victims of feminism support thread

The comments came in response to the supposed female's lying drama in T&T and Stonable. The posts are still there if you're interested in the backstory.

PS the pics were stolen from a model called India Bordón. I question whether or not the sock puppeteer is actually a female.
so you follow her about and heckle?

Are you trying to protect the universe or something?
Apparently not he's actually relatively good at Photoshop.

He doesn't, that is India Bordón whose pictures he stole and photoshopped. This is just another player in the long line of deep sock issues we've had in TnT.
He is a SHE lol, and there is but ONE photo of India there pumpkin;).

I know you’d like to tell yourself it is not I.... but the truth

Ps. You would have to be the most immature 60-something year old I’ve ever come across:wall:
The comments came in response to the supposed female's lying drama in T&T and Stonable. The posts are still there if you're interested in the backstory.

PS the pics were stolen from a model called India Bordón. I question whether or not the sock puppeteer is actually a female.
LOL.... You are a liar and a self confessed narcissistic sociopath. Who also enjoys stalking younger women on the net.

Tell us again about the women who’ve hurt you. And in the true words of buck, let the healing begin.
I was actually slapped by a woman for holding the door for her.

It was back in 1990. I was still living in Charleston, SC at the time. I was headed into Citadel Mall and as I pulled the door open I glanced behind me (as I always do) to see if someone was coming.

Typically, if it's a man I just push the door open further so he can catch it on the rebound. If it's a woman, I hold the door.

It was a 30ish woman, a few years older than me at the time, a few steps behind me.

She came to a complete halt, slapped my face, and said, "I'm perfectly capable of opening a door myself. I did not ask for nor do I need your charity."

I went on inside. She stood there and waited until the door was completely closed, then opened it herself to come in.

I've never forgotten that.
That’s absolutely ridiculous. Not saying “they’re” not out there. There are extremists in every form I guess.
I really don’t care, this is a weed forum people get stoned and drunk and post crap, making comments about a woman’s breast shape is nauseating shit, the greater evil
That's great. This sock is actually a dude and has admitted to photoshopping pics that are not of her.

Also spamming TNT with pics of "not her" breasts.

So.... Maybe you should know the facts before white knighting. Cute though.

You ALMOST finally got some pussy bro!:lol:

Oh no! Not now!

pshhhh. Get back to funneling my cum down your throat. You're much better at that.
Tell us about how your “wife” doesn’t pay your poor excuse for a “penis” enough attention at home? Tell us how your “wife” has made you a victim of feminism, resulting in you becoming a sexual predator on the net?
We’re here for you bro:roll:
Tell us about how your “wife” doesn’t pay your poor excuse for a “penis” enough attention at home? Tell us how your “wife” has made you a victim of feminism, resulting in you becoming a sexual predator on the net?
We’re here for you bro:roll:

Every time I think you can't get any dumber, you post again.

Ask around. My wife's hot.

And not a dude. Like you.

Every time I think you can't get any dumber, you post again.

Ask around. My wife's hot.

And not a dude. Like you.
Ahhh, yeah...ok. Lol. I didn’t question if he/she was hot or not. Won’t bring me enrichment to “ask around” LOL.

Please just tell us how feminism in the household has hurt you and turned you into the online sexual predator that you are?