What did you accomplish today?

Went out to run errands and do some shopping and my car wouldn't start. I left two ounces in the center console for a buddy a few days ago, and the moron must have left the overhead light on so the battery is dead. Fuck me. I needed to renew my AAA gold card, anyway, so I'll have them come out later tonight to give me a jump. Can't anything ever be easy?

FYI - this is really handy and takes up little room. I've jumped 2 cars off 1 charge, and 2 Harleys that hadn't ran in a year off another. Works great, and charges your phone too. Can be had much cheaper if you know how harbor freight sales work and watch for right time. I paid $60.
God knows I'm not. I know next to nothing about politics.
Let me try to explain.
You were born alone, and you will die alone.
But some people will pretend that you are locked into some contract whereby you have to choose one of them to make sure you are safe from others and yourself.
They say and do anything to perpetuate this belief as this is where their income comes from. We call them politicians.