I was planning on super cropping them. I also plan on taking clones of each.
It seems you are doing your research ,
How many grows you have under your belt?
Just keep it super simple at first ok.
You will do just fine.
Go research Lucas formula and stick with that .
For cloning get a heat mat humidity dome, rapid rooters and a stand to put them in, get a thermostat , fill the bottom of the tray with water pH at 6 put the thermostat probe in the water set at 75 degrees, they sale a stand that is orbgaish in color your rapid rooters sit above the water this way and can not get to wet. The water provides humidity in the dome. This is what keeps your cutting alive while it roots, use a spray bottle to spray the plugs with when they start turning light brown. In most strains less then five days they will have roots.
Do not move the cuttings directly into low humidity. It is recommended you pre veg them for a few days then you can move them into veg .
Of course transplanting them into whatever growing media you are using when taken out of the cloner.
Keep your best clones and any with defficencies throw away. Anything not in perfect health kill it.
Keep the very best clones for bew mothers.