closest

It's just Wales no "h", lol I used to try and fit one somewhere in there too.

Prince of Wales is a place like no other, the biggest community has like 1000 people and the island has a pop of a little over 5000 spread over 13 or so communities. Mostly older couples that helped build the place back when the coast was lined with canneries and the logging industry was booming, or loggers and fisherman trying to make a living in today's struggling ghost economy.

There used to be bigger towns in places on this island that are now abandoned due to logging decline.

There's also three native villages on the island, all of them are not dry, most of the natives here are hard working great people and don't need the "dry" laws. There's a lot of low life people and trash meth and heroin addicts running around lately though, really sucks but it's happening everywhere not just here.