Think you will find
Think you will find indicas and hybrids grow pretty well hear sometimes even better than sativas.
The reason sativas are generally Australias main line of genntics has to do more with back in the days when Australia hardly grew any cannabis (1940s "yes people smoked weed in the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s)and imported it (eg. shipped it over in boats from places like bali, Asia, south America, Jamaica, africa). Most of these strains were sativa, meaning most of the growing material growers could get there hands on and grow were sativas.
Why you find some special Australians (old, old growers) growing long lost line of pannanma red, morroco, clombian gold (excuse my spelling) or some other crazy land race or sativa mix. And have been for last 50 or 60 years.
I grew some 100% indica afghan and some Pakistan plants out doors last season an they pumped along nicely